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Master of Applied Science (MAS) in Population Health Management


A Fully Online Degree Program

The topics and concepts of the curriculum educate students in how to understand and lead population health management systems. Our MAS in Population Health Management program is one of the first five programs certified by the Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education(link is external).

CAHME Certified Logo for Population Health Management

Students will complete 50 credits to graduate. The program is designed to be completed in two academic years (Sept-May). In addition to the coursework, students must complete an Integrative Activity, where newly acquired knowledge and skills are used to create an applicable activity (e.g., a service-learning project that showcases the collective impact on an aspect of public health) – with a final paper that describes the methodology used and the final assessment.

MAS Student Handbook

The Master of Applied Science (MAS) Programs Student Handbook provides essential information, policies, and procedures about MAS and Certificate programs


Program Competencies

Core competencies and learning objectives central to the program include:

  1. Leadership in Population Health Management:
    1. Develop the ability to lead and navigate complex population health initiatives, demonstrating effective decision-making, strategic planning, and organizational management skills.
    2. Cultivate leadership competencies to inspire and mobilize interdisciplinary teams toward achieving population health goals.
  2. Communication Strategies in Population Health:
    1. Enhance communication skills to convey complex population health concepts and strategies to diverse stakeholders, including community members, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and other relevant parties.
  3. Data Analysis and Synthesis for Population Health:
    1. Acquire advanced analytical skills to assess and interpret population health data, employing quantitative and qualitative methodologies to derive actionable insights.
    2. Integrate data from various sources to inform evidence-based decision-making and design targeted interventions to address population health challenges.
  4. Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health:
    1. Explore the social determinants of health and disparities that impact population health outcomes and develop strategies to address health inequities within diverse communities.
    2. Analyze the intersectionality of numerous factors, such as race, socioeconomic status, and geography, in shaping health disparities and implement policies that promote health equity.
  5. Collaborative Leadership and Interdisciplinary Teamwork:
    1. Foster collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, community organizations, and policymakers, to create synergies and optimize resources for effective population health management.
    2. Demonstrate the ability to work in interdisciplinary teams, fostering a collaborative culture that values diverse perspectives and expertise.
  6. Policy Development and Advocacy:
    1. Gain expertise in policy development and advocacy strategies to influence public health policies, regulations, and initiatives that positively impact population health at the local, regional, and national levels.
  7. Implementation Science in Population Health Management:
    1. Apply principles of implementation science to effectively translate evidence-based population health interventions into practice, ensuring successful implementation and sustainable outcomes.
  8. Evaluation and Continuous Improvement in Population Health Programs:
    1. Develop skills in designing and conducting evaluations of population health programs, using performance metrics and feedback to continuously improve program effectiveness and efficiency.


Curriculum Structure

Interested in a certificate option instead of the full master’s degree program? Learn about our Certificate in Population Health Management (25 credits). Masters students will earn the certificate in conjunction with their degree.

The curriculum structure for the population health management graduate program consists of the following:

Academic YearAcademic TermCurriculum

Year 1 Curriculum

(25 credits)

0Introduction to Online Learning (0 credits, required)
 1Academic and Research Ethics (0 credits, required)
Essentials of Population Health Management (3 credits)
Principles and Applications of Advanced Payment Models in Population Health Management (3 credits)
 2Collective Impact: Developing and Leading Community Partnerships to Improve Population Health (3 credits)
Applications in Accountable Care: Assessing Quality and Effectiveness of Population Health Initiatives (3 credits)
 3Introduction to Epidemiology (4 credits)
Population and Consumer Health Informatics (3 credits)
 4Statistical Concepts in Public Health 1 (3 credits)
Managing Health Across the Continuum: Contemporary Models and Applications of Care Coordination and Management (3 credits)

Year 2 Curriculum

(25 credits)

1Applied Concepts and Foundations of High Performance for Population Health (3 credits)
Health Behavior: Improving Health Through Health Education/Promotion (3 credits)
 2Organizing for Public Health: A Systems Approach (2 credits)
Behavioral Economics and Risk: Value-Based Payment Methods and Incentives (4 credits)
 3The Built Environment: Influences and Challenges to Improving Population Health (3 credits)
Value-based Concepts of Socially-Responsible Leadership (3 credits)
 4Integrative Activity (4 credits)
Social & Cultural Basis for Community and Primary Health Programs (3 credits)


Sample Course Content

Courses within the Population Health Management program utilize various delivery methods and types of content for learning.

In one session of 602.691 Managing Health Across the Continuum with Dr. Debra Thompson:

  • Students learn about NCQA's Pop Health Mgmt standards, including the importance of addressing housing instability.
  • A Vodcast​ shows the instructor interviewing the Deputy City Manager from Santa Monica (a lawyer who formerly worked in the Obama administration) regarding the local government approach to addressing homelessness. Footage from live City Council meetings is spliced in!
  • One of the required readings is on Housing as a Social Determinant of Health(link is external)
  • Students listen to an NPR podcast on the debate regarding Housing as Healthcare(link is external).
  • Students work through a simulation(link is external) where they get real time feedback on whether they are grasping the material or not.

Click one of the images below to hear a sample faculty lecture for 602.671 Collective Impact (Dr. Mark Bittle) or 602.681 Applications in Accountable Care (Dr. David Baker).

602.671 Collective Impact(link is external)

602.681 Applications in Accountable Care(link is external)

Preparing Students for Online Learning

Introduction to Online Learning is a free, mandatory prerequisite for all online courses offered. It’s open to prospective students and designed to give a thorough view into what the online experience on CoursePlus will be like. It also prepares students and faculty for success on the first day of class since everyone is already acclimated to the technology. Introduction to Online Learning will allow students to:

  • Ensure all tools and applications are properly installed
  • Troubleshoot any component that may not work properly
  • Experience the online tools for peer-to-peer and instructor communication
  • Become familiar with the coursework structure and learning management system

The course takes between 1-4 hours to complete, depending on the student's skills working online. LiveTalks are online, synchronous learning events that occur in online classes offered via CoursePlus. There is one, optional LiveTalk during each offering of Introduction to Online Learning. The optional session lasts for one hour. In order to complete the requirements for this course, you can either attend the live, optional LiveTalk session or watch the recording of the session once it is posted. Everything is done online. You will not be in a classroom in Baltimore. For details on the course, including assignments and requirements for completion, please see the Syllabus page.

Ready to test-drive online courses at BSPH? Register for this class. You can take this free course at any point before or during the application process!


Get in Touch

Request more information or call us at 410-955-3543 to speak with an admissions officer. You can also reach us via email at