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Faculty Recognition

Excellence in Teaching

Students Recognize Outstanding Faculty 2023-2024

The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has a long tradition and a firm commitment to instruction of the highest quality. Excellence in teaching stimulates intellectual curiosity in students and prepares them to address the most challenging public health problems facing the world today. Each term, students recognize through their course evaluations the faculty who have contributed significantly to the intellectual life of the School through their excellence in teaching.


Honorees are those instructors who received an average score of 3.6 or above (on a four-point scale) in both the Overall Course and Overall Instructor categories of their student course evaluations with a response rate of 70% or higher.

The School expresses deep appreciation and congratulations to the following faculty members who achieved teaching excellence in the academic year 2023-2024.

Click the term you would like to view: Summer Term, Summer Institutes, First Term, Fall Institute, Second Term, Winter Institute, Third Term, Fourth Term

Summer Term

Rosa Crum
Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: Principles of Epidemiology

Khalil G. Ghanem
Professor, School of Medicine/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Database Design and Implementation in Clinical Research

Ira Gooding
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Teaching, Learning and Leading – In the Classroom

Mia Lamm
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Teaching, Learning and Leading – In the Classroom

Summer Institutes:

Leslie Adams
Assistant Professor, Mental Health
Course: Racism and Public Mental Health

Nabeel Akram
Senior Research Associate, International Health
Course: The Role of the Private Sector Sustainable Development in Global Health

Joshuaa Allison-Burbank
Assistant Scientist, International Health
Course: Introduction to American Indian Health Research Ethics

Jennifer A. Applegate
Assistant Scientist, International Health
Course: Research and Project Coordination in Global Health

Daniel Barnett
Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/Health Policy and Management (Joint)/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)
Course: Problem-Solving in Public Health

Amie Bettencourt
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: School-Based Preventive Interventions and Research

Natalie J. Blades
Associate, Biostatistics
Course: Statistical Reasoning in Public Health I

Gilbert Burnham
Professor Emeritus, International Health/School of Nursing (Joint)  
Courses: Health Emergencies in Large Populations (H.E.L.P.)
Quality Assurance Management Methods for Developing Countries

Katherine Clancy
Senior Associate, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Applying Systems Thinking to Obesity Prevention

Avonne E. Connor
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Cancer Epidemiology, Prevention, and Control

Jennifer Anne Deal
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Epidemiologic Approaches to Hearing Loss and Public Health

Anbrasi M. Edward
Associate Scientist, International Health
Course: Quality Assurance Management Methods for Developing Countries

Cyrus Y. Engineer
Professor of the Practice, International Health/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: High Performing Organizations in LMIC Settings

Carlton A. W. Evans
Associate, International Health
Course: Tuberculosis, HIV and Other Infections in the Tropics

Allison Gemmill
Assistant Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Critically Evaluating the Science

Robert H. Gilman
Professor, International Health/Molecular Microbiology and Immunology (Joint)
Courses: Tuberculosis, HIV and Other Chronic Infections in the Tropics
Vector-Borne Diseases in the Tropics

Meagan Harrison
Research Associate, International Health
Course: Research and Project Coordination in Global Health

Shelley A. Hearne
Professor of the Practice, Health Policy and Management
Course: Current Issues in Policy: Special Topics in Advanced Policymaking for DrPH

Ava M. Hoffman
Associate, Biostatistics
Course: Introduction to R for Public Health Researchers

Keilah Jacques
Adjunct Faculty, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Social Justice: Policy, Practice and Research

Anna Kalbarczyk
Assistant Scientist, International Health
Course: Essential Skills for Women’s Leadership in Global Health

Celia Karp
Assistant Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Using Data to Inform Family Planning Policies

Michelle R. Kaufman
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/International Health (Joint)
Course: Social and Behavioral Aspects of Public Health

Ryan David Kennedy
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Program Planning for Health Behavior Change

Brian Klass
Instructor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Communications Primer for the Public Health Sciences

Xiangrong Kong
Associate Professor, School of Medicine/Biostatistics (Joint)/Epidemiology (Joint)/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)
Course: Power and Sample Size for the Design of Epidemiological Studies I

Adam Koon
Assistant Scientist, International Health
Course: Commercial Determinants of Health

Christine M. Ladd-Acosta
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: Introduction to OMICS in Public Health

Tianjing Li
Associate Professor – Adjunct, Epidemiology
Course: Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis

Anne Lilly
Senior Research Associate, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Introduction to Program Evaluation in PFRH

Kojo A. Lokko
Senior Associate, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Strategic Leadership Principles and Tools for Health System Transformation in PFRH

Beth Renee Dail Marshall
Associate Scientist, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Youth Voice in Public Health

Pamala C. Martin
Associate, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Creating, Implementing and Monitoring Budgets for Projects and Programs

Clifton McKee
Research Associate, Epidemiology
Course: Introduction to R for Public Health Researchers

Maria Merritt
Associate Professor, International Health/Health Policy Management (Joint)
Course: Introduction to American Indian Health Research Ethics

Cynthia Schaffer Minkovitz
Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Strategic Leadership Principles and Tools for Health System Transformation in PFRH

Lymari Morales
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Effective Writing for Public Health Change

Sarah McIvor Murray
Assistant Professor, Mental Health
Course: Stigma and Mental Health: Issues and Interventions

Daniel Obeng
Associate, Biostatistics
Course: Statistical Reasoning in Public Health II

Anne Palmer
Associate Scientist, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Applying Systems Thinking to Obesity Prevention

Lauren J. Parker
Associate Scientist, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Social Justice: Policy, Practice and Research

Elise Touris Pas
Senior Scientist, Mental Health
Course: School-Based Preventive Interventions and Research

Nicholas S. Reed
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Epidemiologic Approaches to Hearing Loss and Public Health

Blake Reilly
Associate, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Program Planning for Health Behavior Change

Jose G. Rimon
Senior Scientist, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Strategic Leadership Principles and Tools for Health System Transformation in PFRH

Ian J. Saldanha
Visiting Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis

Brian W. Simpson
Associate, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Effective Writing for Public Health Change

Anthony D. So
Professor of the Practice, International Health
Course: Designing Innovation and Access for Technologies in Global Health

Kristen Speakman
Senior Research Associate, International Health
Course: Introduction to American Indian Health Research Ethics

Donna Strobino
Professor Emeritus, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Critically Evaluating the Science for Policy and Practice

David J. Sullivan
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Vector-Borne Diseases in the Tropics

Anna M. Sundbo
Research Associate, International Health
Course: Introduction to American Indian Health Research Ethics

Moyses Szklo
Professor Emeritus, Epidemiology
Course: Intermediate Epidemiology

Patrick Tarwater
Associate, Biostatistics
Course: Advanced Data Analysis Workshop

Mija-Tesse Ververs
Senior Associate, International Health
Course: Health Emergencies in Large Populations (H.E.L.P.)

Carrie L. Wright
Associate, Biostatistics
Course: Introduction to R for Public Health Researchers

Peter P. Zandi
Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: Epidemiology of Major Mental Disorder

Linnea A. Zimmerman
Assistant Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Using Data to Inform Family Planning Policies

First Term

Sean Travis Allen
Assistant Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: The Opioid Crisis: Problem Solving Seminar

Jennifer Applegate
Assistant Research Professor, International Health
Courses: The Science of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention in Population Health
Essentials of Environmental Health

Jeromie M. Ballreich
Associate Research Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Economic Evaluation I

Sachini Bandara
Assistant Professor, Mental Health/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Seminars in Research in Public Mental Health

Anne Barnhill
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Foundations of Bioethics

Judith K. Bass
Professor, Mental Health
Course: Public Mental Health

Leslie Biesecker
Associate Professor – Adjunct, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Introduction to Human Genetics I

Gundula Bosch
Research Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/School of Education (Joint)
Courses: Introduction to the Biomedical Sciences
R3 Writing Seminar for Graduate Students

Randy Bryant
Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Course: Biochemistry I: Protein Structure and Enzyme Catalysis

Frances Burman
Senior Academic Program Manager, Epidemiology
Course: Current Topics in Epidemiologic Research

Julie Cady-Reh
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Applied Methods for Optimizing Performance in Health Care Organizations

Emma Camacho Ochoa
Assistant Scientist, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Evidence-Based Teaching in the Biomedical and Health Sciences: Foundations

Laura Camarata
Instructor, Epidemiology
Course: Current Topics in Epidemiologic Research

Matthew David Castner
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Essentials of Population Health Management

Richard E. Chaisson
Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)/International Health (Joint)
Course: Epidemiologic Basis for Tuberculosis Control

Aruna Chandran
Research Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Seminars in Public Health

Olga Charnaya
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine
Course: Epidemiology of Kidney Disease

Leonardo Collado Torres
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics
Course: Statistical Computing

Christopher Cox
Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Advanced Methods for Design and Analysis of Cohort Studies

Cassandra Crifasi
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Policing and Public Health

Frank C. Curriero
Professor, Epidemiology/Biostatistics (Joint)
Course: Spatial Analysis for Public Health

Meghan Frost Davis
Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Essentials of One Health

Kari Moore Debbink
Associate Scientist, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Courses: Academic and Career Essentials
Fundamental Virology

Julie A. Denison
Associate Professor, International Health
Course: Seminar for MPH Concentration in Social Behavioral Sciences I

David W. Dowdy
Professor, Epidemiology/ International Health (Joint) /School of Medicine (Joint)/
Course: Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Improve Public Health

Sydney Morss Dy
Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Quality of Medical Care

Anbrasi M. Edward
Associate Scientist, International Health
Course: Applications in Managing Health Organizations in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Stephan Ehrhardt
Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Epidemiologic Methods for EPI Doctoral Students I

Johnathon P. Ehsani
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)/Whiting School of Engineering (Joint)
Course: PhD Seminar in Health Policy: Using Secondary Data to Conduct Health Policy Research

Cyrus Y. Engineer
Professor of the Practice, International Health/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Courses: Applications In Managing Health Organizations in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Applied Concepts and Foundations of High Performance for Population Health

Lori H. Erby
Associate Professor – Adjunct, Health, Behavior and Society
Courses: Introduction to Human Genetics I
Practical Genetic Counseling

Homayoon Farzadegan
Professor, Epidemiology
Courses: Epidemiology and Natural History of Human Viral Infections
Epidemiology and Public Health Impact of HIV and AIDS

Kenneth A. Feder
Assistant Research Professor, Mental Health
Course: Statistics for Psychosocial Research: Measurement

Julian A. Fernandez Nino
Assistant Scientist, International Health
Course: Health Systems Program Seminar

Mary A. Fox
Assistant Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint)
Course: Methods in Quantitative Risk Assessment

Darrell J. Gaskin
Professor, Health Policy and Management/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Advanced Health Economics I

Jonathan E. Golub
Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)/International Health (Joint)
Course: Epidemiologic Bases for Tuberculosis Control

Gigi Kwik Gronvall
Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Biotechnology and Health Security

Alden L. Gross
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: Epidemiology of Aging

J. Marie Hardwick
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Molecular Biology Literature

Steven Harvey
Associate Professor, International Health
Course: Social and Behavioral Interventions Program Seminar I: Applied Social Science and Global Health

Mary Elizabeth Hughes
Associate Scientist, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Life Course Perspectives on Health

Junichi Ishigami
Associate Scientist, Epidemiology
Course: Epidemiology of Kidney Disease

Renee M. Johnson
Professor, Mental Health/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Graduate Seminar in Injury Research and Policy

Vanya C. Jones
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Program Planning for Health Behavior Change

Philip Jordan
Associate Professor – Adjunct, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Course: Fundamentals of Reproductive Biology

Corinne E. Joshu
Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Epidemiologic Methods for EPI Doctoral Students

Anna Kalbarczyk
Assistant Scientist, International Health
Course: Gender and Health: Foundational Theories and Applications

Joanne Katz
Professor, International Health/Biostatistics (Joint)/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Doctoral Seminar in International Health I

Caitlin Elizabeth Kennedy
Professor, International Health/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)
Courses: Qualitative Research Theory and Methods
Social and Behavioral Interventions Program Seminar I: Applied Social Science and Global Health

Ryan David Kennedy
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Seminar for MPH Concentration in Social and Behavioral Sciences I

Ayesha Khan
Instructor, Epidemiology
Course: Current Topics in Epidemiologic Research

Brian Klaas
Instructor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Courses: Communications Primer for the Public Health Sciences
Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Improve Public Health

Adam Koon
Assistant Scientist, International Health
Courses: Health Systems Program Seminar I
Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Improve Public Health

Megan Weil Latshaw
Associate Teaching Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (Joint)
Course: Principles of Environmental Health

Rupali J. Limaye
Associate Professor, International Health/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Identifying and Mitigating Misinformation to Improve Trust in Public Health

Martin A. Lindquist
Professor, Biostatistics
Course: Advance Methods in Biostatistics I

Sara Lupolt
Assistant Scientist, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Introduction to the Risk Sciences and Public Policy

Pamala C. Martin
Associate, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Creating, Implementing and Monitoring Budgets for Projects and Programs

Pablo Martinez Amezcua
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Epidemiologic Methods for EPI Doctoral Students I

Hemalkumar B. Mehta
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Principles of Drug Development

Cynthia Schaffer Minkovitz
Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Life Course Perspectives on Health

Meghan Bridgid Moran
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Contemporary Issues in Health Communication

Rosemary Morgan
Associate Scientist, International Health/School of Nursing (Joint)
Course: Gender and Health: Foundational Theories and Applications

Alvaro Munoz
Professor-Emeritus, Epidemiology
Course: Advance Methods for Design and Analysis of Cohort Studies

Cari Lyn Munro
Course Facilitator, Office of Academic Affairs
Courses: The Science of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention in Population Health
Essentials of Environmental Health
Creating, Implementing and Monitoring Budgets for Projects and Programs

Rashelle Jean Musci
Associate Professor, Mental Health/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Doctoral Seminar in Public Mental Health

Keeve E. Nachman
Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Introduction to the Risk Sciences and Public Policy

Derek K. Ng
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Advance Methods for Design and Analysis of Cohort Studies

Trang Q. Nguyen
Associate Research Professor, Mental Health
Course: Doctoral Seminar in Public Mental Health

Douglas E. Norris
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/International Health (Joint)
Course: Academic and Career Essentials

Elizabeth L. Ogburn
Associate Professor, Biostatistics
Course: Statistical Theory I

Jill T. Owczarzak
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Ethnographic Fieldwork

Chintan Pandya
Associate Research Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: PhD Seminar in Health Policy: Using Secondary Data to Conduct Health Policy Research

Jeanine Marie Parisi
Teaching Professor, Mental Health
Course: Seminar on Aging, Cognition and Neurodegenerative Disorders

Andrew Stanley Pekosz
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint)
Course: Fundamental Virology

Blake Reilly
Associate, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Health Behavior: Improving Health Through Health Education/Promotion

W. Courtland Robinson
Associate Professor, International Health/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Seminar in Humanitarian Health

Julie C. Sapp
Assistant Professor – Adjunct, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Practical Genetic Counseling

Kristin E. Schneider
Assistant Scientist, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: The Opioid Crisis: Problem Solving Seminar

Kerry Jean Schulze
Research Professor, International Health
Course: Critical Thinking in Nutrition

Roza Selimyan
Teaching Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Courses: Advanced Concepts in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology
Aspiring Physicians Enacting Change Through Community Engagement: Introduction
BMB SCM Laboratory Rotations
Premedical Seminars: Planning and Preparing for Medical School Application

Tara Kirk Sell
Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Public Health Emergencies: Risk Communication and Decision Science

Elizabeth Selvin
Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Welch Center Research Seminar

Timothy M. Shields
Senior Scientist, Epidemiology
Course: Spatial Analysis for Public Health

Brian W. Simpson
Associate, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: R3 Writing Seminar for Graduate Students

Paul B. Spiegel
Professor of the Practice, International Health/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Seminar in Humanitarian Health

Adam P. Spira
Professor, Mental Health
Course: Psychopathology for Public Health

Roland J. Thorpe, Jr.
Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/ Mental Health (Joint) /Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (Joint)/School of Medicine (Joint)Course: Seminar on Aging, Cognition and Neurodegenerative Disorders

Jon Vernick
Professor, Health Policy and Management/School of Education (Joint)
Course: Issues in Injury and Violence Prevention

Melissa L. Walls
Associate Professor, International Health
Course: The Obesity Epidemic Problem-Solving Seminar: What We Can Learn from Native American Communities

Mei-Cheng Wang
Professor, Biostatistics
Course: Essentials of Probability and Statistical Inference I: Probability

William J. Ward
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management/School of Nursing (Joint)
Course: Fundamentals of Budgeting and Financial Management

Crystal R. Watson
Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Public Health Emergencies: Risk Communication and Decision Policy

Lindsey R. Webb
Assistant Research Professor, Mental Health
Course: Public Mental Health

Albert Wu
Professor, Health Policy and Management/Epidemiology (Joint)/International Health (Joint)
Course: Science of Patient Safety

Qian-Li Xue
Associate Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)/Biostatistics (Joint)
Course: Statistics for Psychosocial Research: Measurement

Yuxin Zhu
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics
Course: Survival Analysis

Fall Institute

Meghan D. McGinty
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Media Interviews and Applied Public Health Communications

Lymari Morales
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Effective Writing for Public Health Change

Mary Catherine Sheehan
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Advanced Topics in Climate Change Policy

Second Term

Leslie Adams
Assistant Professor, Mental Health
Course: Psychiatric Epidemiology

Abdulgafoor Bachani
Associate Professor, International Health
Course: Confronting the Burden of Injuries: A Global Perspective

Kellan Baker
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Issues in LGBTQ Health Policy

David Baker
Associate Professor – Adjunct, Health Policy and Management
Course: Applications in Accountable Care: Assessing Quality and Effectiveness of Population Health Initiatives

Julie Barth
Associate, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Principles of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene

Judith K. Bass
Professor, Mental Health
Course: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods for Mental Health and Psychosocial Research in Low Resource Settings

Melania Bembea 
Associate Professor, School of Medicine
Course: Ethical and Regulatory Issues in Clinical Research

Sara Bennett
Professor, International Health
Course: Health Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Leslie Biesecker 
Associate Professor – Adjunct, Health, Behavior and Society 
Course: Introduction to Human Genetics II

Shyam S. Biswal
Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Molecular Toxicology

Mark Bittle 
Teaching Professor, Health Policy and Management
Courses: MHA Seminar
Collective Impact: Developing and Leading Community Partnerships to Improve Population Health

Gundula Bosch 
Research Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/School of Education (Joint) 
Courses: R3 Writing Seminar for Graduate Students
Anatomy of Scientific Error – Meta-Science in Research Practice   

Jay H. Bream 
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/International Health (Joint)
Course: Current Literature in Microbial Immunity

Joseph Bressler 
Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (Joint)
Course: Toxicology 21: Scientific Foundations

Floyd Bryant
Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Course: Biochemistry II: Major Metabolic Pathways

Frances Burman
Senior Academic Program Manager, Epidemiology 
Courses: Teaching Epidemiologic Methods and Concepts at the Graduate Level
Current Topics in Epidemiologic Research

Gilbert Burnham 
Professor – Emeritus, International Health/School of Nursing (Joint)
Course: Health Care in Humanitarian Emergencies

Laura Camarata 
Assistant Lecturer, Epidemiology 
Courses: Teaching Epidemiologic Methods and Concepts at the Graduate Level
Current Topics in Epidemiologic Research

Arturo Casadevall
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/School of Medicine 
Course: Anatomy of Scientific Error – Meta-Science in Research Practice   

Aruna Chandran 
Research Professor, Epidemiology 
Course: Seminars in Public Health: Advanced Topics

Karen Charron 
Associate Lecturer, Health Policy and Management
Course: MHA Seminar

Megan Cho 
Associate, Health, Behavior and Society
Courses: Genetic Counseling Prenatal Standardized Patient Clinical Rotation 
Introduction to Genetic Counseling II

Svea Closser 
Associate Professor, International Health
Course: Doctoral Seminar in Research Methods in Applied Medical Anthropology II

Greg Conderacci 
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Marketing in Health Care Organizations

Avonne E. Connor
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Etiology, Prevention, and Control of Cancer

Andreea Creanga 
Professor, International Health/School of Medicine (Joint)/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Issues in the Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Low Income Countries

Frank C. Curriero 
Professor, Epidemiology/Biostatistics (Joint) 
Course: Spatial Data Technologies for Mapping

Kari Moore Debbink 
Associate Teaching Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology 
Courses: Academic and Career Essentials
Disaster Microbiology

Conan Dickson 
Associate Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management
Courses: Strategic Leadership and Decision Making
MHA Seminar
Quantitative Tools for Managers

Stephan Ehrhardt 
Associate Professor, Epidemiology 
Course: Epidemiologic Methods for Epi Doctoral Students II

Johnathon P. Ehsani 
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)/Whiting School of Engineering (Joint) Course: Graduate Seminar in Health and Public Policy

Cyrus Y. Engineer 
Professor of the Practice, International Health/Health Policy and Management (Joint) 
Course: Leadership and Management in Humanitarian Health

Lori H. Erby
Associate Professor – Adjunct, Health, Behavior and Society 
Courses: Genetic Counseling Prenatal Standardized Patient Clinical Rotation
Introduction to Human Genetics II
Introduction to Genetic Counseling II

Sean Evans 
Associate, Health Policy and Management 
Course: Quantitative Tools for Managers

Chanee Fabius
Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Health Issues for Aging Populations

Homayoon Farzadegan 
Professor, Epidemiology 
Course: Advanced Topics on Control and Prevention of HIV/AIDS

Norman Fost 
Adjunct Faculty, Bioethics Institute
Course: Ethical and Regulatory Issues in Clinical Research

Mary A. Fox 
Assistant Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint) 
Course: Topics in Risk Assessment

Darrell J. Gaskin 
Professor, Health Policy and Management/School of Medicine (Joint)     
Course: Advanced Health Economics II

Alison Gemmill
Assistant Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Critiquing the Research Literature in Maternal, Neonatal, and Reproductive Health

Suzanne Grieb 
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)
Course: Introduction to Community-Based Participatory Research: Principles and Methods

Jacqueline Hackett
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Health Advocacy

Andre Hackman
Assistant Scientist, Biostatistics
Course: Introduction to Data Management

Susan Hannum 
Associate Research Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Concepts in Qualitative Research for Social and Behavioral Sciences

J. Marie Hardwick 
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology 
Course: Scientific Grant Writing

Steven Harvey 
Associate Professor, International Health 
Course: Qualitative Data Analysis

Elizabeth A. Hazel 
Assistant Research Professor, International Health
Course: Global Disease Epidemiology and Control Program Seminar II

Josh Horwitz 
Professor of the Practice, Health Policy and Management
Course: Health Advocacy

Douglas Hough 
Senior Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Behavioral Economics and Risk: Value-Based Payment Methods and Incentives

Leila Jamal 
Assistant Professor – Adjunct, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Introduction to Genetic Counseling II

Ayesha Khan 
Instructor, Epidemiology 
Course: Current Topics in Epidemiologic Research

Brian Klaas 
Instructor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology 
Courses: Communication Practice for Health Science Professionals 
Communications Primer for the Public Health Sciences

Maria Knoll 
Research Professor, International Health
Course: Doctoral Seminar in International Health II

Poonum Korpe 
Associate Research Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Healthcare Epidemiology

Jordan Kuiper
Assistant Scientist, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Global Sustainability and Health Seminar

Heather Lamb 
Assistant Scientist, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Anatomy of Scientific Error – Meta-Science in Research Practice   

Megan Weil Latshaw 
Associate Teaching Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (Joint) 
Course: Applied Environmental Health Practice

Catherine Lesko
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Gem Research Seminar

Mindi Levin 
Associate Practice Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Baltimore Community Practicum

Joseph Levy 
Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Economic Evaluation II

Martin A. Lindquist 
Professor, Biostatistics 
Course: Advanced Methods in Biostatistics II

Paul A. Locke 
Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/Health Policy and Management (Joint)/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)
Course: Protecting the Environment and Safeguarding Worker Health: A Problem-Based Approach

Joseph B. Margolick 
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint)/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Immunology, Infection and Disease

Hannah Marker 
Research Associate II, International Health
Course: Global Sustainability and Health Seminar

Beth Renee Dail Marshall 
Associate Practice Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Schools and Health

Pablo Martinez Amezcua 
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology 
Course: Epidemiologic Methods for Epi Doctoral Students II

Kunihiro Matsushita  
Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Principles of Clinical Epidemiology

John McGready 
Teaching Professor, Biostatistics
Course: Statistical Reasoning in Public Health II

Philip Ray McNab 
Assistant Scientist, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Food Systems Practicum

Tamar Mendelson 
Professor, Mental Health/Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Promoting Equity for Adolescents and Emerging Adults: Problem-Solving Seminar

Rosemary Morgan 
Associate Research Professor, International Health/School of Nursing (Joint) 
Courses: Health Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Applications to Gender Analysis within Health Research and Interventions

Paulani C. Mui 
Assistant Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Public Health Practice

Melinda Kay Munos 
Assistant Professor, International Health
Course: Issues in the Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Low-Income Countries

Douglas E. Norris
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/International Health (Joint) 
Course: Academic and Career Essentials

Kwaku Nuamah
Senior Associate, International Health
Course: International Political Science for PH Practitioners

Jeanine Marie Parisi 
Teaching Professor, Mental Health 
Courses: Seminar on Aging, Cognition and Neurodegenerative Disorders
MHS Thesis in Mental Health: From Proposal to Publication I

Sarah Louise Poynton
Associate Professor, School of Medicine
Course: Biomedical Writing I

Beth A. Resnick
Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Public Health Practice

Travis N. Rieder 
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Hot Topics in Bioethics

W. Courtland Robinson
Associate Professor, International Health/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint) 
Course: Seminar in Humanitarian Health

Joanne Rosen 
Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Issues in LGBTQ Health Policy

Haneefa Saleem 
Assistant Professor, International Health
Course: Qualitative Research Practicum I: Partnerships and Protocol Development

Brendan Saloner 
Professor, Health Policy and Management/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: Foundations in Health Policy II

Alan L. Scott 
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Joint)/International Health (Joint)/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint)
Courses: Principles of Immunology II
Immunology, Infection and Disease
Current Literature in Microbial Immunity

Roza Selimyan 
Teaching Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
Courses: Aspiring Physicians Enacting Change Through Community Engagement
BMB SCM Laboratory Rotations
Premedical Seminars: Planning and Preparing for Medical School Application

Tara Kirk Sell 
Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering 
Course: Protecting the Environment and Safeguarding Worker Health: A Problem-Based Approach

Elizabeth Selvin 
Professor, Epidemiology 
Course: Welch Center Research Seminar

Timothy M. Shields 
Senior Scientist, Epidemiology 
Course: Spatial Data Technologies for Mapping

Fenna Sillé
Assistant Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Molecular Toxicology

Brian W. Simpson 
Associate, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology 
Courses: R3 Writing Seminar for Graduate Students
Unleash Your Writing Superpower: Crafting Clear, Concise, and Persuasive Prose

Paul B. Spiegel 
Professor of the Practice, International Health/Epidemiology (Joint) 
Course: Seminar in Humanitarian Health
Course: Leadership and Management in Humanitarian Health

Donna Strobino
Professor – Emeritus, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Critiquing the Research Literature in Maternal, Neonatal, and Reproductive Health

Pamela J. Surkan 
Professor, International Health/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: Qualitative Research Practicum I: Partnerships and Protocol Development

Yvonne Yin On Tam 
Senior Research Associate, International Health
Course: Global Disease Epidemiology and Control Program Seminar II

Roland J. Thorpe, Jr. 
Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (Joint)/School of Medicine (Joint)/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: Seminar on Aging, Cognition, and Neurodegenerative Disorders

Johannes Thrul
Associate Professor, Mental Health
Course: The Epidemiology of Substance Use and Related Problems

Michele Twilley 
Associate, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Principles of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene

Mija-Tesse Ververs 
Senior Associate, International Health
Course: Leadership and Management in Humanitarian Health

Heather E. Volk 
Associate Professor, Mental Health/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint)/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Psychiatric Epidemiology

Fengyi Wan 
Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/School of Medicine (Joint)/Molecular Microbiology and Immunology (Joint)
Course: Principles of Cell Biology

Maggie P. Wear 
Assistant Scientist, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Disaster Microbiology

Peter Winch 
Professor, International Health/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)
Course: Global Sustainability and Health Seminar

Jennifer L. Wolff 
Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Graduate Seminar in Health Services Research and Policy

Fidel Zavala 
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Current Literature in Microbial Immunity

Nukhba Zia 
Assistant Scientist, International Health
Course: Confronting the Burden of Injuries: A Global Perspective

Linnea Zimmerman 
Assistant Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Social and Economic Aspects of Human Fertility

Winter Institute

Joshuaa Allison-Burbank
Assistant Scientist, International Health 
Course: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Health of Native Americans

Gilbert Burnham 
Professor – Emeritus, International Health/School of Nursing (Joint)
Course: Health Emergencies in Large Populations (H.E.L.P.) 

Carlos Castillo-Salgado
Professor, Epidemiology/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)/School of Medicine (Joint)/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Professional Epidemiologic Methods: Epidemiologic Intelligence and Population Health Assessments

Kevin Fain 
Associate, Epidemiology
Course: Professional Epidemiologic Methods: Epidemiologic Intelligence and Population Health Assessments

Paul Gaist 
Professor – Adjunct, Epidemiology/Health Policy and Management/Health, Behavior and Society 
Course: The Role of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) and Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) in Improving Global Public Health

Ava Hoffman
Associate, Biostatistics
Course: Introduction to R for Public Health Researchers

Jerreed D. Ivanich
Assistant Professor – Adjunct, International Health
Course: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Health of Native Americans

Anna Kalbarczyk
Assistant Scientist, International Health
Course: Essential Skills for Women’s Leadership in Global Health

Brian Klaas 
Instructor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology 
Course: Communications Primer for the Public Health Sciences

Christine M. Ladd-Acosta
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: Introduction to -Omics in Public Health

Stacey B. Lee 
Associate Professor, Carey Business School/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Negotiation in Health Care Settings

Joseph Levy 
Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Extended Exercises in Cost Effectiveness

Alexander Mackey 
Senior Research Associate, International Health
Course: Prevention of Unintentional Injuries in American Indian Communities

Pamala C. Martin
Associate, Population, Family and Reproductive Health 
Course: Creating, Implementing and Monitoring Budgets for Projects and Programs

Clifton Dyer McKee
Research Associate, Epidemiology 
Course: Introduction to R for Public Health Researchers

Kristin Kay Mitchell 
Research Associate, International Health
Course: Prevention of Unintentional Injuries in American Indian Communities

Daniel Obeng
Associate, Biostatistics 
Course: Data Analysis Workshop I

Wendy Shields 
Senior Scientist, Health Policy and Management
Course: Prevention of Unintentional Injuries in American Indian Communities

Kristen Speakman 
Senior Research Associate, International Health
Course: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Health of Native Americans

Anna M. Sundbo
Research Associate II, International Health 
Course: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Health of Native Americans

Mija-Tesse Ververs 
Senior Associate, International Health
Course: Health Emergencies in Large Populations (H.E.L.P.)

Sydney K. White
Research Associate, International Health 
Course: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Health of Native Americans

Carrie Wright
Associate, Biostatistics 
Course: Introduction to R for Public Health Researchers

Third Term

Joseph Ali 
Associate Professor, International Health
Course: Fogarty Bioethics Fellows Seminar

Philip Anglewicz 
Associate Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Issues In Survey Research Design

Jennifer Applegate
Assistant Research Professor, International Health
Courses: The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population's Health
Essentials of Environmental Health
Foundational Principles of Public Health

Scott Bailey
Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Gene Editing, Therapy and Manipulation

Sachini Bandara
Assistant Professor, Mental Health/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Seminars in Research in Public Mental Health

Karen Bandeen-Roche
Professor, Biostatistics/School of Medicine (Joint)/School of Nursing (Joint)
Course: Statistical Methods In Public Health III

Judith K. Bass
Professor, Mental Health
Course: Seminars In Research in Public Mental Health

Sean Berenholtz 
Professor, School of Medicine/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Introduction to Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety: A Management Perspective            

Marykate Bergen 
Course Facilitator
Courses: The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population's Health
Essentials of Environmental Health
Foundational Principles of Public Health

Christina Bethell 
Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Evidence and Opportunities to Mitigate Childhood Adversity and Promote Well-Being 

Shyam S. Biswal
Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Climate Change and Public Health

Mark Bittle 
Teaching Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Value-Based Concepts of Socially Responsible Leadership

Gundula Bosch
Research Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/School of Education (Joint)
Courses: How Do We Know? - Theory, History, and Practice Of Science
R3 Writing Seminar for Graduate Students

Randy Bryant
Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Course: Nucleic Acid Chemistry

Laura Camarata
Assistant Lecturer, Epidemiology
Course: Current Topics In Epidemiologic Research

David Chin 
Distinguished Scholar, Health Policy and Management/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Medical Practice Management

Elizabeth Colantuoni
Research Professor, Biostatistics
Course: Methods In Biostatistics III

Melanie Curless
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Infection Prevention in Healthcare Settings

Frank C. Curriero
Professor, Epidemiology/Biostatistics (Joint)
Courses: Spatial Analysis III: Spatial Statistics
Applied Spatial Statistics

Kimberly Davis 
Associate Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections

Jennifer Deal 
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Epidemiology of Sensory Loss in Aging

Kari Moore Debbink 
Associate Teaching Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology 
Courses: Academic and Career Essentials
Career, Academic, and Research Essentials

Michele R. Decker 
Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health/School of Nursing (Joint)
Course: Gender-Based Violence Research, Practice and Policy: Issues and Current Controversies

Julie A. Denison
Associate Professor, International Health
Course: Qualitative Research Theory and Methods

Michael Desjardins
Assistant Research Professor, Epidemiology 
Course: Spatial Analysis III: Spatial Statistics

Conan Dickson 
Associate Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Quantitative Tools for Managers

Marie Diener-West 
Professor, Biostatistics/Epidemiology (Joint)/School of Nursing (Joint)
Course: Statistical Methods In Public Health III

Pamela K. Donohue
Senior Associate, Population, Family and Reproductive Health 
Course: Clinical Aspects of Maternal and Newborn Health

David W. Dowdy
Professor, Epidemiology/International Health (Joint)/School of Medicine (Joint)
Courses: Concepts and Methods in Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Improve Public Health

Matthew Z. Dudley
Assistant Research Professor, International Health 
Course: Vaccine Policy Issues

Johnathon P. Ehsani 
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)/Whiting School of Engineering (Joint) 
Course: Graduate Seminar in Health and Public Policy

John W. K. Ellis
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Financial Management In Health Care I

Shatha Elnakib
Associate Scientist, International Health 
Course: Migration And Health: Concepts, Rates, and Relationships

Maria Eng 
Associate, International Health
Course: Pharmaceutical and Supply Chain Management: Realities From the Field      

Lori H. Erby
Associate Professor - Adjunct, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Health Judgment and Decision Making

Daniel J. Erchick 
Associate Scientist, International Health
Course: Design and Conduct of Community Trials

Sean Evans 
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Quantitative Tools for Managers

Natalie Exum
Associate Scientist, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Water and Sanitation in Low-Income Communities

Michael Fang 
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Introduction to Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology

Kadija S. Ferryman
Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Management 
Course: Race and Bioethics

Mary A. Fox
Assistant Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint) 
Course: Methods in Quantitative Risk Assessment

Constantine Frangakis
Professor, Biostatistics/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Causal Inference in Medicine And Public Health I

Shannon Frattaroli 
Professor, Health Policy and Management 
Course: The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population's Health

Kelly A. Gebo 
Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Grant Writing and Scientific Presentation Skills I  

Becky Genberg
Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Introduction to Health Survey Research Methods

Khalil H. Ghanem 
Professor, School of Medicine/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Grant Writing and Scientific Presentation Skills I  

Robert H. Gilman 
Professor, International Health/Molecular Microbiology and Immunology (Joint)
Course: Domestic Immigrant Health Issues and Emerging Diseases

Chris Goeschel 
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Introduction to Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety: A Management Perspective

James T. Gordy 
Assistant Scientist, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Techniques in Molecular Biology

Jacqueline Hackett
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Health Advocacy

Andre Hackman
Assistant Scientist, Biostatistics
Course: Introduction to Data Management

Elizabeth A. Hazel 
Assistant Research Professor, International Health
Course: Global Disease Epidemiology and Control Program Seminar 3

Josh Horwitz 
Professor of the Practice, Health Policy and Management
Course: Health Advocacy

Luther G. Kalb 
Assistant Professor, Mental Health
Course: Public Health and the Good Life 

Nancy Kass 
Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Fogarty Bioethics Fellows Seminar

Joanne Katz
Professor, International Health/Biostatistics (Joint)/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Design and Conduct of Community Trials

Michelle R. Kaufman
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/International Health (Joint)
Course: Children, Media, and Health       

Joanne Kenen 
Assistant Lecturer, Health Policy and Management
Course: Crisis and Response In Public Health Policy and Practice

Caitlin Elizabeth Kennedy
Professor, International Health/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)
Course: The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population's Health

Brian Klaas 
Instructor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Courses: Communications Primer for the Public Health Sciences
Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Improve Public Health

William M.P. Klein 
Professor -– Adjunct, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Health Judgment and Decision Making

Adam Koon 
Assistant Scientist, International Health
Course: Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Improve Public Health

Christine M. Ladd-Acosta
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: Principles of Genetic Epidemiology 3

Megan Weil Latshaw 
Associate Teaching Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (Joint) Course: Essentials of Environmental Health

Mindi Levin 
Associate Practice Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Baltimore Community Practicum

David Love
Research Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Seafood and Public Health: Global Trade, Nutrition and the Environment

Sara Lupolt
Assistant Scientist, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Introduction to the Risk Sciences and Public Policy

Lisa Maragakis
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Infection Prevention in Healthcare Settings

Arik V. Marcell 
Senior Associate, School of Medicine/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Masculinity, Sexual Behavior and Health: Adolescence and Beyond

Richard Markham 
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Techniques In Molecular Biology

Beth Renee Dail Marshall 
Associate Practice Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Children in Crisis: An Asset-Based Approach to Working with Vulnerable Youth             

Jill A. Marsteller
Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Measurement and Evaluation in Quality and Safety

Lena Mathews 
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine 
Course: Assessment of Clinical Cardiovascular Disease

Kunihiro Matsushita 
Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Assessment of Clinical Cardiovascular Disease

Aidan McDermott 
Associate, Biostatistics
Course: The SAS Statistical Package: A Survey for Statisticians

Mark Meiselbach 
Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Intermediate Health Economics

Jeffrey P. Michael
Distinguished Scholar, Health Policy and Management
Course: Graduate Seminar in Injury Research and Policy  

Kristin Mmari 
Associate Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Fundamentals of Program Evaluation

Diwakar Mohan
Associate Research Professor, International Health
Course: Design and Conduct of Community Trials

Lymari Morales 
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Effective Writing for Public Health Change

Susan Muaddi-Darraj 
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Professional Development: Writing For Results

Paulani C. Mui
Assistant Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: The Tools of Public Health Practice

Yeeli Mui 
Assistant Professor, International Health
Course: Planning For Food Systems and Public Health

Cari Lyn Munro 
Course Facilitator 
Courses: The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population's Health
Essentials of Environmental Health
Foundational Principles of Public Health 

Rashelle Jean Musci
Associate Professor, Mental Health/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Prevention of Mental Disorders: Public Health Interventions

Keeve Nachman
Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Introduction to the Risk Sciences and Public Policy

Sara Benjamin Neelon
Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/International Health (Joint)
Course: Scientific Writing in Health Sciences: Developing a Manuscript for Publication I

Roni Neff
Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Baltimore Food Systems: A Case Study of Urban Food Environments

Bareng Aletta Sanny Nonyane
Research Professor, International Health
Course: Power and Practice in Global Health: Theories, Perspectives, and Action in “Decolonization”

Douglas E. Norris
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/International Health (Joint) 
Course: Academic and Career Essentials

Liz Nussbaumer 
Project Director, Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future
Course: Seafood and Public Health: Global Trade, Nutrition and the Environment

Jeanine Marie Parisi 
Teaching Professor, Mental Health 
Courses: Seminar on Aging, Cognition and Neurodegenerative Disorders
MHS Thesis In Mental Health: From Proposal to Publication II

Sylvie Perkins 
Research Associate, International Health
Course: Grant Writing for Public Health Practice

Craig Evan Pollack 
Professor, Health Policy and Management/Epidemiology (Joint) /School of Medicine (Joint) /School of Nursing (Joint)
Course: The Research and Proposal Writing Process I

Terrinieka Powell 
Associate Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Children in Crisis: An Asset-Based Approach to Working With Vulnerable Youth

Megan Priolo
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Value-Based Concepts of Socially Responsible Leadership

Lois Privor-Dumm 
Senior Research Associate, International Health
Course: Vaccine Policy Issues

Ahmed Ragab 
Associate Professor, Institute of the History of Medicine
Course: History of International Health and Development             

Radhika Raghunathan
Assistant Research Professor, Mental Health
Course: Prevention of Mental Disorders: Public Health Interventions

Gurumurthy Ramachandran
Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering
Courses: Occupational Health Management
Exposure Assessment Techniques For Health Risk Management   

Nicholas Reed
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Epidemiology of Sensory Loss in Aging

Lisa Reider 
Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: The Research and Proposal Writing Process I       

Beth A. Resnick
Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management
Courses: The Tools of Public Health Practice
Foundational Principles of Public Health 

Aisha Rivera 
Associate, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Clinical Environmental and Occupational Toxicology

W. Courtland Robinson
Associate Professor, International Health/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Courses: Migration and Health: Concepts, Rates, and Relationships
Seminar In Humanitarian Health 
Human Rights in Humanitarian Emergencies

Daniela Rodriguez
Associate Scientist, International Health
Course: Health Policy Analysis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Andrea Ruff
Associate Professor, International Health 
Course: Infectious Diseases and Child Survival

Emma Sacks
Associate, International Health
Course: Power and Practice in Global Health: Theories, Perspectives, and Action in “Decolonization”

Ian Saldanha
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Methods for Conducting Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

Daniel Salmon 
Professor, International Health/ Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)
Course: Vaccine Policy Issues      

Kellogg Schwab
Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Water and Sanitation in Low-Income Communities

Roza Selimyan 
Teaching Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 
Courses: Premedical Seminars: Planning and Preparing for Medical School Application
BMB SCM Laboratory Rotations

Rebecca Seltzer 
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Vulnerability in Childhood: From Ethics to Advocacy

Elizabeth Selvin
Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Welch Center Research Seminar               

Joshua Sharfstein 
Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Crisis and Response in Public Health Policy and Practice

Mark Shaver 
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Non-Traditional and Innovative Health Services Partnerships

Yusra Shawar
Associate Research Professor, International Health 
Course: Health Policy Analysis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Timothy Shields
Senior Scientist, Epidemiology 
Course: Applied Spatial Statistics

Jeremy Shiffman 
Professor, International Health/School of Advanced International Studies (Joint)
Course: Health Policy Analysis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Brian W. Simpson 
Associate, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology 
Courses: R3 Writing Seminar for Graduate Students
Professional Development: Writing For Results

Annie D. Smith 
Assistant Scientist, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Masculinity, Sexual Behavior and Health: Adolescence and Beyond

Katherine Smith
Professor, Health, Behavior and Society 
Course: The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population's Health

Paul B. Spiegel
Professor of the Practice, International Health/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Seminar In Humanitarian Health 

Donna Strobino
Professor – Emeritus, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Clinical Aspects of Maternal and Newborn Health

Elizabeth A. Stuart 
Professor, Biostatistics/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Causal Inference in Medicine and Public Health I

Tina Suliman 
Associate, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Decoloniality and Global Health Communication

David J. Sullivan 
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Malariology

Kawsar Talaat
Associate Professor, International Health
Course: Infectious Diseases and Child Survival

Yvonne Tam 
Assistant Scientist, International Health
Course: Global Disease Epidemiology and Control Program Seminar 3

Margaret Taub 
Associate Scientist, Biostatistics
Course: Current Topics in Biostatistics Research   

Andrew Thorne-Lyman
Associate Research Professor, International Health/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint)
Course: Seafood and Public Health: Global Trade, Nutrition and the Environment

Roland J. Thorpe Jr. 
Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/ Mental Health (Joint)/Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (Joint)/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Seminar on Aging, Cognition and Neurodegenerative Disorders

Antonio Trujillo 
Professor, International Health
Course: Econometric Methods for Evaluation of Health Programs

Carol Underwood
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Decoloniality and Global Health Communication

Jon Vernick
Professor, Health Policy and Management/School of Education (Joint)
Course: Public Health and the Law

Melissa Walls 
Associate Professor, International Health
Course: Grant Writing for Public Health Practice  

Jiangxia Wang 
Associate Scientist, Biostatistics 
Course: Practice of Statistical Consulting 

Xiaobin Wang 
Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: PFRH First-Year Doctoral Seminar Part 2

Andrea Wirtz 
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/International Health (Joint)
Course: Introduction to Health Survey Research Methods

Weiqiang Zhou 
Associate Scientist, Biostatistics
Course: Current Topics in Biostatistics Research

Fourth Term

Olusoji Adeyi
Senior Associate, International Health 
Course: Global Health Dynamics in Practice: Exploring Power, Colonial Legacies, Foreign Aid, Leadership Accountability, and Institutions

Smisha Agarwal
Associate Professor, International Health
Course: Topics in Global Digital Health

Saifuddin Ahmed
Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health/Biostatistics (Joint)
Course: Methods in Analysis of Large Population Surveys

Luciana Assini-Meytin
Assistant Scientist, Mental Health
Course: Childhood Victimization: A Public Health Perspective

Matt Austin
Associate Professor, School of Medicine/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Measurement Lab in Quality and Safety

Sheriza Baksh
Assistant Research Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Advanced Methods in Clinical Trials

Sachini Bandara
Assistant Professor, Mental Health/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Seminars in Research in Public Mental Health

Harry Barbee
Assistant Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: The Epidemiology of LGBTQ Health

Allison Barlow
Research Professor, International Health
Course: Indigenous Health

Daniel Barnett
Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/Health Policy and Management (Joint)/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)
Course: Introduction to Public Health Emergency Preparedness

Judith Bass
Professor, Mental Health
Course: Seminars in Research in Public Mental Health

Suzanne Bell
Assistant Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Public Health Perspectives on Abortion

Taylor Binnix Baylus
Instructor, Epidemiology
Course: Current Topics in Epidemiologic Research

Shyam S. Biswal
Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/School of Medicine (Joint)
Courses: Introduction to Molecular Toxicology
Global Sustainability and Health Seminar

Mark Bittle
Teaching Professor, Health Policy and Management
Courses: MHA Seminar
Population Health Management Integrative Activity

Martin Bloem
Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/International Health (Joint)
Course: Global Sustainability and Health Seminar

Gundula Bosch
Program Director, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/School of Education (Joint)
Courses: Evidence-Based Teaching in the Biomedical and Health Sciences-Practice
R3 Writing Seminar for Graduate Students
Biology of the Next Pandemic

August Bourgeois
Senior Associate, International Health
Course: Biologic Basis of Vaccine Development

Jay H. Bream
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/International Health (Joint)
Courses: Graduate Immunology: The Immune Response
Biologic Basis of Vaccine Development

Joseph Bressler
Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (Joint)
Course: Environmental Health in Neurological and Mental Disorders

William Brieger
Professor, International Health
Course: Integrative Activity in Community-Based Primary Health Care

Anne Burke
Associate Professor, School of Medicine/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Courses: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
Public Health Perspectives on Abortion

Gilbert Burnham
Professor, International Health/School of Nursing (Joint)
Course: Project Development for Primary Health Care in Developing Countries

Emma Camacho Ochoa
Assistant Research Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Courses: Evidence-Based Teaching in the Biomedical and Health Sciences – Practice
Equitable Leadership in the Biosciences

Laura Caulfield
Professor, International Health
Course: Developing Skills in Clinical Nutrition IV: Expanded Studies

Karen Charron
Associate Lecturer, Health Policy and Management
Course: MHA Seminar

Nilanjan Chatterjee
Professor, Biostatistics/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Advanced Methods for Statistical Genetics and Genomics

Elizabeth Colantuoni
Research Professor, Biostatistics
Course: Methods in Biostatistics IV

Greg Conderacci
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Marketing in Health Care Organizations

Valeria Culotta
Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint)
Course: Fellowship Grant Writing for Students and Postdoctoral Fellows in Biomedical Research

Meghan Davis
Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/School of Medicine (Joint)
Courses: Total Worker Health
One Health Seminar

Jennifer Deal
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Seminar in Disability Health Research

Lorraine Dean
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/Health Policy and Management (Joint)/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Methods for Assessing Power, Privilege, and Public Health in The United States

Kari Debbink
Associate Teaching Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Academic and Career Essentials

Conan Dickson
Associate Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management
Courses: Quantitative Tools for Managers
MHA Seminar

Marie Diener-West
Professor, Biostatistics/Epidemiology (Joint)/School of Nursing (Joint)
Courses: Data Analysis Workshop I
Data Analysis Workshop II

Pamela Donohue
Senior Associate, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Child Health Epidemiology

Anna Durbin
Professor, International Health/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Biologic Basis of Vaccine Development

Raimee Eck
Associate, Health Behavior and Society
Course: Media Advocacy and Public Health: Theory and Practice

Anbrasi Edward
Associate Practice Professor, International Health
Course: Project Development for Primary Health Care in Developing Countries

Stephan Ehrhardt
Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Epidemiologic Methods for Epi Doctoral Students IV

Johnathon P. Ehsani
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)/Whiting School of Engineering (Joint)
Courses: Graduate Seminar in Health and Public Policy
Transportation Policy, Equity and Health

John Ellis
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Courses: Financial Management in Health Care II
Population Health Management Integrative Activity

Lilly Engineer
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality Integrative Activity

Kevin Etter
Associate, International Health
Course: Supply Chain Solutions for Global Health – A Survey of the Challenges, Interventions, and Innovation

Louis Fazen
Assistant Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Onsite Evaluation of Workplace and Occupational Health Programs

Mary Fox
Assistant Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint)
Courses: Topics in Risk Assessment
Risk Policy, Management and Communication

Shunichi Fukuhara
Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Designing Your MPH Capstone as a Research Report

Joseph Gallo
Professor, Mental Health
Course: The Intersection of Mental and Physical Health

Darrell J. Gaskin
Professor, Health Policy and Management/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Advanced Health Economics IV

Kelly Gebo
Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Grant Writing and Scientific Presentation Skills II

Khalil Ghanem
Professor, School of Medicine/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Grant Writing and Scientific Presentation Skills II

Dustin G. Gibson
Associate Research Professor, International Health
Course: Special Topics in Global Digital Health

Gigi Gronvall
Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Lessons Learned in 1918 Pandemic Flu

Andre Hackman
Associate Scientist, Biostatistics
Course: Introduction to Data Management

Kasper Hansen
Associate Professor, Biostatistics
Course: Advanced Statistical Computing

Ajeenah Haynes-Saafir
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Occupational Injury Prevention and Safety Policy and Practice

Shelley Hearne
Distinguished Professor of the Practice, Health Policy and Management
Course: Catalyzing Change Part 1: Practical Approaches to Health Policy

Charvonne Holliday
Assistant Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Women's Health Policy

Hongkai Ji
Professor, Biostatistics
Course: Advanced Methods in Biostatistics IV

Tahilin Karver
Assistant Research Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Under Pressure: Health, Wealth, and Poverty

Ryan Kennedy
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Program Planning for Health Behavior Change

Gary Ketner
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Biology of the Next Pandemic

Hadi Kharrazi
Professor, Health Policy and Management/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Population Health: Analytic Methods and Visualization Techniques

Brian Klaas
Instructor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Courses: Communications Primer for the Public Health Sciences
Communication Practice for Health Science Professionals

Justin Klavan
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Occupational Injury Prevention and Safety Policy and Practice

Sabra Klein
Professor, Molecular Microbiology/Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Joint)/International Health (Joint)
Course: Biology of the Next Pandemic

Heather Lamb
Assistant Scientist, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Courses: Evidence-Based Teaching in the Biomedical and Health Sciences – Practice
Equitable Leadership in the Biosciences

Elizabeth Letourneau
Professor, Mental Health
Course: Childhood Victimization: A Public Health Perspective

Paul Locke
Professor. Environmental Health and Engineering/Health Policy and Management (Joint)/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)
Course: Introduction to Environmental and Occupational Health Law

Sara Lupolt
Assistant Scientist, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Topics in Risk Assessment

Alexandra Maertens
Assistant Scientist, Environmental Health and Engineering
Courses: Analysis for Environmental Genomics and Epigenomics
Introduction to Environmental Genomics and Epigenomics

Brion Maher
Professor, Mental Health/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Grant Writing for the Social and Behavioral Sciences

Hannah Marker
Research Associate II, International Health
Course: Global Sustainability and Health Seminar

Pablo Martinez Amezcua
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Epidemiologic Methods for Epi Doctoral Students IV

Anna Mastroianni
Research Professor, Bioethics
Course: Bioethics and the Law

Meredith Matone
Associate, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Preventing Infant Mortality and Promoting the Health of Women, Infants, and Children

Kunihiro Matsushita
Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Courses: Principles of Clinical Epidemiology
Methods and Applications of Cohort Studies

Alexander McCourt
Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Public Health Agencies: Law, Policy and Practice

Aidan McDermott
Associate, Biostatistics
Course: Introduction to the SAS Statistical Package

Conor McMeniman
Assistant Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Vector Biology and Disease Ecology Literature

Edgar R. Miller
Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology

Alyssa Moran
Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Food Industry, Politics and Public Health

Paulani Mui
Assistant Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Public Health Practice

Rashelle Musci
Associate Professor, Mental Health/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)/Biostatistics (Joint)
Course: Advanced Latent Variable Modeling: Matching Model to Question

Keeve Nachman
Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Topics in Risk Assessment

Sara Neelon
Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/International Health (Joint)
Course: Scientific Writing in Health Sciences: Developing a Manuscript for Publication II

Douglas Norris
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/International Health (Joint)
Courses: Vector Biology and Disease Ecology Literature
Biology of the Next Pandemic
Academic and Career Essentials

Jeanine Parisi
Teaching Professor, Mental Health
Course: Strategies for Success: Public Mental Health Career Development and Beyond 

Bryan Patenaude
Associate Professor, International Health
Course: Advanced Topics in Economic Evaluation and Modeling for Global Health

Andrew Pekosz
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint)
Course: Advanced Virology

Scott Pilla
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Epidemiology of Diabetes and Obesity

Craig Pollack
Professor, Health Policy and Management/Epidemiology (Joint)/School of Medicine (Joint)/School of Nursing (Joint)
Course: The Research and Proposal Writing Process II

Terri Powell
Associate Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: The Social Context of Adolescent Health and Development

Sarah Poynton
Associate Professor, School of Medicine
Course: Biomedical Writing II

Lisa Reider
Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: The Research and Proposal Writing Process II

Beth A. Resnick
Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Public Health Practice

Courtland Robinson
Associate Professor, International Health/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Seminar in Humanitarian Health

Joanne Rosen
Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Legal and Public Health Issues in the Regulation of Intimacy

Ana Maria Rule
Assistant Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Onsite Evaluation of Workplace and Occupational Health Programs

David Sack
Professor, International Health/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Clinical and Epidemiologic Aspects of Tropical Diseases

Haneefa Saleem
Associate Professor, International Health
Course: Qualitative Research Practicum III: Analyzing and Writing Qualitative Findings

Monica Schoch-Spana
Research Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: The Sociocultural Dimensions of Disasters

Alan Scott
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Joint)/International Health (Joint)/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint)
Course: Biology of the Next Pandemic

Roza Selimyan
Teaching Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology      
Courses: Premedical Seminars: Planning and Preparing for Medical School Application
BMB ScM Laboratory Rotations

Elizabeth Selvin
Professor, Epidemiology
Courses: Problems in the Design of Epidemiologic Studies: Proposal Development and Critique
Welch Center Research Seminar

Richey Sharrett
Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology

Jung-Im Shin
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Problems in the Design of Epidemiologic Studies: Proposal Development and Critique

Brian Simpson
Associate, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: R3 Writing Seminar for Graduate Students

Mariana Socal
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: U.S. Pharmaceutical Policy

Erin Sorrell
Visiting Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Lessons Learned in 1918 Pandemic Flu

Paul Spiegel
Distinguished Professor of the Practice, International Health/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Seminar in Humanitarian Health

Meredith Stewart
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Human Resources in Health Organizations

Monique Stins
Associate Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Principles of Neuroimmunology

Elizabeth Stuart
Professor, Biostatistics/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Causal Inference in Medicine and Public Health I

David Sullivan
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Advanced Malariology

Pamela Surkan
Professor, International Health/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: Qualitative Research Practicum III: Analyzing and Writing Qualitative Findings

Bonnielin Sceurman Swenor
Associate Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Seminar in Disability Health Research

Kawsar Talaat
Associate Professor, International Health
Course: Clinical and Epidemiologic Aspects of Tropical Diseases

Margaret Taub
Associate Scientist, Biostatistics
Course: Current Topics in Biostatistics Research

Andrew Thorne-Lyman
Associate Research Professor, International Health/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint)
Course: International Nutrition

Johannes Thrul
Associate Professor, Mental Health
Course: Digital and Mobile Health Research in Public Mental Health

Maria Trent
Professor, School of Medicine/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health

Patti Truant Anderson
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Media Interviews and Applied Public Health Communications

Carol Underwood
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Under Pressure: Health, Wealth and Poverty

Andres Ignacio Vecino-Ortiz
Associate Research Professor, International Health
Course: Special Topics in Global Digital Health

Xiaobin Wang
Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: PFRH First Year Doctoral Seminar Part 2

Donald Warne
Professor, International Health
Course: Indigenous Health

Keith West
Professor, International Health
Course: International Nutrition

Allison West
Assistant Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Applications in Program Monitoring and Evaluation

Holly Wilcox
Professor, Mental Health/ Health Policy and Management (Joint)/School of Medicine (Joint)/School of Education (Joint)
Course: Suicide as a Public Health Problem

Anaise Williams
Assistant Scientist, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: International Perspectives on Women, Gender, and Health

Peter Winch
Professor, International Health/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)
Course: Global Sustainability and Health Seminar

Andrea Wirtz
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/International Health (Joint)
Course: Assessing Epidemiologic Impact of Human Rights Violations

Julia Wolfson
Associate Professor, International Health/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Food Insecurity and Nutrition: Partnering With Community Organizations to Make Change

Hsin-Chieh (Jessica) Yeh
Associate Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Epidemiology of Diabetes and Obesity

Peter Zandi
Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)/mental Health (Joint)
Course: Introduction to Behavioral and Psychiatric Genetics

Weiqiang Zhou
Associate Scientist, Biostatistics
Course: Current Topics in Biostatistics Research