In Baltimore
We work to advance health equity and forge meaningful connections between our School and the city we call home.
Baltimore is more than our location.
Baltimore is our history, our present, and our future. Our practice work includes efforts to improve health and advance health equity for all Baltimore neighborhoods and forge meaningful connections between our School and the city we call home.
To increase community access to and use of data, analysis, and resources from the School of Public Health, we offer access to research and educational resources relevant to health and health-related outcomes in Baltimore City.
Baltimore Projects Listing
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has a special commitment to supporting health in Baltimore, Maryland.
We are pleased to share the Baltimore Projects Listing, a website developed in collaboration with community partners that shares information on selected projects in Baltimore that involve faculty from the Bloomberg School. You can search by the type of project or the topic, and click to see a project summary, the benefits or potential benefits to Baltimore, points of contact, and other details.
SOURCE is the community engagement and service-learning center for the Johns Hopkins Schools of Public Health, Nursing and Medicine. SOURCE connects students, faculty and staff with over 100 Baltimore community-based organizations through mutually beneficial partnerships and opportunities that promote health and social justice. Learn more about SOURCE.
Project Spotlight
SOURCE’s flagship service-learning courses offer our students real-world public health practice experiences by partnering with community-based organizations, such as “Bridging the Gap: Promoting food access, healthy meals, and equity in Southeast Baltimore” with Wolfe Street Academy. Read more about Service-Learning Courses.
Project Spotlight
SOURCE offers a series of online modules which prepares students, faculty, staff and other Hopkins representatives for accountable, responsible, authentic, and collaborative academic-community partnerships. Read more about SOURCE’s Online Modules.

The Urban Health Institute
The Urban Health Institute works across the University to advance health and health equity in Baltimore. It engages in a wide range of programs, events, and educational and funding opportunities designed to facilitate collaborations, mobilize resources, and advance dialogue and community representation. Learn more about the Urban Health Institute.
Project Spotlight
The Urban Health Institute awards an average of 14 small grants each year to Baltimore-based community organizations or agencies working in partnership with a student or faculty member to advance the health and well-being of the residents of Baltimore. Our funding has helped to make healthy meals accessible to youth and families in East Baltimore, publish a community cookbook, and address trauma among young adults in Baltimore. Learn more about the Urban Health Institute Small Grants Program.
Project Spotlight
The Urban Health Institute’s Bunting Neighborhood Leadership Program is a one-of-a-kind initiative that aims to equip the next generation of Baltimore’s community activists with the knowledge, skills, and tools to be transformative leaders. Over 26 Fellows have taken part in the program, helping with efforts such installing free community wifi in Sandtown-Winchester to increasing youth workforce development opportunities. Learn more about the Bunting Neighborhood Leadership Program.
Engaging Baltimore
To advance equity and social justice in all Baltimore neighborhoods, maintain a close relationship with the city, particularly the Baltimore City Health Department, and engage in ongoing projects across the city.
Each of our Academic Departments and the Office of the Dean has adopted a mission statement for the city and take part in specific efforts to support the community.
Project Spotlight
The Department of Biostatistics has for decades partnered in studies engaging Baltimore’s older citizens. The Women’s Health and Aging Studies followed more than a thousand older Baltimoreans for up to 17 years to determine factors predisposing some to maintaining robust health and others to becoming disabled or frail. More recently, The Experience Corps Project provided older adults with opportunities to support their community while potentially gaining health benefits for themselves.
Project Spotlight
The Office of External Affairs, in collaboration with SOURCE, provides capacity-building assistance to Baltimore City organizations through a annual one-day intensive training and yearlong mentoring program in the areas of fundraising, marketing and communications, and board development. View past participants and sample workshop content on the office's Nonprofit 360 page.

Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
The Johns Hopkins Center for Communications Programs (CCP), established in 1988 at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, is a recognized worldwide leader in the field of social and behavior change, knowledge management programs, and research and evaluation. CCP is committed to evidence-based advocacy, convening partnerships, and capacity strengthening. Across the globe, we partner with community and families, community-based organizations, other university departments, and many others, and maintain a commitment to racial equity.
Project Highlight
Working in close partnership with the Baltimore City Health Department, the Family League of Baltimore, and HealthCare Access Maryland, CCP is the lead communication partner for the citywide initiative to reduce infant mortality known as B’more for Healthy Babies. In addition to supporting the initiative with strategy, branding, campaign development, evaluation, and social media, CCP facilitates community collaboration to identify inequities and jointly develop solutions.
Learn more about B’more for Healthy Babies
Project Highlight
CCP is the communications partner for the UChoose program, which is a collaborative effort among multiple Baltimore City agencies, including the Baltimore City Health Department and City Schools, and community partners to promote healthy sexual and reproductive health decisions among City residents 24 years old and younger. CCP supports the UChoose social marketing campaign to support Baltimore’s young people in making healthy choices and connecting with services through expanding and increasing awareness about evidence-based sexual and reproductive health services and information, working side-by-side with young people to shape the program’s messaging.
Learn more about UChoose