Departmental Affiliations
Center & Institute Affiliations
Frank Curriero, PhD, works to develop and advance the use of spatial science methods (spatial data, GIS, spatial statistics) across the broad spectrum of public health
Contact Info
615 N. Wolfe Street, Room E6541
Research Interests
Spatial statistics;
environmental statistics;
geographic information systems;
Experiences & Accomplishments
Kansas State University
The Pennsylvania State University
The Pennsylvania State University
Dr. Curriero’s research focus is on the development and application of spatial and spatial-temporal statistical methods in the public health sciences. Much of his current work involves translating methods of spatial science involving spatial data, GIS and spatial statistics for building research capacity in wide ranging public health applications. His efforts have focused on identifying and quantifying spatial variation for improved exposure assessment via geostatistical methods and for models characterizing spatial variation in risk as a function of environmental determinants.
A substantial part of Dr. Curriero’s academic agenda involves education; leading the development of the onsite spatial analysis curriculum at Johns Hopkins (currently includes the four course sequence in spatial analysis) as well as director of the online Master of Applied Science in Spatial Analysis for Public Health program.
A substantial part of Dr. Curriero’s academic agenda involves education; leading the development of the onsite spatial analysis curriculum at Johns Hopkins (currently includes the four course sequence in spatial analysis) as well as director of the online Master of Applied Science in Spatial Analysis for Public Health program.
Honors & Awards
Student Assembly Advising, Mentoring, and Teaching Recognition Award (AMTRA) 2004, 2011, 2019
Recognized for Excellence in teaching, 2011-2019
Best Paper Award for Curriero, FC: On the Use of Non-Euclidean Distance Measures in Geostatistics, Mathematical Geology, 38, 907-926, 2006. International Association for Mathematical Geology, 2007.
Recognized for Excellence in teaching, 2011-2019
Best Paper Award for Curriero, FC: On the Use of Non-Euclidean Distance Measures in Geostatistics, Mathematical Geology, 38, 907-926, 2006. International Association for Mathematical Geology, 2007.
Select Publications
Recent representative publications
- DePriest K, Shields, TM, Curriero FC: Returning to our Roots: The use of Geospatial Data for Nurse-led Community Research, Research in Nursing and Health (in press).
- Kvit A, Davis B, Jacobs JM, Curriero FC: Adjusted, non-Euclidean Cluster Detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the Chesapeake Bay, Geospatial Health, 2019, 14:783, 211-218.
- Davis BJK, Curriero FC: Development and Evaluation of Geostatistical Methods for Non-Euclidean-Based Spatial Covariance Matrices, Mathematical Geoscience, 2019: 51(6): 767-791.
- Berman JD, Jin L, Bell ML, Curriero FC: Developing a Geostatistical Simulation to Inform the Quantity and Placement of New Monitors for a Follow-up Air Sampling Campaign, Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 2019: 29, 248–257.
- Klassen AC, Hsieh S, Pankewicz A, Kabbe A, Hayes J, Curriero FC: The Association of Neighborhood-level Social Class and Tobacco Consumption with Adverse Lung Cancer Characteristics in Maryland, Tobacco Induced Diseases, 2019:17(6): 1-13.
Malaria Transmission and the Impact of Control Effects in Southern Africa
Project Vital (Vacant Lot Improvement to Improve Adolescent Lives)