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Graduate Training Programs in Clinical Investigation

How to Apply

An online application is required of each applicant.  

Apply Now ► SOCI Online Application

  • Apply Now (directly under NEW STUDENTS)
  • Then click Start
  • Under the first drop-down box Select Non-Degree Opportunity of Interest SELECT ~> Science of Clinical Investigation
  • Then click Next Page

Instructions for JHU Faculty, Fellows, and Staff

Admission to the training program may be granted to faculty, fellows, and staff of the medical institutions who are, or expect to be, fully engaged in clinical investigation. There is no application deadline; participants may apply and begin the program at any point during the academic year.

JHU Faculty, Fellows, and Staff are not required to submit additional application materials.

Instructions for Non-JHU Scientists and Investigators

In addition, non-JHU affiliated investigators and their staff may enroll in the on-site or online training program with appropriate credentials and experience.  External applicants must complete the online application, and submit a copy of their most recent college/university transcript.  There is no application deadline; participants may apply and begin the program at any point during the academic year.

Please return supporting transcript/documents to:  Cristina DeNardo,