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A cross-divisional department spanning

bright green landscape with dramatic clouds overlaid with graphic elements related to environmental science
Department of

Environmental Health and Engineering

We use fundamental science to protect the health of the environment and its inhabitants.


Environmental Health & Engineering Headlines

Environmental Health & Engineering Highlights


ranked by peers in Environmental Health Sciences - U.S. News & World Report


degrees offered, including 1 undergraduate, 6 master's, and 2 doctoral degrees


students, including 40 undergraduates, 104 master's students, 75 doctoral students, and 34 postdocs


global alumni network working in industry, government, nonprofits, and academia

What We Do in the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering

Our unique cross-divisional department combines the strengths of the Whiting School of Engineering and the Bloomberg School of Public Health. Our graduates are prepared to be successful public health and engineering professionals in private and governmental organizations and attend the best graduate and PhD programs.


Environmental Health and Engineering Graduates: Where Are They Now?

Young man standing outside on busy street

Benjamin Eichelman, MHS ’23

Benjamin Eichelman graduated in 2023 with a Master of Health Science in Environmental Health, with a pre-med focus. He is currently a medical student at The George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Man in red shirt and jeans standing on a sidewalk with his hand on a tree

Chris Billak, BS '13, MS '20

Chris Billak is the Mid-Atlantic area manager for Spiniello Companies, which specializes in the replacement and rehabilitation of underground utility infrastructure. He oversees an organization of 250 employees, with $50 million in public and private projects each year.

portrait of a young woman smiling

Shouq Alshahrani, MHS ‘24

Shouq Alshahrani graduated with a Master of Health Science in Environmental Health in 2024. She currently works as a sustainability projects officer in Saudi Arabia.

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Environmental Health and Engineering Programs

We offer undergraduate and graduate degrees in environmental engineering, as well as a range of master's and doctoral degrees in public health.

Undergraduate Programs

Our Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering prepares students to succeed in the private sector, governmental organizations, and top-tier graduate programs.

Graduate Programs

We offer a range of interdisciplinary graduate programs at the intersection of public health and engineering. 

Non-Degree Programs

Our department offers certificates and other programs to foster professional growth.

Environmental Health and Engineering Faculty Spotlight

Tanya L. Alderete, PhD

investigates the effects of environmental exposures on human health throughout the life course. Her work integrates clinical, epidemiological, and multiomics research.

photo of woman smiling

Department News

Support Our Department

A gift to our department can help to provide student scholarships and internships, attract and retain faculty, and support innovation.


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