Departmental Affiliations
Center & Institute Affiliations
Andres Vecino, MD, PhD '16, MSc, uses economics theory and methods to improve health systems in lower and middle-income countries with a focus on Latin America.
Experiences & Accomplishments
As a health economist specializing in health systems, my primary focus lies in the economics of prevention and public health in Latin America.
My diverse portfolio encompasses a wide range of health system topics, spanning health financing, fiscal policy for health, health insurance, digital health, emergency care, chronic diseases, stress, mental health, and the ongoing challenges posed by COVID-19.
Recognizing the growing significance of multisectoral engagement in addressing health system issues, I have developed a keen interest in translating research and evidence for decision-makers across both health and non-health sectors. In pursuit of this, I have created practical tools to assist these stakeholders in prioritizing and making informed decisions on current health policy issues. This commitment extends to my active participation in government advisory groups.
Additionally, I proudly served as an elected member of the Board of Directors of the Health Systems Global Society from 2018 to 2022.
Stay connected with my insights and updates on Twitter (@andresvecino) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/andres-vecino-ortiz-b81b3234/).
Select Publications
Selected publications
Vecino-Ortiz AI, Nagarajan M, Elaraby S* Guzman-Tordecilla-DN* Paichadze N, Hyder AA. Saving lives through road safety risk factor interventions: global and national estimates. 2022. The Lancet. S0140-6736(22): 00918-7.
Rao KD, Vecino Ortiz AI, Roberton T, Lopez Hernandez A, Noonan C. Future health spending in Latin America and the Caribbean: health expenditure projections & scenario analysis. IADB: Inter-American Development Bank. 2022: Technical Note IDB-TN 2457.
Vecino-Ortiz AI, Guzman-Tordecillas DN. Gun-carrying restrictions and gun-related mortality, Colombia: a difference-in-difference design with fixed effects. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2020; 98 (3). https://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/98/3/19-236646/en/
Vecino-Ortiz AI, Arroyo-Ariza D. A tax on sugar sweetened beverages in Colombia: Estimating the impact on overweight and obesity prevalence across socioeconomic levels. Social Science and Medicine. 2018; 209: 111-116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.05.043
Elnakib S, Vecino-Ortiz AI, Gibson DG, Agarwal S, Trujillo AJ, Zhu Y*, Labrique AB. A Novel Score for mHealth Apps to Predict and Prevent Mortality: Further Validation and Adaptation to the US Population Using the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Data Set. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2022; 24(6): e36787.