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Summer Institutes

Course Evaluations

Course evaluations are an important aspect of student participation in an Institute course. We require all students who take a course (either for credit or not-for-credit) to complete a brief anonymous evaluation of their learning experience in their course.

How to Submit Your Course Evaluation(s)

The Summer Institute course evaluation system can be accessed electronically from May 28 through August 30. All students can access the BSPH electronic course evaluation using this link: Students will sign in using their JHED ID or their Guest User credentials (email used at course registration).

Special Instructions

  1. Students must use the same email address that they used to register for their courses (JHED email credentials for Hopkins degree students and non-degree students taking courses for academic credit; personal/work emails for non-credit participants). To troubleshoot, students should login to and if successful, use the same credentials for the course evaluation system.
  2. External VPNs may restrict students’ access to the course evaluation system. A VPN is not required to access the course evaluation system. If VPN is used, it should be the JHU or BSPH VPN  ( is external)).  

Your feedback on the courses you take at the Bloomberg School is critically important to our faculty and our School. We appreciate your participation!

Please contact with questions about the course evaluation process.