Departmental Affiliations
Research Interests
- Biostatistics
- Computational algebra
- statistical computing
- software design
- algebraic topology
Experiences & Accomplishments
Select Publications
Hunter DJ, Spiegelman D, et al (includes McDermott A) Cohort studies of fat intake and the risk of breast cancer--a pooled analysis. New England Journal of Medicine 334(6):356-61, 1996.
Spiegelman D, McDermott A, Rosner B. Regression calibration method for correcting measurement-error bias in nutritional epidemiology. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 65(4 Suppl):1179S-1186S, 1997.
Spiegelman D, Schneeweiss S, McDermott A. Measurement error correction for logistic regression models with an "alloyed gold standard." American Journal of Epidemiology 145(2):184-96, 1997.
Giovanucci E, Kantoff P, Spiegelman D, Louhglin KR, Wishnow KI, Corless C, McDermott A, et al. The epidemic of prostate cancer and the medical literature: a causal association? Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases 1:148-153, 1998.