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Associate Professor

Meghan Davis, DVM, PhD '12, MPH '08, studies the interface of bacteria and hosts to reduce microbe-mediated diseases in people and animals.

Contact Info

615 N. Wolfe Street, E7612

Research Interests

antimicrobial resistance; asthma; environmental epidemiology; molecular microbiology; microbial ecology; microbiome; MRSA; MRSP; One Health; staphylococci; veterinary medicine
Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
University of California, Davis
As a molecular epidemiologist and an environmental microbiologist, I study the interface of bacteria and hosts to reduce microbe-mediated disease in humans and animals. My work applies the principles of one health and microbial ecology, evaluating target microbes and bacterial genes specifically and the larger microbial community (microbiome) broadly. I also evaluate non-infection outcomes, specifically asthma, from exposure to bacterial agents and their toxic products. Designing and testing interventions to combat the rise of bacterial antimicrobial resistance and both infection and non-infection outcomes related to microbial exposures in a one health context is the goal of my research career.
Honors & Awards
Phi Beta Kappa, 1996
Delta Omega, 2008
Cornelius W. Kruse Award in Environmental Health, 2010
Faculty Innovation Fund award, 2015
Johns Hopkins SPH Student Assembly AMTRA Award, 2017
Select Publications
Selected publications:
  • Davis MF, Ludwig S, Brigham EP, McCormack MC, and Matsui EC. Effect of home exposure to Staphylococcus aureus on asthma in adolescents. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2018, 141(1):402-405.
  • Davis MF, Rankin SC, Schurer JM, Cole S, Conti L, and Rabinowitz P for the COHERE Expert Review Group [Gregory Gray, Laura Kahn, Catharine Machalaba, Jonna Mazet, Marguerite Pappaioanou, Jan Sargeant, Andrew Thompson, Scott Weese, Jakob Zinnstag]. Checklist for One Health Epidemiological Reporting of Evidence (COHERE). One Health 2017, 4:14-21.
  • Dalton KR, Waite KB, Ruble K, Carroll KC, DeLone A, Frankenfield P, Serpell JA, Thorpe RJ Jr, Morris DO, Agnew J, Rubenstein RC, Davis MF. Risks associated with animal-assisted intervention programs: A literature review. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2020 May;39:101145.
  • Davis MF, Pisanic N, Rhodes SM, Brown A, Keller H, Nadimpalli M, Christ A, Ludwig S, Ordak C, Spicer K, Love DC, Larsen J, Wright A, Blacklin S, Flowers B, Stewart J, Sexton KG, Rule AM, Heaney CD. Occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus in swine and swine workplace environments on industrial and antibiotic-free hog operations in North Carolina, USA: A One Health pilot study. Environ Res. 2018 May;163:88-96.
  • Davis MF, Iverson SA, Baron P, Vasse A, Silbergeld EK, and Lautenbach EB, Morris DO. The role of the household in transmission of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and other staphylococci. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2012, 12(9):703-716.
Pets and Environmental Transmission of Staphylococci
City Dog Study
INnovations to Generate Estimates of children's Soil/dust inTake (INGEST)