Bestselling Author Johnny Saldaña Leads Qualitative Data Workshops

Leading qualitative data analysis expert and bestselling author Johnny Saldaña (pictured here teaching) conducted a series of qualitative methods workshops for about 140 Hopkins faculty, students and staff in April. The workshops, which were free to those attending, were sponsored by the departments of International Health and Health, Behavior and Society and the Center for Qualitative Studies in Health and Medicine (CQSHM) at the Bloomberg School. Associate Professor Steve Harvey, who coordinated the visit, said that registration filled up within 24 hours. “It’s evident that there is great interest in qualitative research methods on campus.” He also added that “Johnny’s workshops lived up to their reputation. His teaching is as masterful as his writing.” Given the enthusiastic response to this event, according to Harvey, discussions are already underway about possible follow-up events in coming years.