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Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology Training Program


The overall objective of the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Training Program is to produce cardiovascular disease epidemiologists with rigorous methodologic training and a multidisciplinary orientation with the skills to carry out high-quality cardiovascular health research. Our goal is to develop trainees who will serve as teachers and role models for the next generation of cardiovascular disease epidemiologists. 

Trainees will receive a strong foundation in cardiovascular disease epidemiology, which will equip them to utilize new approaches in their research as the knowledge base in the field evolves. In addition, the program stresses the importance of new ideas, creative thinking, and interdisciplinary collaboration. 

Core elements of the training program:

  • Complete didactic coursework in epidemiology, including specific coursework in cardiovascular disease epidemiology. For more information, please see: Student Handbook(link is external) (please note: student handbook is only internally accessible)
  • Participate in weekly cardiovascular epidemiology journal club, Welch Center Grand Rounds, and research-in-progress meetings
  • Perform analysis of an existing cardiovascular disease epidemiology data set (normally started during the first year of training, to be submitted for publication in the second year)
  • Conduct a thesis research project, normally beginning in the second or third year of training (for doctoral students involves original data collection)

The duration of the training varies in order to meet the needs of the individual trainees

  • Pre-doctoral students: PhD training in epidemiology including course work and original data collection leading to a publishable thesis (4-5 years)
  • Post-doctoral students: Masters of Health Science in epidemiology including a year of course work followed by a publishable research project (2-years)
  • Research post-doctoral fellows: Mentored research and tailored didactic training (typically 2 years)

 Areas of special emphasis:

  • Genetic and molecular epidemiology

  • Diabetes

  • Obesity

  • Kidney disease

  • Environmental epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases

  • Minority health

  • Health equity

  • Non-traditional measurements of cardiovascular disease endpoints and exposures

  • Methodologic issues

  • Women’s health

  • Translational epidemiology (application to medical practice and prevention)

  • Links between epidemiology and public policy