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General Scholarship Application

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Who Should Apply

Individuals interested in submitting a scholarship but are not current Universitat Pompeu Fabra graduate students or employees of the Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona are encouraged to submit a general application, found below. Degree-seeking students of the Bloomberg School are not eligible.


The deadline for scholarship consideration is July 31, 2024 and be reviewed and considered on a space available basis. Only applications submitted by July 31, 2024 will be considered for scholarships.

General Information

After your application has been received, your application will be reviewed by our scholarship committee. Our committee takes into consideration each applicant's professional and academic history, personal statement, and their preferred classes before making a decision. Further instructions for confirming your class schedule will be provided after a decision has been made.

First Time Scholarship Applicants

If you have never received a Fall Institute Scholarship, please complete the full online application found on the Continuing Education Student Services website. You will choose the option for Fall Institute and mark yes for scholarship. DO NOT COMPLETE THE APPLICATION BELOW. Go directly to the full online application. If you have any questions or concerns, or if you receive an error message once you submit the application, please contact the Johns Hopkins Fall Institute Office

Once you have completed and submitted your application you  receive several emails from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. You will first receive a welcome email which will detail the next students in the scholarship process. You will also receive a Johns Hopkins student ID, a Johns Hopkins Enterprise Directory (JHED) ID, and (if you are an international applicant) a Johns Hopkins issued number to use in place of a US social security number. 

Returning Applicants

If you are a returning scholarship student, please complete the application below. Once you have completed this application and submitted your course requests, you are complete. You should NOT complete the  full online application, this will cause duplication records in the registrar's office.

Application(For Returning Applications Only!)

Have you previously attended courses at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health?*
Biograhical Information Profile
Birth Information
Scholarship Details

Please rank your top four courses, one being the course you want the most (you must choose at least one course).