Departmental Affiliations
School of Medicine
Center & Institute Affiliations
Darrell Gaskin, PhD '95, MS, is a health economist who advances community, neighborhood, and market-level policies and programs that reduce health disparities.
Contact Info
624 N. Broadway, Hampton House 441
Research Interests
Health Disparities; Heath Economics; Minority Health; Hospital Quality; Safety Net Hospitals; Access to Care, Residential Segregation; Community-Based Interventions; Population Health
Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Brandeis University
Darrell J. Gaskin, PhD MS is the William C. and Nancy F. Richardson Professor in Health Policy and Director of the Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Dr. Gaskin is a health services researcher and health economist. He is an internationally recognized expert in health and healthcare disparities. He seeks to identify and understand how contextual factors influence access to care, quality of care and health outcomes for minority, low socioeconomic status, and other vulnerable populations. His research strives to develop and promulgate policies and practices that address the social determinants of health and promote equity in health and well-being.
Dr. Gaskin is an international leader in health policy and health economics. He was elected a member the National Academics of Medicine. He serves on the Congressional Budget Office Panel of Health Advisors. He is a member of the Maryland Commission on Health Equity, Health Equity Policy Committee. He serves on the Board of Directors of the American Society of Health Economists. He served eleven years on the Board of Directors of AcademyHealth, and was Board Chair from 2016-2017. He served on the Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Center for Health Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 2017-2020. He is a 2019 recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. In April 2021, he was appointed as a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Dr. Gaskin is an international leader in health policy and health economics. He was elected a member the National Academics of Medicine. He serves on the Congressional Budget Office Panel of Health Advisors. He is a member of the Maryland Commission on Health Equity, Health Equity Policy Committee. He serves on the Board of Directors of the American Society of Health Economists. He served eleven years on the Board of Directors of AcademyHealth, and was Board Chair from 2016-2017. He served on the Board of Scientific Counselors of the National Center for Health Statistics of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 2017-2020. He is a 2019 recipient of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. In April 2021, he was appointed as a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Honors & Awards
2022 Johns Hopkins University Distinguished Alumnus Award
2022 Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Grand Golden Award
2021 Delta Omega Honor Society, Alpha Chapter
2020 United Negro College Fund Livingstone College Leaders Hall of Fame
2018-21 Bloomberg School of Public Health Excellence in Teaching Awards
2019 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)
2015 Medicare Care Research and Review Article of the Year
2014 HCUP Outstanding Article of the Year Award – Honorable Mention
Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy - 2002 Article-of-the-Year Award
2022 Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) Grand Golden Award
2021 Delta Omega Honor Society, Alpha Chapter
2020 United Negro College Fund Livingstone College Leaders Hall of Fame
2018-21 Bloomberg School of Public Health Excellence in Teaching Awards
2019 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)
2015 Medicare Care Research and Review Article of the Year
2014 HCUP Outstanding Article of the Year Award – Honorable Mention
Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy - 2002 Article-of-the-Year Award
Select Publications
Dr. Gaskin's recent research focus on the nexus of race, poverty, and place and their impact on health and healthcare disparities. Selected publications from the last few years:
- Gaskin DJ, Zare H, Jackson J, Ibe C, Slocum J. Decomposing Race and Ethnic Differences in CVD risk factors for Mid-life Women. J. Racial Ethn. Health Disparities 2020. 8(1) 174-185. doi: 10.1007/s40615-020-00769-9.
- Gaskin DJ, Zare H, Delamente B. The Supply of Hospital Care to Minority and Low-Income Communities and the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program. Med Care Res Rev. 2019 Jul 10:1077558719861242. doi: 10.1177/1077558719861242.
- Gaskin DJ, Roberts E, Chan K, McCleary RR, Buttorff C. Delamente B, No Man is an Island - The impact of neighborhood disadvantage on mortality. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019 Apr 9;16(7). pii: E1265. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16071265.
- Gaskin DJ, Vazin R, McCleary RR, Thorpe RJ, The Maryland Health Enterprise Zone Initiative Reduced Hospital Cost and Utilization in Underserved Communities. Health Affairs, Health Aff (Millwood). 2018 Oct;37(10):1546-1554. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2018.0642.
- Gaskin DJ, Zare H, Vazin R, Love D, Steinwachs D. Racial and Ethnic Composition of Hospitals’ Service Areas and the Likelihood of Being Penalized for Excess Readmissions by the Medicare Program. Med Care. 2018 Nov;56(11):934-943. doi: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000000988.
How Income Inequality Has Influenced Health Outcomes in US Counties: Longitudinal Analytics (1999-2018)
Assessing the Impact of the Racial Composition of Police Departments and Neighbourhoods on Violence in the U.S
Innovative State and Local Public Health Strategies to Prevent and Manage Diabetes and Heart Disease and Stroke
PTSC: Improving Hypertension Control among Poor Midlife African American Women