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Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health


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Showing 1 - 20 of 53 results
Name Title Overview
Saifuddin Ahmed Professor

Saifuddin Ahmed, MBBS, PhD ‘96, his research includes reproductive epidemiology, particularly maternal mortality estimation; program evaluation for family planning and MCH care.

Philip Anglewicz Professor

Philip Anglewicz, PhD, MA, studies demographic change in Sub-Saharan Africa, looking at topics like contraceptive use dynamics, internal migration, aging, and the response to infectious disease.

Marycatherine Augustyn Assistant Scientist

Marycatherine Augustyn, PhD ‘91, focuses on Maternal and Child Health research and programming between academic and public agencies, and training public health professionals.

Stan Becker Professor - Emeritus
Suzanne Bell Associate Professor

Suzanne Bell, PhD ’18, MPH, studies fertility and related behaviors, examining patterns of contraceptive use, abortion, and infertility and factors that contribute to disparities.

Christina Bethell Professor

Christina Bethell, PhD, MPH, MBA, national leader in the development of policy, practice and research applications of population health and systems performance measurement.

Kristin Bevilacqua Assistant Scientist
Robert Blum Professor

Robert Blum, MD, PhD, MPH, studies adolescent health worldwide, with a focus on gender socialization in early adolescence and how it shapes health and wellness.

Lori Burrell Senior Research Associate

Lori Burrell, MA, MSW, studies the implementation and outcomes of early childhood home visiting services as a prevention strategy for promoting the health and well-being of parents and children.

Carolina Cardona Cabrera Assistant Scientist
Lien Chow Professor - Emeritus
Michele Decker Professor

Michele Decker, ScD, leads research at the cutting edge of gender equity, and gender-based violence prevention and response, in close partnership with practitioners and communities most affected.

Janet DiPietro Professor - Emeritus

Janet DiPietro, PhD, studies the interface between individual differences in development and physiology, and the implications of the prenatal period for postnatal life.

Anne Duggan Professor - Emeritus

Anne Duggan, ScD ’85, seeks to strengthen home visiting services for young families to achieve health equity of children and parents, partnering with public and private agencies.

Alison Gemmill Associate Professor

Alison Gemmill, PhD, MPH, is a demographer and perinatal epidemiologist whose research aims to improve the health of women, birthing people, and their children.

Duff Gillespie Professor - Emeritus
Narangerel Gombojav Assistant Scientist

Narangerel Gombojav, MD, PhD, ScM, seeks to improve maternal, child and adolescent health outcomes through data-driven and family engagement on-line tools.

Susan Gross Associate Practice Professor

Susan Gross, PhD '96, MPH, RDN, is a specialist in maternal and child nutrition, breastfeeding, food security, and child nutrition programs, including the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program.

Bernard Guyer Professor - Emeritus
Erin Hager Associate Professor

Erin Hager, PhD ’08 is a nutritional epidemiologist who works to promote healthy eating, physical activity, and food security for children in their homes, schools, and communities - where they live, work, and play.