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Heroes of Public Health

Bill Gates, Sr.


Bill Gates, Sr.

It is with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Bill Gates, Sr. A philanthropist, lawyer, and humanitarian, Mr. Gates had a profound influence in championing causes related to global equity and campaigns to address vaccine preventable diseases, reduce infant mortality, promote reproductive health, and build schools. A visionary leader, he invested in the founding of the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health at Johns Hopkins University.

His legacy contributes to scientific discovery, advocacy for global health initiatives, and training the next generation of leaders who will advance the many initiatives that benefited from his passion and commitment.

As noted by Cynthia Minkovitz, William H. Gates, Sr. Professor and Chair, "many of our PFRH collaborators from around the globe, faculty, staff, and students over the years benefited from his visionary spirit, wisdom, and generosity. May many in the generations to come continue his legacy of 'being a force for good and advancing social change.'"


Remember My Father(link is external), by Bill Gates Jr. 



"Bill was a wonderful person. I was fortunate to meet him in the very early days of the Foundation. He was so unpretentious and terribly smart. With a handful of people, the Foundation almost immediately changed the field of international health and, undoubtedly, put in motion programs that have saved millions of lives."

Duff Gillespie, PhD, Professor
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health

If you would like to share memories with our community, please email Deenah Darom.