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Master of Public Health (MPH)


The Johns Hopkins MPH Program is designed to provide students with critical multidisciplinary training to help solve global health problems.

Starting with students matriculating in the 2019-2020 academic year, the Johns Hopkins MPH Program is implementing an updated curriculum as recommended by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH), an independent agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education to accredit schools of public health, and other public health programs.

The new curriculum will assure that all MPH graduates acquire foundational public health knowledge and public health core competencies. To do so, students will be required to select from a range of MPH core courses that comprise approximately 45-50 credits of the 80 credits required for graduation. Students will have flexibility to customize the remaining credits of their curriculum to their areas of interest to achieve an appropriate balance between depth and breadth. (Note: Students matriculating prior to June 2019 should follow the core curriculum specified in their MPH Program Manual.)

To earn the degree, students must complete 80 credits. The program is composed of:

  • Core Courses
  • Elective Courses
  • Advising & Goals Analysis
  • Practicum Experience
  • Capstone Project
  • MPH Field Experience Fund

Core Courses

The core curriculum of the MPH Program includes grounding in foundational public health knowledge in the profession and science of public health and factors related to human health. All MPH graduates will demonstrate public health competencies that are informed by the critical disciplines in public health (including: biostatistics, epidemiology, social and behavioral determinants of health, management sciences, public health problem-solving, computer applications, demography, environmental health, biological sciences, and public health policy) as well as cross-cutting and emerging public health areas.

Please visit the Full-time Program Manual and Online/Part-time Program Manual to learn about the specific core requirements and options.

Elective Courses

Elective coursework makes up roughly half the curriculum. Full-time and online/part-time students have the freedom to customize their elective coursework based on personal interests and professional goals. With over 600 faculty members and more than 200 courses to choose from, there are endless possibilities for how to plan your education. Optional monthly meetings provide an academic and professional "home" for students and an opportunity to interact with colleagues and faculty who have a broad range of interests.

Please visit the full-time format and online/part-time format to learn more about options for designing your degree.


There are 12 multidisciplinary concentration areas. The concentration areas are designed for students wishing to have a guided curriculum in an area and the opportunity to interact with other students and faculty who share similar academic interests. Students who elect a concentration complete the core MPH requirements and then complete the concentration-required courses (approximately 20 credits) as specified by the concentration curriculum. Students then choose elective courses for the remaining credits (approximately 10-17 credits) in consultation with their Academic Network Adviser (ANA). Only one concentration area may be elected. Once complete, the concentration is recorded on the academic transcript.

  • Aging and Public Health
  • Child and Adolescent Health
  • Epidemiologic and Biostatistical Methods for Public Health and Clinical Research
  • Food, Nutrition and Health
  • Food Systems
  • Global Environmental Sustainability and Health
  • Health Leadership and Management
  • Health Systems and Policy
  • Humanitarian Health
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Social and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health
  • Women's and Reproductive Health


Advising and Goals Analysis

We want nothing more than for you to succeed while at the Bloomberg School. That’s why every MPH student is assigned a faculty adviser. The role of the adviser is to discuss with students their academic program and progress, including course choices in light of educational and professional goals. Advising assignments are coordinated by the MPH Executive Board and the MPH program office.

The Goals Analysis gives you the opportunity to effectively plan your MPH education early in the program. While a draft must be submitted early in the academic year, the plan can be revised as you move through the program. With the support and guidance of a faculty adviser, you will:

  • Explain what knowledge, skills and experiences you bring to the program.
  • Identify the goals for your education and the competencies you wish to gain that are relevant to your professional future.
  • Map out a course schedule to complete all 80 credits.
  • Propose a capstone project and practicum field placement.

Practicum Experience

To get students in the field, we require a practicum experience of at least 100 hours that is aligned with personal career goals. The practicum is a population-level project conducted at an established organization or agency. The work can be based in a variety of settings, from a lab to a health department, anywhere in the world.

Students can meet practicum requirements in a variety of ways, including a single experience or a combination of experiences, working independently or on a team with fellow students. Upon completion of the MPH program, you’ll have evidence to show potential employers of applying public health skills.

For detailed information about fulfilling the practicum and example projects, please visit the Office of Public Health Practice and Training.

Capstone Project

The MPH Capstone is an opportunity for students to synthesize, integrate and apply the skills and competencies they have acquired to a public health problem. It’s typically completed in the last two terms of the program.

The project requires both written and oral components. The expected length for the paper is about 20 pages, and students give a 10-minute oral presentation summarizing their project at the Capstone Symposium in May.

Online/part-time students have the option of presenting over the Internet in August, December or May. Students sometimes present at a professional meeting, seminar or an alternative venue approved by their capstone adviser. Students participating in MPH concentrations may present at an alternate venue chosen by the concentration directors.

Learn more about the Capstone Project.

MPH Field Experience Fund

The MPH Field Experience Fund awards can be used by students to develop an MPH Capstone project or to have a population-based practicum experience. The award is intended primarily to provide support for students during the January intersession period to develop their practicum and/or capstone project.

Individual awards are $2,000. Students can apply for a group award, limited to $6,000 for the group with a cap of $2,000 per student. The application includes a project summary/proposal including a budget, letter of support from a JHU faculty member responsible for the program, and letter of support from the field counterpart.

The application opens in September and must be submitted in October. The awards are made by a faculty committee in early November.