Our Strategic Priorities
Our Strategic Plan: The Power of Public Health
From Plan to Action
Published in Fall 2018, the Bloomberg School’s strategic plan was designed to set a course for the ensuing five years. It is built upon the principle that our world is constantly changing and we must relentlessly adapt to new challenges.
We could not have imagined then what the following three years would bring. While the power of public health has been on full display, so has its fragility. Our world has been upended not only by the pandemic but also by a long-overdue reckoning with inequity, racism, and injustice.
Throughout this time, our strategic plan has served us well as we blazed new trails, focusing our attention and directing our work on the power of education, science, partnerships, people, and advocacy.
Looking to the future, we are taking the time to evaluate our midterm progress, examine areas for improvement, and chart a course for the immediate years ahead to ensure we live up to the five-year expectations we set for ourselves.
View Goals, Accomplishments, and Ongoing Priorities by Pillar
Strategic Priorities for the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
In this January 2020 video, Dean MacKenzie explains the five pillars shaping the School’s future.