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, PhD, MS

Associate Professor

Johannes Thrul, PhD, MS, uses mobile health technology to understand and treat substance use disorders.

Contact Info

1812 Ashland Ave, Room 341

Research Interests

substance use; cannabis; tobacco; alcohol; digital well-being; mHealth; social media; ecological momentary assessment

Experiences & Accomplishments
Friedrich Alexander University
Dresden University of Technology
University of Regensburg

The focus of my work is mobile health (mHealth) research to study substance use, mental health, and digital well-being. I am also using technology, including smartphones and social media, to develop, test, and deliver interventions to prevent and treat substance use and mental health disorders.

Honors & Awards

2022 Golden Apple Award for Offsite/Internet Class by the Student Association of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Course “Digital and Mobile Health Research in Public Mental Health”

2021 Excellence in Teaching Award, Course “Digital and Mobile Health Research in Public Mental Health”, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

2020 Excellence in Teaching Award, Course “The Epidemiology of Substance Use and Related Problems”, Co-instructor with Renee Johnson, PhD, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

2020 Excellence in Teaching Award, Summer Institute “Mobile Mental Health Research: Planning and Conducting Ecological Momentary Assessment”, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

2020 Mentoring & Teaching Recognition Award (AMTRA) for Outstanding Service by the Student Association of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

2020 Participant, Yale Innovation to Impact, Entrepreneurship training program for substance use researchers

2019 Excellence in Teaching Award, Summer Institute “Mobile Mental Health Research: Planning and Conducting Ecological Momentary Assessment”, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

2018 Participant, NCI-CRUK Sandpit Workshop “Implementing Digital Health Interventions for Cancer Prevention”, Potomac, MD

2017 Travel award, College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD)

2016 Travel award, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco – Europe (SRNT-E)

2015 Participant, NIH mHealth Training Institute, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

2015 Travel award, Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT)

2013 Travel award, European Graduate School in Addiction Research

2012 Travel award, German Academic Exchange Service

2008 – 2009 Fulbright Fellowship, German-American Fulbright Commission

Select Publications

Selected publications

  • AlJuboori, D., Clary, L.K., Alomairah, S.A., Colder Carras, M., Saquib, N., Saquib, N., Albeyahi, F., Van Rooij, A.J., Tuijnman, A., Van Der Rijst, V.G., Kaufman, M., Thrul, J. (2025). Contextual adaptation of digital wellbeing interventions for young people: Insights from a project in Saudi Arabia. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, 1455962.

  • Thrul, J. & Vandrey, R.G. (2024). The Cannabis and Health Research Initiative will help integrate medicinal cannabis in healthcare. Nature Medicine, 30(12), 3394-3395.

  • Mun, C.J., Nordeck, C.D., Anderson Goodell, E.M., Vandrey, R., Zipunnikov, V., Dunn, K.E., Finan, P.H., & Thrul, J. (2022). Real-time monitoring of cannabis and prescription opioid co-use patterns, analgesic effectiveness, and the opioid-sparing effect of cannabis in individuals with chronic pain. Journal of Pain, 23(11), 1799-1810.

  • Nordeck, C.D., Riehm, K.E., Smail, E.J., Holingue, C., Kane, J., Johnson, R.M., Veldhuis, C.B., Kalb, L.G., Stuart, E.A., & Thrul, J. (2022). Changes in drinking days among US adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. Addiction, 117(2), 331-340.

  • Thrul, J., Gubner, N.R., Nguyen, N., Nguyen, C., Goodell, E.A., Holmes, L.M., Vandrey, R.G., & Ling, P.M. (2021). Perceived reward from using cigarettes with alcohol or cannabis and concurrent use: A smartphone-based daily diary study. Addictive Behaviors, 114, 106747.

Development of a Longitudinal Observational Research Registry for the Study of Medicinal Cannabis Use and Health; National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA, UM1 DA059000, MPIs Vandrey & Thrul)
Digital Wellbeing in Saudi Arabia; Saudi Aramco funded (PI Thrul)
Testing the impact of smartphone-based messaging to support young adult smoking cessation; National Cancer Institute (NCI, R01 CA246590, PI Thrul)
Effects of Cannabis Species Labeling and Marketing on Perceptual, Subjective and Objective Use Outcomes; National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA, R01 DA059584, MPIs Moran & Zamarripa)
Novel "Tobacco-Free" Oral Nicotine Pouches; National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA, R01 DA055962, MPIs Spindle & Moran)
Impact of Public Health Communication Messaging about the Continuum of Risk for Tobacco Products; National Cancer Institute & FDA (NCI, U01 CA294539, MPIs Moran & Tan)
Helpline Delivery of Brief Interventions for Postpartum Heavy Episodic Drinking; National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA, R34 AA031581, PI Dauber)
Johns Hopkins P.O.E. Total Worker Health Center in Mental Health (POE Center); National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH, U19 OH012297, MPIs Davis & Fallin)
Personalized Auricular Point Acupressure for Chronic Pain Self-Management in Rural Populations; National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH, UG3 AT012728, MPIs Kawi, Bolin, & Wu)
Center to Accelerate Translation of Interventions to Decrease Premature Mortality in Persons with Serious Mental Illness (Alacrity Center); National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, P50 MH115842, PI Daumit)
Earlier-Life Predictors of Midlife Risk Factors for Dementia; National Institute on Aging (NIA, R01 AG080829, MPIs Rebok, Spira, & Thorpe)