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Graduate Training Programs in Clinical Investigation

collage of lab workers

The Graduate Training Programs in Clinical Investigation (GTPCI) are the first of their kind.

A joint venture between the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (BSPH) and the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine (SOM), GTPCI trains clinicians to become clinical scientists.  We work mostly with faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and other allied health professionals working with human subjects in clinical investigation. 

In 1989, a Task Force on Clinical Research in the Department of Medicine reported results of a survey in which one-third of our clinical post-doctoral fellows indicated their desire to pursue “full-time clinical research” as a career objective. In the same survey, a large majority of post-doctoral fellows felt they were inadequately trained in clinical trial design (70%), data management (70%), the ethics of human experimentation (69%), and biostatistics (83%). At that time, almost half of the responding post-doctoral fellows expressed an interest in a structured training program in clinical investigation. Discussions on meeting this need ensued at the department and SOM levels, and eventually enlarged to include the BSPH. At the same time, concerns about the adverse trends for clinical investigation and the inadequate supply of qualified clinical investigators were being expressed at the national level.  Johns Hopkins’ response to these local and national needs was the creation of GTPCI in 1992 and admitted its first students in 1993.

In 2023, GTPCI introduced FOUR ACADEMIC PATHWAYSGeneral Clinical Investigation (including clinical trials), Disease Oriented StudiesData Science (including machine learning and artificial intelligence), and Health Services Research. The field of clinical investigation has expanded since GTPCI began in 1993, so the goal of these pathways is to allow students more flexibility to choose coursework relevant to their academic interests. 

GTPCI students will gain the skills necessary to design and conduct clinical investigations of emerging medical treatments and technologies, and apply new diagnostic techniques and approaches to studying human pathophysiology.

GTPCI graduates pursue careers in academia, and as independent clinical investigators at pharmaceutical firms, federal research, public health, and regulatory agencies.

Doctor of Philosophy

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Clinical Investigation is designed for candidates who currently hold a postdoctoral fellowship or junior faculty appointment within the Johns Hopkins Medical Institution.


Master of Health Science

The Master of Health Science (MHS) in Clinical Investigation is a nine-month, non-research requiring degree. To apply, it is not necessary for MHS candidates to hold an appointment within the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions.



The Science of Clinical Investigation Training Program (SOCI) is an opportunity for clinical scientists to enhance their theoretical and practical skills in design, implementation and interpretation of data from clinical investigations.


News and Events

The Science of Clinical Investigation Training Program(link is external) (SOCI) is now available online!

Congratulations to our faculty who continue to earn recognition for outstanding course evaluations for course content and teaching!