PFRH E-NEWS Summer 2022
2022 PFRH Graduates
Master of Health Science Graduates
- Sophia Forneris, MHS
- Nalina Orprayoon, MHS
- Madeline Quasebarth, MHS
Master of Science in Public Health Graduates
- Stanzin Angmo, MSPH
- Amna Baloul, MSPH
- Theresa Boyer, MSPH
- Omaris Caceres, MSPH
- Sodam Choi, MSPH
- Diana Chute, MSPH
- Sarah Clifford, MSPH
- Simmona Coelho, MSPH
- Emma Coppes, MSPH
- Mona-Esmat Jarrah, MSPH
- Monica Kozlowski, MSPH
- Elizabeth Lazarus, MSPH
- Chanel Lee, MSPH
- Kyle Oliver, MSPH
- Nikita Patlolla, MSPH
- Josephine Peitz, MSPH
- Matthew Rigsby, MSPH
- Gretchen Schulz, MSPH
- Ishita Srivastava, MSPH
- Salma Tayel, MSPH
- Haley Thomas, MSPH
- Grace Tumwebaze, MSPH
- Zikra Thomasina Watts, MSPH
- Kelsey Williams, MSPH
- Althea Wolfe, MSPH
Doctor of Philosophy Graduates
- Carolina Cardona Cabrera, PhD, MHS
- Neisha Opper, PhD, MPH
- Dana Sarnak, PhD, MPH
- Carrie Wolfson, PhD, MPA
Summer 2021 Graduates
Master of Science in Public Health Graduates
Mariam Mogib Salama, MSPH
Doctor of Philosophy Graduate
Jennifer Anne Sherwood, PhD, MSPH
Winter 2021 Graduates
Master of Science in Public Health Graduates
Arthi Rameshkumar, MSPH
Doctor of Philosophy Graduate
- Jessica Rose Jones, PhD, MPH
- Mridula Shankar, PhD, MPH