PFRH E-NEWS Summer 2022
IDARE & Education
- Created a list of potential educational offerings for faculty to consider – Asking about IDARE training is now a part of our annual review
- Created a template of an IDARE statement for faculty to use in their syllabi – currently figuring out how to mass disseminate this
- Shared IDARE updates at the school and department levels
- Met monthly with the schoolwide IDARE committee – we created a calendar for all IDARE events, wrote a petition to urge the school to give higher raises to staff, and continue to share practices across departments that seem to be working to support IDARE principles
- Created an IDARE rubric to be used for faculty search committees (with IDARE & DAN reps from MH)
- Centered IDARE issues during our Faculty retreat in May
- Mentoring diverse students via facilitated discussion led by Mahnoor from the IDARE office
- Education update on course review for IDARE content and IDARE statements for syllabi
- Supporting PhD students as we diversify our cohorts (PhD Audit results and next steps)
New DrPH: Women’s & Reproductive Health
Maryland Higher Education Commission approved our new concentration
Start: Fall 2022
Concentration Directors: Ian Salas, PhD, MA and Sally Safi, PhD, MSPH