
We welcome the opportunity to highlight accomplishments of scholars and share with the mixed methods community.
We also want to call attention to national and international meetings and training opportunities related to mixed methods in the health sciences. To include your information, send your request to
Applications for the Mixed Methods Research Training Program for 2023
We are no longer accepting applications for 2023.
The deadline for submission was Friday, January 13, 2022 at 5pm Eastern Time. The MMRTP Retreat will be held virtually on June 12-15, 2023.
Scholar Achievements
Dr. Charles R Rogers, PhD MPH, MS, CHES received a K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award to Promote Diversity from the National Cancer Institute (NCI). His project uses a mixed methods approach and focuses on developing a barbershop-based trial on masculinity barriers and colorectal cancer screening uptake among African-American men. Barbershops are historically known as culturally appropriate and trusted venues in African-American communities, and serve as a pathway for reaching African-American men with masculinity barriers to care who are not regularly receiving healthcare services.
Dr. Tara Lagu, MD, MPH received a R01 award for her study to inform policymakers as well as health system and ACO leaders as they develop and refine novel organizational strategies for improving care for patients with heart failure. Accountable Care Organization (ACO) enrollment is expanding rapidly, resulting in an urgent need to understand the impact that ACOs have on processes of care and outcomes for the more than 5.7 million Americans with heart failure. Using mixed-methods (statistical analyses of the records of Medicare beneficiaries with heart failure, qualitative interviews, and a survey of all ACOs participating in the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP), Dr. Lagu's project will describe the organizational strategies and contextual factors of ACOs that have improved risk-standardized outcomes for patients with heart failure, including acute admission rates, days in skilled nursing care, and deaths.
Dr. Uriyoán Colón-Ramos, ScD, MPA received a R21 award from NIDDK for her intervention Water Up! at Home. Developed using a community participatory approach, this intervention draws on theory and community experience to position parents as social models for their young children. The objective of the this study is to test the preliminary effects of this intervention to replace sugary drinks with filtered tap water among low-income Latino parents and their children (6 months-3 year olds). A multiphase sequential mixed-methods design will be used to integrate qualitative and quantitative findings of a randomized control trial to test and understand the effects of the intervention in this population.
Dr. Nynikka Palmer, DrPH, MPH received a career development award from the UCSF Clinical and Translational Science Institute Career Development Program (CTSI KL2), scheduled to begin July 1, 2016, for up to 3 years of support, for her research entitled: Constructing a Relational Bridge to Achieve High-Quality Prostate Cancer Care for African Americans. This career development award aims to bridge the divide between African American men and equal prostate cancer treatment with the evidence-based intervention of peer navigation adapted through the relational concept of African American brotherhood as a means to foster trust and empowerment, and thus to optimize patient-centered communication and quality of care.
Dr. Olayinka Shiyanbola BPharm PhD, Mixed Methods Research Training Program Scholar and Assistant Professor in the UW-Madison School of Pharmacy, Social and Administrative Sciences Division, has been selected by the University of Wisconsin Institute for Clinical and Translation Research (ICTR) as a KL2 scholar beginning June 1, 2016. Shiyanbola's work will focus on improving the health outcomes of underserved populations and reducing diabetes disparities by identifying the psychosocial (e.g. illness beliefs), psychological, and sociocultural factors that influence patient medication adherence and are useful in developing patient-centered adherence interventions.
Dr. Sarah Ronis MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Pediatrics - General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, UH Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital, Case Western Reserve University was awarded 4 years of funding from the CTSC for her mixed methods project, “Shared Decision Making for Children with Special Health Care Needs in Pediatric Primary Care,” starting July 1, 2016. Her research seeks to optimize health information technology tools to improve communication and support coordination of care for children with special health care needs.