Departmental Affiliations
Jeremy Shiffman, PhD, MA, a political scientist, researches the politics of health policy-making in low-income countries and in global health governance.
Research Interests
Politics of health policy-making; Global health policy; Health policy analysis; Global health networks; Agenda-setting; Constructivism; Qualitative methods in health policy research
Experiences & Accomplishments
I am a political scientist by training. I draw on social science theory to study the politics of health policy-making in low and middle-income countries and in global health governance.
Honors & Awards
2020. Golden Apple Award for Teaching Excellence. Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health
2017. Scholar-Teacher of the Year, American University, School of Public Affairs
2016. Outstanding Scholarship, American University, School of Public Affairs
2013. Outstanding Teaching in a Full-time Appointment, American University, School of Public Affairs
2012. Gary and Stacey Jacobs Award for Excellence in Health Policy Research
2004-2008. Birkhead-Burkhead Teaching Excellence Award and Professorship, Syracuse University, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
2003. International Relations Professor of the Year, Syracuse University, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
Select Publications
Selected publications
Jeremy Shiffman and Yusra Ribhi Shawar. 2022. Framing and the formation of global health priorities. The Lancet. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(22)00584-0/fulltext
Jeremy Shiffman and Yusra Ribhi Shawar. 2020. Strengthening accountability of the global health metrics enterprise. The Lancet. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30416-5/fulltext
Jeremy Shiffman. 2017. Four challenges that global health networks face. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. https://www.ijhpm.com/article_3320.html
Jeremy Shiffman. 2016. Network advocacy and the emergence of global attention to newborn survival. Health Policy and Planning. https://academic.oup.com/heapol/article/31/suppl_1/i60/2404451
Jeremy Shiffman and Ana Lucía Garcés del Valle. 2006. Political history and disparities in safe motherhood between Guatemala and Honduras. Population and Development Review. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1728-4457.2006.00105.x