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Mixed Methods Research Training Program for the Health Sciences

Application Process

small group cohort 4

We are no longer accepting applications for 2023.

The deadline for submission was Friday, January 13, 2022 at 5pm Eastern Time. The MMRTP Retreat will be held virtually on June 12-15, 2023.


Apply Now(link is external)

Submit your application through our online form.

Who Should Apply

The Mixed Methods Research Training Program for the Health Sciences targets doctorally-prepared applicants who have evidence of their potential for conducting R01/R34 quality research in mixed methods applications, scientific leadership in mixed methods in their field, and would benefit from program participation.

Stage of Career of Applicants

While the prototypical participant may be in the middle years of an NIH mentored K award, participation in the program will not be limited to K awardees but will welcome qualified applicants who have achieved other sources of significant research support (e.g., R03s, R01s, institutional career development awards, foundation funding). More advanced scientists who wish a grounding in mixed methods may also apply.

Our program’s inclusion of early-career faculty responds to concerns about high rates of attrition from the NIH career path by junior investigators, and significant losses to the scientific enterprise. The loss of new investigators from academic science has been labeled one of the most critical problems facing NIH, leading to a number of NIH-wide initiatives. For example, the NIMH Council Report “Investing in the Future” recommended support for initiatives to “increase the return on investment” of training programs throughout the research career development pipeline and achieve an outstanding workforce by the year 2020 that can integrate novel technologies and approaches across multiple levels of analysis.

The need for investigators trained in mixed methods is sufficiently pressing that we want to keep an open mind about the stage of investigators who may benefit from the Mixed Methods Research Training Program.

Eligibility Criteria

The following criteria will be employed to determine eligibility for participation as a Scholar in the Mixed Methods Research Training Program:

  • Holds a doctoral degree (PhD, ScD, MD, DrPH, DO, DNSc, etc.);
  • Has demonstrated experience in health sciences (e.g., medicine, behavioral medicine, nursing, medical anthropology, health economics, health policy);
  • Committed to attend the summer course;
  • Committed to participate in the webinars before and after the summer course;
  • Submits a concept for research amenable to mixed methods approaches to bring to the MMRTP (can be a full proposal, a draft, or a 1 to 2 page outline of background, specific aims, and research strategy);
  • Willing to participate as a resource person in mixed methods research in their home institution; and,
  • Provides a letter of support from a mentor at their home institution or employer.
  • Because the program is NIH-funded, only U.S. citizens are eligible.

Notification of Successful Applicants

Successful applicants will be notified early in 2023. Program activities will commence in March 2023 with webinars and a program retreat held in virtually from June 12-15, 2023.