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MPH Program Options

Full-time Format

STEM-Designated Program

Our full-time MPH program is classified among STEM-designated programs by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. This designation applies to students graduating in May 2023 and after. Students who have an F-1 visa and are employed after graduation, may be eligible for up to two additional years of Optional Practical Training (OPT) beyond the one year offered to graduates of non-STEM programs. This STEM designation also applies to the MPH/MBA dual degree program. For information about OPT and the STEM extension, please review the Office of International Services (OIS) website.

11-Month Program

The full-time format is an 11-month experience, which spans one academic year at the Bloomberg School (July-May). Five 8-week terms allow students to complete 80 credits in this timeframe—and earn the MPH degree quickly. Most, if not all courses are completed on-site at the East Baltimore campus. Students may also take advantage of online offerings. Please review the MPH student manual for the full-time format for further details (you can email the MPH Program Office for a copy of the program manual).

  • Summer Term
    Late June - August
  • 1st Term
    September - October
  • 2nd Term
    November - December
  • Winter Break
    4 weeks
  • 3rd Term
    Mid‑January - Mid‑March
  • 4th Term
    Mid‑March - Mid‑May
  • Graduation


A Network that Pays Dividends

During the program, students interact with public health faculty members renowned for teaching, practice and ongoing research around the world—and they’re easy to approach on campus or online. With students from 80 nations and diverse professional backgrounds, they learn as much from each other as they do from their coursework. Plus Bloomberg School alumni permeate the public health workforce.

Student Demographics


Average Age


Average MPH Cohort Size


U.S. Citizens


International Students

Designing Your Degree

The core coursework comprises roughly half of the curriculum.

For electives, all students have the freedom to customize their elective coursework based on personal interests and professional goals. With over 200 courses to choose from, there are endless possibilities for how to plan your education. A faculty adviser helps you determine elective courses that match your desired knowledge base and skill sets.

The ability to personalize half the curriculum is a defining feature of the Bloomberg School’s MPH degree program.

Customized Program of Study

The MPH customized program is for students who desire an understanding of a broad spectrum of public health problems. It is designed for students who want versatility in designing their MPH course electives and may have academic objectives that do not fit precisely into the concentration areas. Students who customize their program of study complete the core MPH requirements and then choose elective courses for the remaining credits (approximately 30-35) in consultation with their Academic Network Adviser (ANA).


There are 12 multidisciplinary concentration areas. The concentration areas are designed for students wishing to have a guided curriculum in an area and the opportunity to interact with other students and faculty who share similar academic interests. Students who elect a concentration complete the core MPH requirements and then complete the concentration-required courses (approximately 20 credits) as specified by the concentration curriculum. Students then choose elective courses for the remaining credits (approximately 10-17 credits) in consultation with their Academic Network Adviser (ANA). Only one concentration area may be elected. Once complete, the concentration is recorded on the academic transcript.

  • Aging and Public Health
  • Child and Adolescent Health
  • Epidemiologic and Biostatistical Methods for Public Health and Clinical Research
  • Food, Nutrition and Health
  • Food Systems
  • Global Environmental Sustainability and Health
  • Health Leadership and Management
  • Health Systems and Policy
  • Humanitarian Health
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health
  • Women's and Reproductive Health


Special Programs

Surgery Mentoring Program

  • Full-time students interested in surgical outcomes can partner with a Johns Hopkins School of Medicine faculty surgeon to create a surgeon-student research team. The key deliverable is a final research project that may be used as an MPH capstone and a manuscript to be published in a peer-reviewed journal. To learn more, visit the Johns Hopkins Surgery Center for Outcomes Research (JSCOR)(link is external).

Public Health Ophthalmology Program

  • Full-time students are exposed to the principal public health issues in eye disease, through coursework at the Bloomberg School, seminars designed for the program of the individual fellow, visiting lecturers from around the world and a thesis project. To learn more, visit the Wilmer Eye Institute(link is external).

Predoctoral Clinical Research Training Program

Anesthesiology, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine Program

  • The goal of this program is to engage students in cutting edge clinical research projects in perioperative medicine that will provide: 1) a hands-on experience with study design, data collection, database management, and/or data analysis; and, 2) an opportunity to present research findings in oral and/or written format that fulfills Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health MPH capstone requirements and is acceptable to the standards of professional societies and scientific journals. In addition, clinical observerships in the ORs, ICUs, and pain clinic may be arranged with individual faculty members.  To learn more, visit the Department of Anesthesiology(link is external)

Hearing, Aging and Public Health Program

  • The Johns Hopkins Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health(link is external) offers opportunities for full-time students with research interests in hearing, aging and public health. Students participate in Cochlear Center activities, including didactic coursework, journal clubs and seminars. In collaboration with and Cochlear Center faculty, students complete a research project that fulfills Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health MPH capstone requirements. This program and faculty collaborate closely with the Aging and Public Health MPH concentration through the sensory specialization, but students in other concentrations are also welcome to participate.


Residency Programs

Full-time students also have the option of earning their degree through residency programs based at the Bloomberg School:

General Preventative Medicine Residency (GPMR)

Occupational and Environmental Medicine Residency (OEMR)