STRONG Research Program
Striving To Reach Optimal Nutrition and Growth
Welcome to the STRONG Research Program website! Our mission is to promote children’s healthy growth and development where they live, work, and play through research on policies and programs for families, schools, and communities.
We work in Baltimore City, Maryland, and nation-wide, using strong science to advance policies that promote health while reducing health disparities.
This website includes information on our ongoing and completed projects, measures that others can use in their research, guides for implementing policies and practices, and reports outlining project findings.

The STRONG Research Program is a key leader in the Maryland School Wellness Partnership, an academic-government partnership that aims to enhance opportunities for healthy eating and physical activity for Maryland students by helping schools and school systems create and implement strong and comprehensive written wellness policies. This website also houses many of the materials developed by this partnership. We hope that these materials are useful for our fellow academic and government colleagues, school systems/districts and schools as well as parents and students striving to build health promoting school environments.
Contact Us
Rachel Deitch, MS
Sr. Research Program Coordinator II