Part-Time/Online Format
Flexibility for Working Professionals
While part-time/online students have four years to complete the degree requirements, students typically earn the degree in two-three years by taking, on average, one-three courses per term. Some students may complete the degree in as little time as one year utilizing full-time student status. Part-time students have incredible flexibility in designing and planning their curriculum with many choices of courses as well as modalities of instruction (online or onsite in 8-week terms or intensive institute courses).
Our part-time/online MPH Program can be taken completely online or also include onsite courses.
- The Online Only option is for students who wish to take all of their courses online and not travel to Baltimore.
- The Online Plus option* (minimum onsite requirement of 4 credits) is for students who wish to take some face-to-face onsite courses.
*For international students:
- F-1 I-20 applications are possible for taking four or more credits of instruction during the summer or winter institute in Baltimore;
- F-1 I-20 applications require four or more credits of instruction in two consecutive weeks for each visit;
- F-1 I-20s cannot be issued for instruction during an 8-week term. However, a part-time student may transfer to the full-time program to complete their remaining requirements onsite as a full-time student
Extensive Online Options Available
Students may complete their MPH program fully online, fully onsite or via a combination of online and onsite courses. Online courses with pre-recorded lectures, discussion boards, and live chats allow part-time students to arrange their study around their personal schedules. Intensive onsite institute courses also provide opportunities for onsite networking and interactions.
Matriculation into the program occurs at 3 different time periods across the year: January (online Orientation), June (online or onsite Orientation in Baltimore), November (onsite Orientation in Barcelona). Please review the MPH student manual for the online/part-time format for further details (you can email the MPH Program Office for a copy of the program manual).

Exceptional Education
With 200+ offerings to choose from, online courses are taught by award-winning faculty and follow the highest standards of instructional design. The online courses and intensive institute courses show the breadth and depth of options.
Engaging Experience
Students interact virtually with classmates and instructors in a variety of ways, from discussion forums to live chats. To experience it first-hand, complete the non-credit course Introduction to Online Learning—free of charge. It is a prerequisite for taking any of our online courses.
Student Demographics
Average Age
Typical MPH Cohort
U.S. Citizens
International Students
Designing Your Degree
The core coursework comprises roughly half of the curriculum and is the same for both the full-time and online/part-time format.
For electives, all students have the freedom to customize their elective coursework based on personal interests and professional goals. With over 200+ online courses to choose from, there are endless possibilities for how to plan your education. A faculty advisor helps you determine elective courses that match your desired knowledge base and skill sets.
The ability to personalize half the curriculum is a defining feature of the Bloomberg School’s MPH degree program.
Part-time/online students can study a specific area of interest by customizing their curriculum, choosing a concentration, and/or earning a Certificate.
Start Now as a Non-Degree Seeking Student
Eager to dive in? Begin your education as a non-degree seeking student prior to admission by enrolling in online, on-campus and/or institute courses. You can also pursue a certificate. Up to 16 credits may be applied toward the MPH degree, assuming that the courses were completed within 5 years of matriculation. To learn how to enroll as a non-degree seeking student, please visit the Office of Student Accounts and Business Services.