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Graduate Summer Institute of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Winter Institute Courses in the Department of Epidemiology

January 2 - 19, 2024

All courses offered online

The Department of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health offers short, intensive courses in epidemiology in the Winter Institute. Register for one or more courses. Traditional, asynchronous online courses and real-time courses are offered via Zoom in one-week, and one-day formats. Take courses for professional development, to enhance your current skills, or for academic credit if you are interested in applying the course work towards a degree program.

Registration Information

 Registration is open through the start date of the course. 


JHU Tuition Support

  • Johns Hopkins University Employees are eligible to receive $5,250 annually in 100% remission for academic credit courses.  
  • Johns Hopkins University Employees are eligible to receive $10,000 in tuition all graduate level coursework taken as part of a graduate degree at JH
  • Johns Hopkins University employees receive 100% remission for non-credit professional development if your department certifies the course is valuable for your professional development. There is an annual limit of 2 classes per calendar year for noncredit professional development courses taken at JHU.

JHU Employee Tuition Remission Information

JHU SOM Tuition Support for Post-Doctoral Fellows

The School of Medicine will cover the tuition for one non-credit course per Institute term. For tuition support, please complete the SOM Verification of Enrollment form. A SOM voucher will then be sent to the JHBSPH Student Accounts office.