Child and Adolescent Health

The rapid and dramatic development of health that occurs during childhood and adolescence drives the passion and purpose of faculty and students in the child and adolescent health area of interest. Grounded in a life course framework, our multi-disciplinary faculty is passionate about promoting the early and lifelong health and well-being of children from infancy through adolescence and the transition to adulthood.
We seek to advance the scientific basis, public health determinants, programmatic strategies and policy considerations that influence and promote child and adolescent health. We employ biological, developmental, ecological and behavioral approaches to illuminate the interacting influences of family, community, school, environment, policy and systems factors on child and adolescent health.

We view health and education as inexorably linked and are specifically focused on contextual factors that enhance resilience and positive youth health among the most vulnerable populations of young people both domestically and internationally.
Our work embraces the education and training of students in preparation for a careers in research, practice, teaching, policy and leadership. Our faculty are committed to preparing the next generation of leaders across sectors.
Our overarching objective is to develop, disseminate and translate evidence, methods and strategies to optimize early health to maximize resilience and lifelong health, reduce disparities, and mitigate the occurrence and consequences of adverse experiences for children and adolescents.