Support for Creative Integrated Basic and Applied Research
The SCIBAR initiative advanced new ideas to solve complex and pressing public health challenges.
To promote the power of science, the Strategic Plan of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health calls for investments in new initiatives that build on our excellence in basic research, the power of science, and the application of our research to make a measurable impact on new or emerging public health challenges. SCIBAR—Support for Creative Integrated Basic and Applied Research—is one such initiative.
At its core is the tenet that non-traditional partnerships within our faculty members—who are among the leading scientists and practitioners in the world—can produce bold initiatives that generate testable hypotheses with practical applications that can benefit the public’s health in the United States and throughout the world.

Four incredible teams were awarded $1 million dollars to further their work.
What is SCIBAR?
- A Bloomberg School initiative inspired by the Highly Integrated Basic and Responsive Research (HIBAR) movement that brings together basic and applied research
- A bottom-up approach for prioritizing new or expanded directions for the School in research
- Funded projects for teams of faculty, students and staff
- An opportunity to identify bold solutions to big problems
With collaboration at its core, SCIBAR is team science and visionary public health at its best.
- SCIBAR will leverage the breadth and depth of the School, build new partnerships, and help us rethink the way we do team science
- SCIBAR will create powerful new partnerships for both problem solving and the generation of new knowledge by integrating theory with practice
- SCIBAR will accelerate the translation of innovative basic science to practical, real world applications with the ultimate goal of solving the most important public health problems
- SCIBAR will spark new or expanded areas of excellence and leverage what is best about our School