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Faculty Recognition

Excellence in Teaching

Students Recognize Outstanding Faculty 2024-2025

The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has a long tradition and a firm commitment to instruction of the highest quality. Excellence in teaching stimulates intellectual curiosity in students and prepares them to address the most challenging public health problems facing the world today. Each term, students recognize through their course evaluations the faculty who have contributed significantly to the intellectual life of the School through their excellence in teaching.


Honorees are those instructors who received an average score of 3.6 or above (on a four-point scale) in both the Overall Course and Overall Instructor categories of their student course evaluations with a response rate of 70% or higher.

The School expresses deep appreciation and congratulations to the following faculty members who achieved teaching excellence in the academic year 2024-2025.

Click the term you would like to view: Summer Term, Summer Institutes, First Term

Summer Term

Jennifer Applegate
Assistant Research Professor, International Health
Course: The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population’s Health

Marykate Bergen
Course Facilitator
Course: The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population’s Health

Rosa Crum
Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: Principles of Epidemiology

Khalil Ghanem
Professor, School of Medicine/Population, Family, and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Database of Design and Implementation in Clinical Research

Ira Gooding
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Teaching, Learning, and Leading – In the Classroom, In the Workplace and In the Community

Cari Munro
Course Facilitator
Course: The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population’s Health

Joshua Sharfstein
Distinguished Professor of the Practice, Health Policy and Management
Course: Public Health Policy

Summer Institutes

Leslie Adams
Assistant Professor, Mental Health 
Course: Racism and Public Mental Health

Binita Adhikari
Research Associate II, International Health
Course: Introduction to Social Accountability in the Health Sector of LMICs

Lawrence Appel
Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)/International Health (Joint)/School of Nursing (Joint)
Course: Epidemiology in Evidence-Based Policy

Luciana Assini-Meytin
Assistant Scientist, Mental Health
Course: Childhood Victimization: An Overview of Public Health Efforts

Jura L. Augustinavicius
Assistant Professor-Adjunct, Mental Health
Course: Climate Change and Mental Health

Katherine Banchoff
Research Associate, International Health
Course: Public Health Advocacy and Gender Towards a Gender Transformative Approach

Stefan Baral
Professor, Epidemiology/International Health (Joint)/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Implementation Science Concepts, Methods, and Study Designs

Dan Barnett
Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/Health Policy and Management (Joint)/Health, Behavior, and Society (Joint)
Course: Problem Solving in Public Health

Amie Bettencourt
Assistant Professor, Mental Health (Joint)/School of Medicine
Course: School-Based Preventative Interventions and Research

Gilbert Burnham
Professor-Emeritus, International Health/School of Nursing (Joint)
Courses: Health Emergencies in Large Populations (H.E.L.P)
Quality Assurance Management Methods for Developing Countries

Carlos Castillo – Salgado
Professor, Epidemiology/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)/Health Policy and Management (Joint)/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Public Health Surveillance

Richard Chaisson
Professor, Epidemiology (Joint)/International Health (Joint)/School of Medicine
Course: Epidemiologic Basis for Tuberculosis Control

Subhra Chakraborty
Associate Professor, International Health
Course: Clinical, Epidemiologic, and Climate Change Factors of Enteric Infections in the Tropics

S. Wilson Cole
Associate, Health, Behavior, and Society
Course: Adapting Health Programs for Sexual and Gender Minorities

Carolyn Combs
Associate, Population, Family, and Reproductive Health
Course: Creating, Implementing, and Monitoring Budgets for Projects and Programs

Michele Decker
Professor, Population, Family, Reproductive Health/School of Nursing (Joint)
Course: Gender-Based Violence Research, Practice and Policy

Anbrasi Edward
Associate Practice Professor, International Health
Course: Quality Assurance Management Methods for Developing Countries

Cyrus Engineer
Distinguished Professor of Practice, International Health/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: High Performing Organizations in LMIC Settings

Carlton A. Evans
Associate, International Health
Course: Global Health and Development Interventions Applied to TB

Julian Fernandez Nino
Associate, International Health
Course: Migrant Health Policy in LMICs

Rebecca Fix
Assistant Professor, Mental Health
Course: Childhood Victimization: An Overview of Public Health Efforts

Robert Gilman
Professor, International Health/Molecular Microbiology and Immunology (Joint)
Courses: Child and Public Health in the Tropics
Global Health and Development Interventions Applied to TB
Vector-Borne Diseases in the Tropics
Child and Public Health in the Tropics
Clinical, Epidemiologic, and Climate Change Factors of Enteric Infections in the Tropics
Epidemiologic Basis for Tuberculosis Control

Jonathan Golub
Professor, Epidemiology (Joint)/International Health (Joint)/ School of Medicine
Course: Epidemiologic Basis for Tuberculosis Control

Alden Gross
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: Epidemiology of Aging

Andre Hackman
Associate Scientist, Biostatistics
Course: Introduction to Data Management

Dane Hautala
Assistant Scientist, International Health
Course: Introduction to Data Management Using American Indian Health Data

Ava Hoffman
Associate, Biostatistics
Course: Introduction to R for Public Health Researchers

Patrick Hope
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Health Care and Congress: Perspective From K Steet

Takera Igusa
Professor, International Health (Joint)/Mental Health (Joint)/Whiting School of Engineering
Course: Participatory System Modeling for Analysis of Gender Health Inequities

Anna Kalbarczyk
Associate Scientist, International Health
Courses: Applying a Gender Lens to Advance Implementation Research
Essential Skills for Women’s Leadership in Global Health

Celia Karp
Assistant Professor, Population, Family, and Reproductive Health
Course: Using Data to Inform Family Planning Policies

Tahilin Karver
Assistant Research Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Courses: Public Health Advocacy and Gender Towards a Gender Transformative Approach
Foundational Concepts in Gender and Health Data and Application

Michelle Kaufman
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/International Health (Joint)
Course: Foundational Concepts in Gender and Health Data and Application

Christopher Kemp
Assistant Professor, International Health
Courses: Implementation Science Concepts, Methods, and Study Designs
Introduction to Quantitative and Qualitative Research for American Indian Health

Ryan Kennedy
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Program Planning for Health Behavior Change

Brian Klaas
Instructor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Communications Primer for the Public Health Sciences

Maria Knoll
Research Professor, International Health
Course: Introduction to Data Management Using American Indian Health Data

Jenna Krall
Associate, Biostatistics
Course: Data Analysis Workshop I

Tianjing Li
Associate Professor-Adjunct, Epidemiology
Course: Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis

Anne Lilly
Senior Research Associate, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Introduction to Program Evaluation in PFRH

Kojo Lokko
Senior Associate, Population, Family, and Reproductive Health
Course: Strategic Leadership Principles and Tools for Health System Transformation in PFRH

Brion Maher
Professor, Mental Health/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Grant Writing: NIH and Other Funding Sources

Beth Marshall
Associate Practice Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Youth Voice in Public Health

Pamala Martin
Associate, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Creating, Implementing, and Monitoring Budgets for Projects and Programs

Pablo Martinez Amezcua
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Methods and Applications of Cohort Studies

Kunihiro Matsushita
Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Methods and Applications of Cohort Studies

Nikolas Matthes
Assistant Professor – Adjunct, Health Policy and Management
Course: Performance Measurement in Health Care

Sara Mazursky
Deputy Project Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs
Course: Knowledge Management for Effective Global Health Programs

Aidan McDermott
Associate, Biostatistics
Course: Introduction to the SAS Statistical Package

Meghan D. McGinty
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Media Interviews and Applied Public Health Communications

Clifton McKee
Research Associate, Epidemiology
Course: Introduction to R for Public Health Researchers

Andrea Medley
Research Associate, International Health
Course: Indigenous Harm Reduction

Cynthia Minkovitz
Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Strategic Leadership Principles and Tools for Health Systems Transformation in PFRH

Lymari Morales
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Effective Writing for Public Health Change

Rosemary Morgan
Associate Research Professor, International Health/School of Nursing (Joint)
Courses: Communication Gender-Responsive Science
Applications to Gender Analysis Within Health Research and Intervention

Gabriel Muller
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Effective Writing for Public Health Change

Rene F. Najera
Associate, Epidemiology
Course: Public Health Surveillance

Jill Owczarzak
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Courses: Using Software in Qualitative Research and Analysis
Introduction to Qualitative Data Analysis for Public Health

Ligia Paina
Assistant Professor, International Health
Courses: Introduction to Health Workforce Management in Low- and Middle-Income Settings
Prospective Policy Analysis for Health Policy and Systems Research: Methods and Applications

Elise Pas
Research Professor, Mental Health
Course: School-Based Preventive Interventions and Research

Blake Reilly
Associate, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Program Planning for Health Behavior Change

Jennifer Richards
Assistant Professor, International Health
Course: Introduction to Quantitative and Qualitative

Jose Rimon-II
Senior Scientist, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Strategic Leadership Principles and Tools for Health System Transformation in PFRH

Ian Saldanha
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis

Harshini Devi Sampathkumar
Research Associate, International Health
Course: Introduction to Social Accountability in The Health Sector of LMICs

Jennifer Schrack
Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Epidemiology of Aging

Sheree Schwartz
Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Implementation Science Concepts, Methods and Study Designs

Kerry Scott
Associate, International Health
Course: Introduction to Social Accountability in The Health Sector of LMICs

Dominick Shattuck
Associate Scientist, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Integrating Men Into Global Health Programming

Mariana Socal
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: U.S. Pharmaceutical Policy

Kristen Speakman
Senior Research Associate, International Health
Course: Indigenous Perspectives on Environmental Health

Tara Sullivan
Associate, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Knowledge Management for Effective Global Health Programs

David Sullivan
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Vector-Borne Diseases in the Tropics                                     

Anna Sundbo
Research Associate II, International Health
Course: Indigenous Perspectives on Environmental Health

Moyses Szklo
Professor-Emeritus, Epidemiology
Course: Critical Reading of Epidemiologic Literature

Taha Taha
Professor, Epidemiology/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Investigation of Outbreaks

Heather Tanana
Associate, International Health
Course: Indigenous Perspectives on Environmental Health

Johannes Thrul
Associate Professor, Mental Health
Course: Mobile Mental Health Research: Planning and Conducting Ecological Momentary Assessment

Jeffrey Tornheim
Associate Professor, International Health (Joint)/School of Medicine
Course: Child and Public Health in The Tropics

Kate Tulenko
Associate, International Health
Course: Introduction to Health Workforce Management in Low- and Middle-Income Settings

Mija Ververs
Senior Associate, International Health
Course: Health Emergencies in Large Populations (H.E.L.P.)

William Ward
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management/School of Nursing (Joint)
Course: Fundamentals of Budgeting and Financial Management

Anaise Williams
Assistant Scientist, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: International Perspectives on Women, Gender, and Health

Shannon Wood
Assistant Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Women’s Health: Disparities and Equity Implications

Carrie Wright
Associate, Biostatistics 
Course: Introduction to R for Public Health Researchers

Yuxin Zhu
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics (Joint)
Course: Multilevel Models

Linnea Zimmerman
Associate Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Using Data to Inform Family Planning Policies

First Term

Sean Allen
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: The Opioid Crisis: Problem Solving Seminar

Gerard Anderson
Professor, Health Policy and Management/International Health (Joint)/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Introduction to Health Policy

Jennifer Applegate
Assistant Research Professor, International Health
Courses: The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population’s Health
The Science of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention in Population Health
The Critical Importance of Evidence in Advancing Public Health Knowledge
Essentials of Environmental Health
Psychological and Behavioral Factors that Affect a Population’s Health
The Social Determinants of Health

Scotty Bailey
Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Concepts of Molecular Biology

Sheriza Baksh
Assistant Research Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Clinical Trials and Evidence Synthesis Research Seminar 

Jeromie Ballreich
Associate Research Professor, Health Policy and Management
Courses: Economic Evaluations I
Health Economics and Outcomes Research Program Seminar

Sachini Bandara
Assistant Professor, Mental Health/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Introduction to Mental Health Services

Anne Barnhill
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management 
Course: Foundations of Bioethics

Judith Bass
Professor, Mental Health 
Courses: Seminars in Research in Public Mental Health
Public Mental Health
The Science of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention in Population Health

Melania Bembea
Associate Professor, School of Medicine
Course: Emerging Ethical and Regulatory Issues in Clinical Research

Marykate Bergen
Course Facilitator
Courses: The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population’s Health
The Science of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention in Population Health
The Critical Importance of Evidence in Advancing Public Health Knowledge
Essentials of Environmental Health
Psychological and Behavioral Factors that Affect a Population’s Health
The Social Determinants of Health

Taylor Binnix Baylus
Instructor, Epidemiology
Course: Current Topics in Epidemiologic Research

Mark Bittle
Teaching Professor, Health Policy and Management 
Course: Pathways in Health Administration

Gundula Bosch
Research Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/School of Education (Joint)
Courses: R3 Writing Seminar for Graduate Students
How Do We Know? – Theory, History, and Practice of Science 
The Critical Importance of Evidence in Advancing Public Health Knowledge 

Otis Brawley
Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine 
Course: Cancer Epidemiology Prevention and Control Seminar in Current Research and Methodology

Floyd Bryant
Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Course: Biochemistry I: Protein Structure and Enzyme Catalysis

Frances Burman
Senior Academic Program Manager, Epidemiology
Course: Current Topics in Epidemiologic Research

Gilbert Burnham
Professor-Emeritus, International Health/School of Nursing (Joint)
Course: Health Care in Humanitarian Emergencies 

Julie Cady-Reh
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Applied Methods for Optimizing Performance in Health Care Organizations

Emma Camacho
Assistant Research Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Evidence-Based Teaching in the Biomedical and Health Sciences: Foundations

Arturo Casadevall 
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/School of Medicine
Course: How Do We Know? – Theory, History, and Practice of Science

Matthew Castner
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Essentials of Population Health Management

David Celentano
Professor, Epidemiology/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)/International Health (Joint)/Health Policy and Management (Joint)/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Epidemiologic Inference in Public Health I

Richard Chaisson
Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)/International Health (Joint)
Course: Epidemiologic Basis for Tuberculosis Control

Aruna Chandran
Research Professor, Epidemiology 
Course: Seminars in Public Health

Olga Charnaya
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine
Course: Epidemiology of Kidney Disease

Karen Charron
Associate Lecturer, Health Policy and Management 
Course: Pathways in Health Administration

Megan Cho 
Associate, Health, Behavior and Society 
Course: Introduction to Genetic Counseling I

Lenoardo Collado Torress
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics
Course: Statistical Computing

Carolyn Combs
Associate, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Creating, Implementing, and Monitoring, Budgets for Projects and Programs

Avonne Connor
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Cancer Epidemiology Prevention and Control Seminars in Current Research and Methodology

Christopher Cox
Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Advanced Methods for Design and Analysis of Cohort Studies

Cassandra Crifasi
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Policing and Public Health

Frank Curriero
Professor, Epidemiology, Biostatistics (Joint)
Course: Online Research Skills for Spatial Analysis for Public Health

Meghan Davis
Associate Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/School of Medicine (Joint)
Courses: Writing Scientific Papers I
Essentials of One Health

Jennifer Deal
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Epidemiologic Inference in Public Health I

Kari Debbink
Associate Teaching Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Courses: Fundamental Virology
Academic and Career Essentials
Career, Academic, and Research Essentials

Conan Dickson
Associate Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Pathways in Health Administration

Shannon Doocy
Professor, International Health
Course: Introduction to Humanitarian Emergencies

David Dowdy
Professor, Epidemiology, School of Medicine (Joint)/International Health (Joint)
Course: Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Improve Public Health

Priya Duggal
Professor, Epidemiology/International Health (Joint)
Course: Doctoral Seminars in Epidemiology

William Eaton
Emeritus Professor, Mental Health
Course: Psychological and Behavioral Factors That Affect a Population's Health

Anbrasi Edward
Associate Practice Professor, International Health
Course: Applications in Managing Health Organizations in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Stephan Ehrhardt
Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Epidemiologic Methods for EPI Doctoral Students I

Johnathan Ehsani
Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)/Whiting School of Engineering (Joint)
Course: Graduate Seminar in Health and Public Policy

Cyrus Engineer
Professor of the Practice, International Health/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Applications in Managing Health Organizations in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Ann-Margaret Ervin
Associate Research Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Clinical Trials and Evidence Synthesis Research Seminar

David Fakunle
Associate, Mental Health
Course: The Science of Narrative: Intersectionality of Storytelling and Public Health

Kathryn Falb
Assistant Professor, International Health
Course: Introduction to Humanitarian Emergencies

Homayoon Farzadegan
Professor, Epidemiology
Courses: Epidemiology and Natural History of Human Viral Infections
Epidemiology and Public Health Impact of HIV and AIDS

Kenneth Feder
Assistant Research Professor, Mental Health
Course: Statistics for Psychosocial Research: Measurement

Mary Fox
Assistant Practice Professor, Health Policy and Management/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint)
Course: Methods in Quantitative Risk Assessment

Shannon Frattaroli
Professor, Health Policy and Management
Courses: Qualitative Reasoning in Publics Health
The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population's Health

Darrell Gaskin
Professor, Health Policy and Management/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Advanced Health Economics I

Jonathan Gellar
Associate, Biostatistics
Course: Public Health Statistics II

Khalil Ghanem
Professor, School of Medicine/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Seminars in Clinical Investigation

Jonathan Golub
Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)/International Health (Joint)
Course: Epidemiologic Basis for Tuberculosis Control

Gigi Gronvall
Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Biotechnology and Health Security

Alden Gross
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: Epidemiology of Aging

Sabina Heberlen
Associate Professor, Epidemiology/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: Practical Skills in Conducting Research in Clinical Epidemiology and Investigation

Jacqueline Hackett
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: The Opioid Crisis: Problem Solving Seminar

J. Marie Hardwick
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Molecular Biology Literature

Steven Harvey
Associate Professor, International Health
Course: Social and Behavioral Interventions Program Seminar I: Applied Social Science and Global Health

Charvonne Holliday Nworu
Assistant Professor, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: The Social Determinants of Health

Mary Elizabeth Hughes
Associate Scientist, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Social and Behavioral Interventions Program Seminar I: Applied Social Science and Global Health

Junichi Ishigami
Associate Research Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Epidemiology of Kidney Disease

Lisa Jacobson
Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Practical Skills in Conducting Research in Clinical Epidemiology and Investigation

Renee Johnson
Professor, Mental Health/Epidemiology (Joint)/Health Policy and Management (Joint)
Course: Graduate Seminar in Jury Research and Policy

Vanya Jones
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Program Planning for Health Behavior Change

Philip Jordan
Professor – Adjunct, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Course: Fundamentals of Reproductive Biology

Corinne Joshu
Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Epidemiologic Methods for EPI Doctoral Students I

Caitlin Kennedy
Professor, International Health/Health, Behavior and Society (Joint)
Courses:  The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population's Health
Qualitative Reasoning in Public Health
Social and Behavioral Interventions Program Seminar I: Applied Social Science and Global Health
Qualitative Research Theory and Methods

Ayesha Khan
Instructor, Epidemiology
Course: Current Topics in Epidemiologic Research

Brian Klaas
Instructor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Improve Public Health

Megan Latshaw
Associate Teaching Professor, Environmental Health and Engineering/Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (Joint)
Courses: Essentials of Environmental Health
Principles of Environmental Health

Elli Leontsini
Associate Scientist, International Health
Course: Psychological and Behavioral Factors That Affect a Population's Health

Anthony Leung
Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Concepts of Molecular Biology

Martin Lindquist
Professor, Biostatistics
Course: Advanced Methods in Biostatistics I

Pamala Martin
Associate, Population, Family and Reproductive Health
Course: Creating, Implementing, and Monitoring Budgets for Projects and Programs

Pablo Martinez Amezcua
Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Courses: Epidemiologic Inference in Public Health I
Epidemiologic Methods for EPI Doctoral Students I

John McGready
Teaching Professor, Biostatistics
Course: Statistical Reasoning in Public Health I

Heather McKay
Associate Research Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Practical Skills in Conducting Research in Clinical Epidemiology and Investigation

Shruti Mehta
Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Doctoral Seminars in Epidemiology

Hemalkumar Mehta
Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Principles of Drug Development

Katherine Miller
Assistant Professor, Health Policy and Management
Course: Advanced Methods in Health Services Research: Analysis

Graham Mooney
Associate Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)
Course: Life and Death in Charm City: Histories of Public Health in Baltimore, 1750 to the Present

Meghan Moran
Associate Professor, Health, Behavior and Society/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Psychological and Behavioral Factors That Affect a Population's Health

Alvaro Munoz
Professor-Emeritus, Epidemiology 
Course: Advanced Methods for Design and Analysis of Cohort Studies

Cari Munro
Course Facilitator, Office of Academic Affairs
Courses: The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population’s Health
The Science of Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention in Population Health
The Critical Importance of Evidence in Advancing Public Health Knowledge
Essentials of Environmental Health
Psychological and Behavioral Factors that Affect a Population’s Health
The Social Determinants of Health

Derek Ng
Associate Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Advanced Methods for Design and Analysis of Cohort Studies

Douglas Norris
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: Academic and Career Essentials

Elizabeth Ogburn
Associate Professor, Biostatistics
Course: Statistical Theory I

Andrew Pekosz
Professor, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology/Environmental Health and Engineering (Joint)
Course: Fundamental Virology

Claro Pio Roda
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Healthcare Financial Management

Blake Reilly
Associate, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Health Behavior: Improving Health Through Health Education/Promotion

Travis Rieder
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Introduction to Ethical Theory

Rajiv Rimal
Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Fundamentals of Health, Behavior and Society

Courtland Robinson
Associate Professor, International Health/Population, Family and Reproductive Health (Joint)
Course: Seminar in Humanitarian Health

Lori Rosman
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Writing Scientific Papers I

Brendan Saloner
Professor, Health Policy and Management/Mental Health (Joint)
Course: Foundations in Health Policy I

Julie Sapp
Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: Practical Genetic Counseling 

Kristen Schneider
Associate Research Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Course: The Opioid Crisis: Problem Solving Seminar

Jennifer Schrack
Professor, Epidemiology/School of Medicine (Joint)
Course: Epidemiology of Aging

Roza Selimyan
Teaching Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Courses: Premedical Seminars: Planning and Preparing for Medical School Applications
BMB SCM Laboratory Rotations
Advnaced Concepts in Biochemistry, Cell, and Molecular Biology

Elizabeth Selvin
Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Welch Center Research Seminar

David Shade
Research Professor, Epidemiology
Course: Clinical Trials and Evidence Synthesis Research Seminar

Olivia Sugarman
Assistant Scientist, Health Policy and Management
Course: Graduate Seminar in Jury Research and Policy

Brian Simpson
Associate, Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
Course: R3 Writing Seminar for Graduate Students

Megan Singleton
Associate, Health Policy and Management
Course: Emerging Ethical and Regulatory Issues in Clinical Research

Katherine Smith
Professor, Health, Behavior and Society
Courses: Qualitative Reasoning in Public Health
The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population's Health

Paul Spiegel
Distinguished Professor of the Practice, International Health/Epidemiology (Joint)
Courses: Health Care in Humanitarian Emergencies
Seminar in Humanitarian Health

Adam Spira
Professor, Mental Health
Course: Psychopathology for Public Health

Margaret Taub
Senior Scientist, Biostatistics
Course: Current Topics in Biostatistics Research

Michele Twilley
Associate, Environmental Health and Engineering
Course: Ventilation and Hazard Control

Andres Vecino-Ortiz
Associate Research Professor, International Health
Course: Introduction to Global Health Economics

Jon Vernick
Professor, Health Policy and Management/School of Education (Joint)
Course: Issues in Injury and Violence Prevention

Amelia Wallace
Assistant Scientist, Epidemiology
Course: Welch Center Research Seminar

Melissa Walls
Professor, International Health
Course: Food Systems Health Problem Solving Seminar: Lessons From American Indian Communities

Chenguang Wang
Associate, Biostatistics
Course: Biostatistics in Medical Product Regulation

Lindsey Webb
Assistant Research Professor, Mental Health
Course: Public Mental Health

Albert Wu
Professor, Health Policy and Management/Epidemiology (Joint)/International Health (Joint)
Course: Science of Patient Safety

Qian-Li Xue
Associate Professor, School of Medicine/Epidemiology (Joint)/Biostatistics (Joint)
Course: Statistics for Psychosocial Research: Measurement

Weiqiang Zhou
Associate Scientist, Biostatistics
Course: Current Topics in Biostatistics Research

Yuxin Zhu
Assistant Professor, Biostatistics
Course: Survival Analysis