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Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology Training Program

Application Procedures

Each year, well-qualified predoctoral and postdoctoral applicants are selected as trainees to pursue masters or doctoral degrees or undertake postdoctoral training under the preceptorship of an epidemiology faculty member. The final application and admission to the Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology Training Program is through the Department of Epidemiology(link is external) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. All predoctoral students accepted to the Department will be considered for funding, no separate application is required. Postdoctoral applicants must work with program directors and staff to identify a mentor before applying. Additional information on the postdoctoral application process can be found here. Admission criteria to the program include potential as a future researcher as well as compatibility with the existing mentors. The latter criterion is particularly important for research postdoctoral fellows, who must identify a research mentor prior to admission.

Only U.S. citizens and permanent U.S. residents are eligible for this training program. Students interested in the Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology Training Program with questions regarding the application process should contact:

Fran Burman
Sr. Academic Program Manager
Department of Epidemiology
Phone: 410-955-3926

Other questions can be directed to:

Laura Gottschalk, MPA
Academic Program Administrator
Department of Epidemiology
Phone: 410-614-6928

For details on the stipend support provided, visit the National Institutes of Health(link is external) website.