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Associate Professor

Departmental Affiliations

School of Medicine

Contact Info

Room 326 Welch Library, Institute of the History of Medicine,, 1900 East Monument St

Research Interests

history of public health; infectious diseases; infectious diseases surveillance; historical epidemiology; historical demography; Baltimore
Experiences & Accomplishments
I am interested in the history of public health interventions and the relationship between public health policies and population health outcomes. My publications encompass a diverse range of topics from sex differentials in mortality to the health-related aspects of urban governance. My recent book, Instrusive Interventions: Public Health, Domestic Space, and Infectious Disease Surveillance in England 1840-1914 (University of Rochester Press, 2015), examines the history of public health interventions such as infectious disease notification, institutional and domestic isolation, disinfection, and contact tracing. My next book is about public health in Baltimore since World War II, based on the course I currently teach in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Honors & Awards
My 2015 paper, 'Washington and Welch Talk About Race Public Health, History, and the Politics of Exclusion', Am J Public Health. 2015 Jul;105(7):1317-28. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302636 won an AJPH paper of the year award 2016.

2020 Excellence in Teaching, JHSPH
2014 Excellence in Teaching, JHSPH
2013 Excellence in Teaching, JHSPH
Select Publications
Selected publications
  • Intrusive Interventions: Public Health, Domestic Space, and Infectious Disease Surveillance in England, 1840-1914 (Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press, 2015).
  • 'Washington and Welch talk about race: public health, history, and the politics of exclusion', American Journal of Public Health,105:7 (July 2015), 1317-1328. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302636
  • Graham Mooney, “‘A Menace to the Public Health’— Contact Tracing and the Limits of Persuasion,” New England Journal of Medicine, 383 (2020), 1806-1808. 10.1056/NEJMp2021887
  • Ayah Nuriddin, Graham Mooney and Alexandre I. R. White, “Reckoning with histories of medical racism and violence in the USA,” The Lancet, 396 (2020), 949-951.
  • 'The material consumptive: domesticating the tuberculosis patient in Edwardian England’, Journal of Historical Geography, 42 (2013), 152-166. (Open Access, freely available). 'Highly Commended' for the Journal of Historical Geography Prize, 2014.