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PFRH - Women's, Sexual and Reproductive Health


  • Caroline Moreau, MD, PhD, MPH – Lead Women's, Sexual and Reproductive Health Area of Interest
    Associate Professor: women's health, contraception, sexual and reproductive health, adolescent sexual and reproductive health
  • Saifuddin Ahmed, MBBS, PhD
    Professor: population and family health sciences, reproductive health, reproductive epidemiology, family planning and MCH care, complex population surveys
  • Philip Anglewicz, PhD, MA
    Associate Professor: demography, family planning, survey methodology, migration in developing countries
  • Stan Becker, PhD
    Professor Emeritus: fertility, international family planning
  • Suzanne Bell, PhD, MPH
    Assistant Professor: contraception, abortion, fertility, family planning, survey research, measurement, demography, epidemiology
  • Wendy Bennett, MD, MPH
    Associate Professor: obesity prevention and control in pregnancy, nutritional assessment, intervention delivery
  • Robert Blum, MD, PhD, MPH
    Professor: adolescent risk and protective factors, gender norm formation
  • Anne Burke, MD, MPH
    Associate Professor: gynecology and obstetrics/ PFRH, women’s reproductive health, contraception, family planning, cervical cancer screening, maternal health
  • Carolina Cardona Cabrera, PhD, MHS
    Assistant Scientist: health economics; economic demography; population dynamics; population and health; women’s empowerment; women’s health; sexual and reproductive health; family planning
  • Michele Decker, ScD, MPH
    Bloomberg Professor of American Health: women’s health, gender-based violence, reproductive coercion, sex workers & sexual exploitation, adolescent and young adults, sexual and reproductive health, STI/HIV, public health & human rights
  • Mark Emerson
    Associate: family planning, sexual and reproductive health and rights
  • Beth Fredrick
    Senior Associate: family planning, sexual and reproductive health and rights
  • Alison Gemmill, PhD, MPH, MA
    Assistant Professor: fertility and family planning, maternal, perinatal and reproductive health, life course and aging, demography
  • Duff Gillespie, PhD
    Professor: international family planning, reproductive health, equity, abortion, research utilization
  • Lori Heise, PhD
    Senior Associate: sexual and reproductive health, women's health
  • Charvonne Holliday Nworu, PhD, MPH
    Assistant Professor: women's health, intimate partner violence, sexual and reproductive health, racial/ethnic disparity, social determinants of health, violence perpetration, participatory research methods
  • Arik V. Marcell, MD, MPH
    Associate Professor: adolescent male sexual & reproductive health & access to care
  • Terrinieka Powell, PhD
    Vice Chair of Inclusion, Diversity, Anti-Racism and Equity(IDARE)
    Associate Professor: adolescent sexual health, faith- and school-based prevention interventions
  • Scott Radloff, PhD
    Senior Associate: international family planning
  • Jose Rimon, MA
    Senior Scientist and Director of the Gates Institute: international family planning, health behavior, advocacy
  • Dana Sarnak, PhD, MPH
    Assistant Scientist: fertility, contraception, family planning, couples, fertility preferences, survey research,  sexual and reproductive health, women’s health
  • Donna Strobino, PhD
    Professor Emerita: pregnancy outcomes among disadvantaged women, pregnancy among women with chronic conditions
  • Maria Trent, MD, MPH
    Bloomberg Professor of American Health: sexual and reproductive health, sexually transmitted infections, technology use, health disparities, cultural competency in health, professional education in adolescent health
  • Amy Tsui, PhD
    Professor Emerita: international family planning and reproductive health
  • Anaise Williams PhD, MPH
    Assistant Scientist: gender norms, empowerment, gender equity, and gender-based violence
  • Linnea A. Zimmerman, PhD
    Assistant Professor: international family planning, sexual and reproductive health and rights, adolescent sexual health