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Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) in Human Nutrition - Dietitian Program

Completion Requirements

During the course of the program, students must meet all requirements and assignments outlined by the MSPH degree program and MSPH – Dietitian Practicum syllabus within 2.3 years from the date of initial enrollment.

MSPH Degree Requirements

  • A minimum of 64 academic credits in formal coursework and a 32 credit practicum
  • Education Program Development/ Individualized Goals Analysis (IGA)
  • Departmental Written Comprehensive Examination
  • Practicum
  • MSPH Essay

Students must receive satisfactory grades of C or higher in all required courses and continuously maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 2.50 in order to remain a degree candidate in good standing.

MSPH – Dietitian Practicum Requirements

  • Completion of supervised practice experiences in rotations
  • Major clinical case study and presentation
  • Completion of all supervised practice experiences in each rotation as outlined in rotation curriculum

While in the practicum, students must achieve an average of 85 percent or greater on all major projects to graduate from the program. The student is expected to meet professional competencies, standards of professional practice and standards of conduct established by the program. A verification statement will be provided upon completion of the program.


Students will be evaluated as follows:

  • During and at the completion of each course by the instructor
  • Evaluation of comprehensive exam and MSPH essay
  • At the completion of each practicum rotation by the preceptor
  • Self-evaluations at the completion of each practicum rotation
  • Mid-term and final cumulative evaluation by the practicum program director
  • Evaluations for each of the major projects and presentations

For the detailed curriculum, please see pages 49-57(link is external) of the Academic Guide.