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MSPH in Population, Family and Reproductive Health

Field Placements

During the first half of their second year in the program, MSPH students participate in a four to six month supervised field placement in domestic and/or international settings. The field placement provides the opportunity to integrate formal classroom teaching with practical experience in the student's chosen field. 

PFRH Field Placements 2022-2024

PFRH Field Placements 2022-2024 - A light blue map of the world with orange pins scattered across many countries

Recent PFRH Field Placement Sites

Below is a small sample of the many organizations, schools, clinical divisions, and companies where PFRH MSPH students have completed their field placements.


Boston Children's Hospital: Gynecology(link is external)
Boston, MA

Johns Hopkins School of Medicine: OB/GYN Gynecologic Oncology(link is external)
Baltimore, MD 

Massachusetts General Hospital: Division of General Academic Pediatrics(link is external)
Boston, MA 

Planned Parenthood Maryland(link is external), Education and Outreach Department
Baltimore, MD



Center for AIDS Research at Johns Hopkins University(link is external), Implementation Science Hub
Baltimore, MD

International Center for Reproductive Health, Kenya(link is external), William H. Gates Sr. Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, Johns Hopkins University
Nairobi, Kenya

PMA Ethiopia(link is external), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

PRISMA(link is external)
San Isidro, Lima, Peru

Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment (PRHE)(link is external), University of California San Francisco
San Francisco, CA

Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH)(link is external), University of California San Francisco
Oakland, CA


Nonprofit Organizations

AMOS Health and Hope (link is external)
Managua, Nicaragua

NATAL Israeli Trauma and Resiliency Center (link is external)
Tel Aviv, Israel 

National Association of County and City Health Officials(link is external), Maternal Child & Adolescent Health
Washington, D.C. 

National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association(link is external), Policy and Communications
Washington, D.C. 

Puerto Rican Action Board(link is external): Family Services, Parents as Teachers
East Brunswick, NJ

Samaritan's Purse(link is external), Yazidi Empowerment Project (YEP)
Duhok, Iraq

Sehgal Foundation(link is external)
Gurugram, Haryana, India

Shine Children's Foundation(link is external)
Masindi, Uganda



New Jersey Department of Health(link is external), Health Improvement Planning 
Trenton, NJ

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)(link is external), Center for Mental Health Services
Rockville, MD

Virginia Department of Health(link is external), MCH/Title V 
Richmond, VA

West Palm Beach VA Healthcare System (link is external)
West Palm Beach, FL 


For-Profit Organizations

Atom Strategic Consulting(link is external)
Morristown, NJ

CAF - Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean(link is external)
Quito, Ecuador

SafetyNEST(link is external)
San Francisco, CA 


Hours of supervised, real-world experience MSPH students gain in their field placement


U.S. cities where MSPH students held field placements 2022-2024


Countries where MSPH students held field placements 2022-2024


Organizations where MSPH students completed a field placement 2022-2024

Tijani Salami, MSPH ’24

"My field placement was with the Africa region of the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW). This experience proved invaluable as it provided me with hands-on practical knowledge in conducting research on various critical issues including child marriage, gender-based violence (GBV), childcare services, and women's social protection across Africa. It was an enriching experience that deepened my understanding of the complexities within these domains and strengthened my research skills."

Tijani Salami
Elena Kern

Elena Kern, MSPH ’24

“My field placement was with CAF, the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean, in the department of Social and Human Development in Quito, Ecuador. I joined the current stage of the respective projects which topics ranging from telehealth, mental health, water and sanitation systems and early childhood nutrition. It was a fascinating mix of public health program design and evaluation, strategic communication and considerations of the political environment.” 

Jacqueline Nguyen, MSPH ’24

“My field placement was with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) where I interned in the Center for Mental Health Services. I was assigned to various projects which included an overview on federal programs aimed at improving maternal behavioral health, literature reviews on school-based and early child mental health interventions, as well as a presentation of a recent white paper for Project AWARE. This field placement really inspired me to focus my professional efforts on mental health and well-being in addition to physical health. I started the Public Mental Health Certificate program during my field placement and am on track to completing it this term.”

Jacqueline Nguyen
Emily Lasher

Emily Lasher, MSPH ’24

“At my field placement, I worked at the Program on Reproductive Health and the Environment at University of California, San Francisco on the Science and Policy team. In the position, I helped lead an umbrella review on the health effects of near roadway air pollution and an analysis of populations disproportionately exposed to traffic pollution in California. Over the summer, I also participated in the Title V Internship Program through the National MCH Workforce Development Center. I was placed at the Virginia Department of Health where I designed and implemented a data collection system for a home visiting program in the state.”