Current Activities
2024-2025 Academic Year
Current Topics in Epidemiologic Research (General Epi Seminar)
Friday, 12-1:20 PM, seminar schedules are posted quarterly.
Room: Sheldon Hall, Wolfe Street Building
Provides an overview of current research in the Department and in the field of epidemiology, and offers an opportunity for discussion and clarification of epidemiologic methods as applied in research settings.
Journal Clubs
Welch Center Research Seminar
Tuesday, 12:00-1:20 PM, September through May
2024 E. Monument Street; Suite 1-500Q, Powe Room
Each week, articles with a clinical epidemiology focus are selected by different presenters. Both students and faculty members participate in leading discussions of the papers. Often, the Welch Center Research Seminar (Journal Club) becomes a forum for the discussion of the appropriate use of statistical analytic methods for various study designs.
Grand Rounds
Clinical Research Grand Rounds at the Welch Center
Wednesday, 12:00-1:15 PM, September through May
2024 E. Monument Street; Suite 1-500Q, Powe Room
Clinical Research Grand Rounds provides an opportunity for Welch Center faculty and guest scientists to present the results of ongoing, planned, and completed epidemiological, clinical, and translational research. This weekly conference is open to anyone in the Johns Hopkins Community and is often attended by faculty, trainees, and students from the Schools of Public Health and Medicine. The Welch Center hosts several guest speakers from outside the Center and outside the University each year. Master's and doctoral students in the clinical epidemiology and cardiovascular epidemiology concentrations are required to attend.
Research in Progress
Welch Center Research in Progress
2nd and 4th Mondays (September – May), 12:15-1:15 PM
2024 E. Monument Street; Suite 1-500Q, Powe Room
Provides an opportunity for trainees to present their planned or ongoing research.
Methods and Ideas in Cardiovascular Epidemiology
Methods and Ideas in Cardiovascular Epidemiology Interest Group (MICE)
2nd Friday of every month, 10:00-11:00 AM, September through May
2024 E. Monument Street; Suite 2-603, Whelton Room
Informal meeting to review innovative approaches to ongoing research
among faculty or students in the cardiovascular epidemiology program.
For additional information, see:
Welch Center Events and Seminars
Department of Epidemiology
There are many other CVD-related activities and seminars planned and hosted outside the CVD Epi Training Program. Trainees are encouraged to be involved in the broader University community and to take advantage of these opportunities.