Departmental Affiliations
Shannon Wood, PhD ‘20, MSc, studies the intersection between social determinants of women’s health, gender-based violence, and adverse reproductive and sexual health outcomes.
Research Interests
Women’s health; Sexual and reproductive health; Gender-based violence; Family planning; Reproductive coercion; Empowerment; Measurement; Epidemiology; Social determinants of health; Mixed-methods research
Experiences & Accomplishments
Dr. Shannon N. Wood's research focuses on the intersection between social determinants of women’s health, most notably gender-based violence, and adverse reproductive and sexual health outcomes. As a Senior Technical Advisor for PMA and PMA-Ethiopia, Dr. Wood leads research surrounding reproductive coercion, intimate partner violence, and partner dynamics, and works with in-country partners to increase PMA’s data utilization. Dr. Wood is particularly interested in the use of mixed-methods research to improve measurement surrounding sensitive topics and the development and evaluation of community-based interventions. Her research aims to enhance safety and improve reproductive and sexual health outcomes for vulnerable populations in low-resource settings.
Dr. Wood has a PhD from the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health with a focus in women’s health epidemiology and a Masters of Science in Reproductive and Sexual Health Research from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Honors & Awards
Endowed Fellowship in Family Planning, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (May 2019)
Dr. Michael Koenig Memorial Fund, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (May 2018)
Endowed Fellowship in Family Planning, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (May 2017)
Select Publications
Select recent publications:
Wood SN, Karp C, OlaOlorun F, Pierre AZ, Guiella G, Gichangi P, Zimmerman LA, Anglewicz P, Larson E, Moreau C. Trends in the need for and use of contraception before and during COVID-19 in four sub-Saharan African geographies: results from population-based national or regional cohort surveys. The Lancet Global Health. Jun 2021; 9(6): e793-e801.
Wood SN, Kennedy SR, Akumu I, Tallam, C, Asira B, Hameeduddin Z, McGready J, Zimmerman LA, Kennedy CE, Glass N, Decker MR. Reproductive coercion among intimate partner violence survivors in Nairobi. Studies in Family Planning. Dec 2020; 51(4):343-360.
Wood SN, Karp C, Tsui AO, Kibira SPS, Desta S, Galadanci H, Makumbi F, Omoluabi E, Shiferaw S, Seme AD, Moreau C. A sexual and reproductive empowerment framework to explore volitional sex in sub-Saharan Africa. Culture, Health and Sexuality. 2020 Apr 03.
Wood SN, Kennedy SR, Hameeduddin Z, Asira B, Tallam C, Akumu I, Glass N, Decker MR. “Being married doesn’t mean you have to reach the end of the world:” Safety planning experiences from intimate partner violence survivors and providers in three urban informal settlements in Nairobi, Kenya. J Interpers Violence. 2019 Oct 5.
Wood SN, Karp C, Zimmerman L. Effects of modern contraception on women’s sexual experiences in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic scoping review. Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters. 2020; 28(1): 1763652.