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, PhD, MPH

Assistant Scientist

Annie Smith collaborates with young people, their families, and their communities to design and evaluate programs that support young peoples' sexual and reproductive health and autonomy.

Contact Info

Research Interests

Adolescent health; School health; Sexual and reproductive health; Menstrual health; Puberty transitions; Program evaluation; Implementation science; Community-engaged research; Youth-engaged research; Participatory methods

Experiences & Accomplishments
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Cornell University
Honors & Awards

Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology PhD Fellowship, 2021-22

The Cornely Scholarship Fund in Maternal and Child Health, 2021-22

The Willian Endowment for Excellence in Science, 2021-22

Cheryl Alexander Memorial Fund, 2020-21

Bernard and Jane Guyer Scholarship, 2019-20

Bloomberg School of Public Health MPH Sommer Scholar, 2017-18

Select Publications
  • Smith, A, Chipeta, E, Stones, W, Mmari, K. (2021) Why do very young adolescents engage in sexual and romantic relationships? An intergenerational qualitative analysis from Blantyre, Malawi. Culture, Health and Sexuality. doi: 10.1080/13691058.2021.1889672. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33750271.

    Mmari M, Smith, A, Gross, S, Marshall, B. (2020). Risk and protective factors associated with adolescent food insecurity in Baltimore. Journal of Urban Health. Vol 98(2), pp.296. 10.1007/s11524-020-00488-w

    Powell, TW, Jo, M, Smith, A, Marshall, B, Thigpen, S, Offiong, A, & Geffen, S. (2020). Supplementing substance use prevention with sexual health education: A partner informed approach. Health Promotion Practice. Advance online publication.

    Smith, A, Muli, A, Schwab, K, Hennegan, J. (2020). National Monitoring for Menstrual Health and Hygiene: Is the Type of Menstrual Material Used Indicative of Needs Across 10 Countries?. IJERPH. Vol 17, pp.2633. 10.3390/ijerph17082633.

UChoose Baltimore - Baltimore City's community-wide youth sexual health initiative
True You Maryland - A state-level youth sexual health initiative focused on supporting rural counties
Thrivology - Translating research on trauma-informed approaches in youth sexual health to youth-serving professionals
Health-E You - A web-based mobile app to support youth and clinicians in discussing sexual health topics and services