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Faculty Recognition

Excellence in Teaching Award

These instructors were recognized by students as individuals who have contributed significantly to the intellectual life of the School through their excellence in teaching.

Each term students recognize faculty members, through their course evaluations, who they believe to have provided the highest quality instruction and stimulated intellectual curiosity. Honorees instructors who received an average score of 3.6 or above (on a four-point scale) in both the Overall Course and Overall Instructor categories of their student course evaluations with a response rate of 70% or higher.

Academic Year 2023 - 2024

 1st Term

InstructorCourse Title
Jennifer Applegate
Assistant Research Professor

The Science of Primary, Secondary, Tertiary Prevention in Population Health

Essentials of Environmental Health

Julie Denison
Associate Professor
Seminar for MPH Concentration in Social Behavioral Sciences I
Anbrasi Edward
Associate Scientist
Applications in Managing Health Organizations in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Cyrus Engineer
Distinguished Professor of the Practice

Applications in Managing Health Organizations in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Applied Concepts and Foundations of High Performance for Population Health

Julian Fernandez Nino
Assistant Scientist
Health Systems Program Seminar
Steve Harvey 
Associate Professor 
Social and Behavioral Interventions Program Seminar I: Applied Social Science and Global Health
Anna Kalbarczyk 
Assistant Scientist
Gender and Health: Foundational Theories and Applications
Joanne Katz
Doctoral Seminar in International Health I
Caitlin Kennedy

Qualitative Research Theory and Methods

Social and Behavioral Interventions Program Seminar I: Applied Social Science and Global Health

Adam Koon
Assistant Scientist 

Health Systems Program Seminar I 

Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Improve Public Health

Rupali Limaye
Associate Professor
Identifying and Mitigating Misinformation to Improve Trust in Public Health
Rosemary Morgan 
Associate Scientist
Gender and Health: Foundational Theories and Applications
W. Courtland Robinson 
Associate Professor
Seminar in Humanitarian Health
Kerry Schulze 
Research Professor
Critical Thinking in Nutrition
Paul Spiegel 
Distinguished Professor of the Practice
 Seminar in Humanitarian Health
Melissa Walls
Assocaite Professor
The Obesity Epidemic Problem-Solving Seminar: What We Can Learn From Native American Communities


2nd Term

InstructorCourse Title
Abdulgafoor Bachani
Associate Professor
Confronting the Burden of Injuries: A Global Perspective
Sara Bennet
Health Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Gilbert Burnham
Health Care in Humanitarian Emergencies
Svea Closser
Associate Professor
Doctoral Seminar in Research Methods in Applied Medical Anthropology II
Andreea Creanga 
Issues in the Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Low Income Countries
Cyrus Y. Engineer
Professor of the Practice
Leadership and Management in Humanitarian Health
Steven Harvey 
Associate Professor
Qualitative Data Analysis
Elizabeth A. Hazel 
Associate Research Professor
Global Disease Epidemiology and Control Program Seminar II
Maria Knoll 
Research Professor
 Doctoral Seminar in International Health II
Hannah Marker
Research Associate II
Global Sustainability and Health Seminar
Rosemary Morgan
Associate Research Professor

Health Systems in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Applications to Gender Analysis within Health Research and Interventions

Melinda Kay Munos
Assistant Professor
Issues in the Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality in Low-Income Countries
Kwaku Nuamah
Senior Associate
International Political Science for PH Practitioners
W. Courtland Robinson 
Associate Professor
 Seminar in Humanitarian Health
Haneefa Saleem
Assistant Professor
Qualitative Research Practicum I: Partnerships and Protocol Development
Paul B. Spiegel 
Professor of the Practice

Seminar in Humanitarian Health

Leadership and Management in Humanitarian Health

Pamela J. Surkan
Qualitative Research Practicum I: Partnerships and Protocol Development
Yvonne Yin On Tam 
Senior Research Associate
 Global Disease Epidemiology and Control Program Seminar II
Mija-Tesse Ververs
Senior Associate
Leadership and Management in Humanitarian Health
Peter Winch
Global Sustainability and Health Seminar
Nukhba Zia 
Assistant Scientist

Confronting the Burden of Injuries: A Global Perspective


3rd Term

InstructorCourse title
Joseph Ali
Associate Professor
Fogarty Bioethics Fellows Seminar
Jennifer Applegate
Assistant Research Professor

The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population's Health

Essentials of Environmental Health

Foundational Principles of Public Health

Julie A. Denison
Associate Professor
Qualitative Research Theory and Methods
Matthew Z. Dudley
Assistant Research Professor
Vaccine Policy Issues
Shatha Elnakib
Associate Scientist
Migration And Health: Concepts, Rates, and Relationships
Maria Eng
Pharmaceutical and Supply Chain Management: Realities From the Field
Daniel J. Erchick
Associate Scientist
Design and Conduct of Community Trials
Robert H. Gilman
Domestic Immigrant Health Issues and Emerging Diseases
Elizabeth A. Hazel
Assistant Research Professor
Global Disease Epidemiology and Control Program Seminar 3
Joanne Katz
Design and Conduct of Community Trials
Caitlin Elizabeth Kennedy
The Role of Qualitative Methods and Science in Describing and Assessing a Population's Health
Adam Koon
Assistant Scientist
Using Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Improve Public Health
Diwakar Mohan
Associate Research Professor
Design and Conduct of Community Trials
Yeeli Mui
Assistant Professor
Planning For Food Systems and Public Health
Bareng Aletta Sanny Nonyane
Research Professor
Power and Practice in Global Health: Theories, Perspectives, and Action in “Decolonization”
Sylvie Perkins
Research Associate
Grant Writing for Public Health Practice
Lois Privor-Dumm
Senior Research Associate
Vaccine Policy Issues
W. Courtland Robinson
Associate Professor

Migration and Health: Concepts, Rates, and Relationships

Seminar In Humanitarian Health 

Human Rights in Humanitarian Emergencies

Daniela Rodriguez
Associate Scientist
Health Policy Analysis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Andrea Ruff
Associate Professor
Infectious Diseases and Child Survival
Emma Sacks
Power and Practice in Global Health: Theories, Perspectives, and Action in “Decolonization”
Daniel Salmon
Vaccine Policy Issues
Yusra Shawar
Associate Research Professor
Health Policy Analysis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Jeremy Shiffman
Health Policy Analysis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Paul B. Spiegel
Professor of the Practice
Seminar In Humanitarian Health
Kawsar Talaat
Associate Professor
Infectious Diseases and Child Survival
Yvonne Tam
Assistant Scientist
Global Disease Epidemiology and Control Program Seminar 3
Andrew Thorne-Lyman
Associate Research Professor
Seafood and Public Health: Global Trade, Nutrition and the Environment
Antonio Trujillo
Econometric Methods for Evaluation of Health Programs
Melissa Walls
Associate Professor
Grant Writing for Public Health Practice 


4th Term

InstructorCourse title
Olusoji Adeyi
Senior Associate
Global Health Dynamics in Practice: Exploring Power, Colonial Legacies, Foreign Aid, Leadership Accountability, and Institutions
Smisha Agarwal
Associate Professor
Topics in Global Digital Health
Allison Barlow
Research Professor
Indigenous Health
August Bourgeois
Senior Associate
Biologic Basis of Vaccine Development
William Brieger
Integrative Activity in Community-Based Primary Health Care
Gilbert Burnham
Project Development for Primary Health Care in Developing Countries
Laura Caulfield
Developing Skills in Clinical Nutrition IV: Expanded Studies
Anna Durbin
Biologic Basis of Vaccine Development
Anbrasi Edward
Associate Practice Professor
Project Development for Primary Health Care in Developing Countries
Kevin Etter

Supply Chain Solutions for Global Health – A Survey of the Challenges, Interventions, and Innovation

Dustin G. Gibson
Associate Research Professor
Special Topics in Global Digital Health
Hannah Marker
Research Associate II
Global Sustainability and Health Seminar
Bryan Patenaude
Associate Professor
Advanced Topics in Economic Evaluation and Modeling for Global Health
Courtland Robinson
Associate Professor
Seminar in Humanitarian Health
David Sack
Clinical and Epidemiologic Aspects of Tropical Diseases
Haneefa Saleem
Associate Professor
Qualitative Research Practicum III: Analyzing and Writing Qualitative Findings
Paul Spiegel
Distinguished Professor of the Practice
Seminar in Humanitarian Health
Pamela Surkan

Qualitative Research Practicum III: Analyzing and Writing Qualitative Findings

Kawsar Talaat
Associate Professor
Clinical and Epidemiologic Aspects of Tropical Diseases
Andrew Thorne-Lyman
Associate Research Professor
International Nutrition
Andres Ignacio Vecino-Ortiz
Associate Research Professor
Special Topics in Global Digital Health
Donald Warne
Indigenous Health
Keith West
International Nutrition
Peter Winch
Global Sustainability and Health Seminar
Julia Wolfson
Associate Professor
Food Insecurity and Nutrition: Partnering With Community Organizations to Make Change
Winter Institute 2024
Instructorcourse title
Joshuaa Allison-Burbank
Assistant Scientist
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Health of Native Americans
Gilbert Burnham
Professor - Emeritus

Health Emergencies in Large Populations (H.E.L.P.) 

Anna Kalbarczyk
Assistant Scientist
Essential Skills for Women’s Leadership in Global Health
Alexander Mackey
Senior Research Associate
Prevention of Unintentional Injuries in American Indian Communities
Kristen Kay Mitchell
Research Associate
Prevention of Unintentional Injuries in American Indian Communities
Kristen Speakman
Senior Research Associate
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Health of Native Americans
Anna M. Sundbo
Research Associate II
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Health of Native Americans
Mija-Tesse Ververs
Senior Associate
Health Emergencies in Large Populations (H.E.L.P.)
Sydney K. White
Research Associate
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Health of Native Americans
Summer Institute 2023
Instructor Course Title
Nabeel Akram
Senior Research Associate 
The Role of the Private Sector Sustainable Development in Global Health
Joshuaa Allison-Burbank
Assistant Scientist
Introduction to American Indian Health Research Ethics
Jennifer A. Applegate
Assistant Scientist
Research and Project Coordination in Global Health
Gilbert Burnham
Professor Emeritus

Health Emergencies in Large Populations (H.E.L.P.) & Quality Assurance Management Methods for Developing Countries

Anbrasi M. Edward
Associate Scientist
Quality Assurance Management Methods for Developing Countries
Cyrus Y. Engineer
Professor of the Practice
High Performing Organizations in LMIC Settings
Carlton A. W. Evans
Tuberculosis, HIV and Other Infections in the Tropics
Robert H. Gilman
Tuberculosis, HIV and Other Chronic Infections in the Tropics & Vector-Borne Diseases in the Tropics
Meagan Harrison
Research Associate
Research and Project Coordination in Global Health
Anna Kalbarczyk
Assistant Scientist
Essential Skills for Women’s Leadership in Global Health
Michelle R. Kaufman
Associate Professor
Social and Behavioral Aspects of Public Health
Adam Koon
Assistant Scientist
Commercial Determinants of Health
Maria Merritt
Associate Professor
Introduction to American Indian Health Research Ethics
Anthony D. So
Professor of the Practice
Designing Innovation and Access for Technologies in Global Health
Kristen Speakman
Senior Research Associate
Introduction to American Indian Health Research Ethics
Anna M. Sundbo
Research Associate
Introduction to American Indian Health Research Ethics
Mija-Tesse Ververs
Senior Associate
Health Emergencies in Large Populations (H.E.L.P.)
Third and Fourth Terms, Academic Year 2022-2023

3rd Term

Instructor Course Title
Gilbert Burnham
Armed Conflict and Health
Laura Caulfield
Developing Skills in Clinical Nutrition III: Nutritional Counseling Across the Life Span
Maria Karla Lin Eng
Pharmaceuticals Management for Underserved Populations
Robert H. Gilman
Domestic Immigrant Health Issues and Emerging Diseases
Kristen M. Hurley
Associate Professor
Nutrition and Life Stages
Anna Kalbarczyk
Assistant Scientist
Global Epidemiology Policies and Programs
Yeeli Mui
Assistant Professor
Planning for Food Systems and Public Health
Kwaku Nuamah
Senior Associate
Armed Conflict and Health
Victoria M. O’Keefe
Assistant Professor
Indigenous Health
W. Courtland Robinson
Associate Professor                  
Migration and Health: Concepts, Rates, and Relationships &
Seminar in Humanitarian Health
Andrea Ruff
Associate Professor
Infectious Diseases and Child Survival
Yusra Shawar
Associate Scientist
Health Policy Analysis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Jeremy Shiffman
Health Policy Analysis in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Paul B. Spiegel
Professor of the Practice
Seminar in Humanitarian Health
Kawsar R. Talaat
Associate Professor
Infectious Diseases and Child Survival
Andrew L. Thorne-Lyman
Associate Scientist
Seafood and Public Health: Global Trade, Nutrition, and the Environment
Antonio J. Trujillo
Associate Professor
Econometric Methods for Evaluation of Health Programs

 4th Term

Instructor Course Title
Olusoji Adeyi
Senior Associate
Global Health Dynamics in Practice: Exploring Power, Colonial Legacies, Foreign Aid, Leadership Accountability, and Institution
Smisha Agarwal
Assistant Professor
Design and Implementation of Global Digital Health Interventions II
Joseph Ali
Associate Professor
Ethics and Global Public Health Practice
Agbessi Amouzou
Methods for Planning and Implementing Evaluations of Large-Scale Health Programs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Madison Billingsley
Research Associate
Clinical and Epidemiologic Aspects of Tropical Diseases
August Bourgeois
Senior Associate
Biologic Basis of Vaccine Development
William Brieger
Courses: Integrative Activity in Community-Based Primary Health Care & Integrative Activity in Global Health Planning and Management
Anna Durbin
Biologic Basis of Vaccine Development
Jess Fanzo
Professor, School of Advanced International Studies/International Health 
Nutrition and Food Equity and Ethics
Dustin G. Gibson
Associate Scientist
Design and Implementation of Global Digital Health Interventions II
Rupali Limaye
Associate Professor
Global Disease Control Programs and Policies
Abdoulaye Maiga
Assistant Scientist
Methods for Planning and Implementing Evaluations of Large-Scale Health Programs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Patricia Mechael
Senior Associate
Design and Implementation of Global Digital Health Interventions II
Maria Merritt
Associate Professor                  
Ethics and Global Public Health Practice
Melinda Munos
Assistant Professor
Methods for Planning and Implementing Evaluations of Large-Scale Health Programs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Amanda Palmer
Assistant Professor
Nutrition, Infection and Immunity
Bryan Patenaude
Assistant Professor
Advanced Topics in Economic Evaluation and Modeling for Global Health
Courtland Robinson
Associate Professor
Humanitarian Health Integrative Activity
David Sack
Clinical and Epidemiologic Aspects of Tropical Diseases
Ashley Sheffel
Assistant Scientist
Methods for Planning and Implementing Evaluations of Large-Scale Health Programs in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
Anita Shet
Senior Scientist
Nutrition, Infection and Immunity
Paul Spiegel
Professor of the Practice
Humanitarian Health Integrative Activity
Kawsar Talaat
Associate Professor
Clinical and Epidemiologic Aspects of Tropical Diseases
Andrew Thorne-Lyman
Associate Scientist
Course: International Nutrition
Brian Wahl
Associate Scientist
Global Disease Control Programs and Policies
Keith West
International Nutrition
Julia Wolfson
Associate Professor
Food Insecurity and Nutrition: Partnering with Community Organizations to Make Change
Winter Institute 2023
Instructor Course Title
Joshuaa Allison-Burbank
Assistant Scientist
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Health of Native Americans
Olakunle Alonge
Associate Professor
Conceptual and Evidential Foundations of Health Equity and Social Justice
Carlton A. Evans
Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
Robert Gilman
Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
Jerreed Ivanich
Assistant Professor
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Health of Native Americans
Anna Kalbarczyk
Assistant Scientist
Essential Skills for Women’s Leadership in Global Health
Kristen Speakman
Senior Research Associate                 
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Understanding the Heath of Native Americans