Departmental Affiliations
Center & Institute Affiliations
Judith Bass, PhD '04, MPH, MIA, is an implementation science researcher, with a broad background in sociology, economic development studies, and psychiatric epidemiology.
Contact Info
615 N. Wolfe Street, W1114
(410) 955-9088
Research Interests
Low Resource Contexts;
Mental Health;
Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Columbia University School of Public Health
Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs
My areas of expertise include designing and evaluating methods for assessing mental health across populations and contexts and investigating the effectiveness and implementation of innovative prevention and intervention strategies in collaboration with in-country service providers. I have been involved in trials of task-sharing mental health interventions in LMIC settings since 2001, leading trials with trauma-affected populations in Indonesia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Uganda and collaborating on trials in Uganda, South Africa, Zambia, Iraq, Myanmar, and Colombia and Ukraine. The guiding principle of my research activities is enhance our understanding of what programs and interventions are most useful for which populations, and under what conditions are these interventions and programs most accessible.
My current research includes research of implementation strategies to improve mental health service uptake in Ukraine and DRC, development and rigorous evaluation of measures for assessing program implementation, use of innovative methods to identify risk and protective factors for psychosocial and mental health problems, as well as bringing programmatic learnings from LMIC contexts to Baltimore.
I am also deeply committed to training the next generation of global mental health researchers and lead an NIMH T32 funded training program in global mental health with a specific focus on interdisciplinary research and mentoring
My current research includes research of implementation strategies to improve mental health service uptake in Ukraine and DRC, development and rigorous evaluation of measures for assessing program implementation, use of innovative methods to identify risk and protective factors for psychosocial and mental health problems, as well as bringing programmatic learnings from LMIC contexts to Baltimore.
I am also deeply committed to training the next generation of global mental health researchers and lead an NIMH T32 funded training program in global mental health with a specific focus on interdisciplinary research and mentoring
Honors & Awards
2021 Advising, Mentoring & Teaching Recognition Award (AMTRA) for Outstanding Service by the Student Association of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2016 Advising, Mentoring & Teaching Recognition Award (AMTRA) for Outstanding Service by the Student Association of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2014 Global Health Faculty Advising Award by the Center for Global Health of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2013 Best Research Presentation at the Sexual Violence Research Institute (SVRI) meeting in Bangkok, Thailand
2013 Golden Apple award for Excellence in Teaching by the Student Association of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2012 Advising, Mentoring & Teaching Recognition Award (AMTRA) for Outstanding Service by the Student Association of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2004 Paul V. Lemkau Award for excellence in doctoral research in the Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
2000 National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) Director’s Award for group excellence in customer service for technical assistance to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services following Hurricane Floyd.
2000 National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) Director’s Award for superior mission response in providing rapid assessment of critical health needs following disasters.
2016 Advising, Mentoring & Teaching Recognition Award (AMTRA) for Outstanding Service by the Student Association of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2014 Global Health Faculty Advising Award by the Center for Global Health of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2013 Best Research Presentation at the Sexual Violence Research Institute (SVRI) meeting in Bangkok, Thailand
2013 Golden Apple award for Excellence in Teaching by the Student Association of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2012 Advising, Mentoring & Teaching Recognition Award (AMTRA) for Outstanding Service by the Student Association of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
2004 Paul V. Lemkau Award for excellence in doctoral research in the Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
2000 National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) Director’s Award for group excellence in customer service for technical assistance to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services following Hurricane Floyd.
2000 National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) Director’s Award for superior mission response in providing rapid assessment of critical health needs following disasters.
Select Publications
Historical publications with high impact
- Bass JK, Annan J, Murray SM, Kaysen D, Griffiths S, Cetinoglu T, Wachter K, Murray LK, Bolton PA. (2013) Controlled trial of psychotherapy for sexual violence survivors in DR Congo. New England Journal of Medicine. 368:2182-91.
- Bass J, Bolton P, Murray L (2007) Invited Comment: Do not forget culture when studying mental health. The Lancet. 370: 918-919.
- Bass JK, Ryder RW, Lammers MC, Mukaba TN, Bolton PA. (2008) Postpartum depression in Kinshasa, Democratric Republic of Congo: Validation of a concept using a mixed-methods cross-cultural approach. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 13:1534-1542.
- Bolton P, Bass J, Betancourt T, Speelman L, Onyango G, Clougherty K, Neugebauer R, Murray L, Verdeli H. (2007) Interventions for depression symptoms among adolescent survivors of war and displacement in Northern Uganda: A randomized controlled trial. JAMA. 298(5): 519-527.
- Bass J, Neugebauer R, Clougherty KF, Verdeli H, Wickramaratne P, Ndogoni L, Speelman L, Weissman M, Bolton P. (2006) Group interpersonal psychotherapy for depression in rural Uganda: 6-month follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry. 288: 567-573.
Psychosocial Counseling for Trauma Affected Adults
Gender-based violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Community mental health in Kurdistan, Iraq.
Addressing psychosocial problems resulting from the conflict in Aceh, Indonesia
Rebuilding Lives Project
Children in Crisis
Study of Perinatal Depression among HIV positive women in Brazil
Comparing HIV infection to Other High Risk Conditions for Risk of Depression in Pregnancy
HIV and Perinatal Depression in Brazil
Assistance to Afro Colombian Survivors of Torture
Africa Focus on Intervention Research for Mental Health (AFFIRM)
Dispersion of a Ugandan Caregiver Training to Non Study Children in the Home
Special Programs to Address the Needs of Survivors – Improving Effectiveness of Treatment for Torture Survivors