Paul A. and Esther C. Harper Award 2022
The Harper Award is given to a graduating doctoral student in PFRH whose research focuses on population issues and maternal and child health and whose academic performance has been judged outstanding.
Neisha Opper, MPH, PhD ‘22
I am interested in novel determinants of sexual and reproductive health, particularly among marginalized and underserved populations. Prior to starting in this program, I taught research methods at an academic medical center in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. My research has been broad in scope, ranging from very clinical questions about ovarian stimulation protocols to very broad questions about reducing bias in our legal system, as well as contraceptive access and use in a domestic context.
Thesis Title: Dissuaded, delayed, or displaced: an evaluation of abortion-related outcomes after pre-abortion counseling policy change in the United States
Master’s Essay with Distinction Award
- Theresa Boyer, MSPH ‘22
- Mona-Esmat Jarrah, MSPH ‘22
- Monica Kozlowski, MSPH ‘22
- Gretchen Schulz, MSPH ‘22
- Ishita Srivastava, MSPH ‘22
- Haley Thomas, MSPH ‘22
Johns Hopkins Students Awards
Phi Beta Kappa
- Mridula Shankar, MPH, PhD
- Jennifer Sherwood, MSPH, PhD
Delta Omega
- Sarah Clifford, MSPH
- Simmona Coelho, MSPH
- Ishita Srivastava, MSPH
- Haley Thomas, MSPH
- Althea Wolfe, MSPH
Kristen McCormick, MS, MA, receives the inaugural SOURCE Community Service Award for Staff
- Carolina Cardona, PhD ‘21, MHS, Assistant Scientist
- Dana Sarnak, PhD ’21, MPH, Assistant Scientist
- Erin Hager, PhD, Associate Professor
- Sally Safi, PhD ‘19, MSPH ’14, Assistant Scientist, appointed Director of Graduate Studies in PFRH
Faculty Promotions
- Terrinieka Powell, PhD, MA, appointed Bloomberg Associate Professor of American Health in the area of equity and adolescent health
- Kristin Mmari, DrPH, MA, appointed Bloomberg Associate Professor of American Health in the area of adolescent health
- Phil Anglewicz, PhD, MA appointed PFRH Vice Chair for Research
Faculty Teaching Excellence Awards
2nd Term 2021-2022
- M. E. Hughes and Cynthia Minkovitz: 380.604.81 - Life Course Perspectives on Health
- M. E. Hughes: 380.603.01 - Demographic Methods for Public Health
- Beth Marshall: 380.721.01/.41 - Schools and Health
- Sara Riese: 380.624.81 - Maternal and Child Health Legislation and Programs
- Cynthia Minkovitz: 380.624.01 - Maternal and Child Health Legislation and Programs
- Ian Salas: 380.600.01/.41 - Principles of Population Change
- Linnea Zimmerman: 380.655.01 - Social and Economic Aspects of Human Fertility
- Alison Gemmill and Donna Strobino: 380.662.71 - Critiquing the Research Literature in Maternal, Neonatal, and Reproductive Health
- Pam Martin: 552.622.81 - Creating, Implementing and Monitoring Budgets for Projects and Programs
3rd Term 2021-2022
- Terri Powell and Beth Marshall: 380.640.01/.41 - Children in Crisis: An Asset-Based Approach to Working with Vulnerable Youth
- Pam Donohue and Donna Strobino: 380.661.01/41 - Clinical Aspects of Maternal and Newborn Health
- Linnea Zimmerman and Caroline Moreau: 380.665.01 - Family Planning Policies and Programs
- Shannon Wood: 380.666.01/.41 - Women's Health
- Phil Anglewicz: 380.711.71 - Issues in Survey Research Design
- Courtland Robinson: 380.750.41 - Migration and Health: Concepts, Rates, and Relationships
- Anne Burke: 380.760.01/.41 - Clinical Aspects of Reproductive Health
4th Term 2021-2022
- Allison West: 380.612.01 - Applications in Program Monitoring and Evaluation
- Pamela Donohue: 380.616.41 - Child Health Epidemiology
- Suzanne Bell and Anne Burke: 380.628.01 - Public Health Perspectives on Abortion
- Michele Decker: 380.663.81 - Gender-Based Violence Research, Practice and Policy: Issues and Current Controversies
- Saifuddin Ahmed: 380.712.01 - Methods in Analysis of Large Population Surveys
- Terri Powell: 380.725.01 - The Social Context of Adolescent Health and Development
- Meredith Matone: 380.765.81 - Preventing Infant Mortality and Promoting the Health of Women, Infants and Children
- Duff Gillespie and Beth Fredrick: 380.771.01 - Understanding and Changing International Reproductive Health Policy
Faculty Awards
- Anne Duggan, ScD - Professor Emerita
- Donna Strobino, PhD - Professor Emerita
Faculty Grants Awards
- Phil Anglewicz, PhD, MA – U24 Subaward from Tulane
RADx-UP Coordination and Data Collection Center - Anne Duggan, ScD – Health Resources and Services Administration
HARC – Home Visiting Research and Development Platform - Dylan Jackson, PhD, MS
-JHU Discovery Award
Modern Social Movements to Dismantle Anti-Black Racism in Policing: Perspectives from Black Youth, Caregivers, and Community Leaders
-Bloomberg American Health Initiative (Spark)
Identifying Strategies to Support Post-Traumatic Growth Among Black Youth Exposed to Police Violence - Susan Gross, PhD, MPH- Bloomberg American Health Initiative (Vanguard)
Impact of Direct Certification through Medicaid on Maryland Community School Meal Participation - Li Liu, MBBS, PhD ’08, MHS ’06 – The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
Newborn, Child and Adolescent Causes of Death Estimation (CA-CODE) - Cynthia Minkovitz, MD, MPP
Early Intervention to Promote the Cardiovascular Health of Mothers and Children (ENRICH) Resource and Coordinating Center
-State of New Jersey
Universal Home Visiting Evaluation - Kristin Mmari, DrPH, MA – Bloomberg American Health Initiative
Adolescent Mental Health System Study: Idaho Provider and Parent Perspectives - Terrinieka Powell, PhD, MA
-Bloomberg American Health Initiative – Mid-Year Research Project Award
A Process Evaluation of the Better Together Intervention
-Fund for Educational Excellence
VHealing Cities- Evaluating Trauma Informed Training with Enoch Pratt librarians - Allison West, PhD, MSW - University of Maryland / MDH/HRSA
Expanded Formula Evaluation of the MD-MIECHV Program
2021-22-PFRH Citizenship Awards
Mona-Esmat Jarrah, MSPH ‘22
Saifuddin Ahmed, MBBS, PhD ‘96, Professor
Linnea Zimmerman, PhD ‘14, MPH, Assistant Professor