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PFRH - Child and Adolescent Health


  • Allison West, PhD – Lead Child and Adolescent Health Area of Interest
    Assistant Professor: maternal, infant and early childhood home visiting, service coordination, early childhood services and systems; workforce; community engaged research; implementation science
  • Christina Bethell, PhD, MBA, MPH
    Professor: child and adolescent health, children and youth measurement and mindfulness, development of family, community and health care systems
  • Robert Blum, MD, PhD, MPH
    Professor: resilience, early adolescence and acquisition of gender norms
  • Anne Burke, MD, MPH
    Associate Professor: family planning
  • Susan Gross, PhD, MPH, RDN
    Associate Scientist: nutrition, young child nutrition; postpartum weight retention; children with special health care needs; eating disorders; school-aged children; breastfeeding; obesity; body image; Special Supplementary Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), food insecurity
  • Erin Hager, PhD
    Associate Professor: child health; adolescent health; crime; violence; criminal legal system; justice-involved families; incarceration; policing; adverse childhood experiences; trauma-informed policy; mental health; social support; prevention science; life course; health equity
  • Dylan Jackson, PhD, MS
    Assistant Professor: child health; adolescent health; crime; violence; criminal legal system; justice-involved families; incarceration; policing; adverse childhood experiences; trauma-informed policy; mental health; social support; prevention science; life course; health equity
  • Sara Johnson, PhD
    Associate Professor: adolescent developmental neurobiology
  • Anne Lilly, MSPH
    Research Associate: child development, early childhood services, maternal and child health, program evaluation, school readiness, social, emotional and behavioral readiness
  • Arik V. Marcell, MD, MPH
    Associate Professor: adolescent male sexual, reproductive health and access to care
  • Beth Marshall, DrPH, MPH
    Assistant Scientist: school health, schools as health contexts, adolescent development, program evaluation
  • Tamar Mendelson, PhD, MA
    Professor: mental health; opportunity youth; school-based prevention programs; mindfulness and yoga; mental health during pregnancy and post-partum
  • Kristin Mmari, DrPH, MS
    Associate Professor: program evaluation, risk and protective factors and cross-national urban health issues, opportunity youth
  • Cynthia Minkovitz, MD, MPP
    William H. Gates Sr. Professor, Department Chair: child health, preventive services, child development, community pediatrics, health systems reform, early childhood home visiting, children with special health care needs; policy, health services research and program evaluation
  • Caroline Moreau, MD, PhD, MPH
    Associate Professor: abortion and gender norms
  • Kay O'Neill, MSPH
    Senior Research Associate: children, home visiting, evaluation, mothers, families, implementation science, provider communication
  • Terrinieka Powell, PhD, MA
    Associate Professor: community-engaged research; implementation science; adolescent sexual and reproductive health; substance use prevention
  • David Paige, MD, MPH
    Professor: child health, Special Supplementary Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
  • Farah Qureshi, ScD, MHS
    Assistant Professor: Social epidemiology, cardiovascular epidemiology, mental health, life course, positive youth development
  • Courtland Robinson, PhD
    Associate Professor: sexual and reproductive health needs and risks of very young adolescents (10-14) in humanitarian contexts, unaccompanied and separated children in emergencies
  • Annie Smith, PhD
    Assistant Scientist: adolescent health; school health; sexual and reproductive health; menstrual health; puberty transitions; program evaluation; implementation science; community-engaged research; youth-engaged research; participatory methods
  • Maria Trent, MD, MPH
    Professor: adolescent sexual and reproductive health
  • Xiaobin Wang, MD, ScD, MPH
    Zanvil Krieger Professor: early life origins of health and diseases, genetics, epigenetics and gene-environment interactions