The Center for Human Nutrition works with a broad spectrum of collaborating research groups and implementing organizations that span the globe.

Sight and Life
From successfully advocating for the addition of Multiple Micronutrient Supplements (MMS) to the World Health Organization’s Essential Medicines List, to enabling smallholder farmers in Africa by deploying viable social enterprise models, Sight and Life delivers evidence-backed, innovative interventions for malnutrition that work.

Vitamin Angels
Vitamin Angels focuses on addressing malnutrition in pregnant women and children to save lives and increase potential.
Vitamin Angels and the CHN are launching an exciting new initiative called the "Initiative to Advance Implementation Science in Nutrition"; the initiative aims to facilitate the advancement of implementation science in the area of maternal, infant, and young child nutrition.

Kirk Humanitarian
Kirk Humanitarian purchases and donates multiple micronutrient supplements (MMS) to qualified grantees, helps create a marketplace for MMS, drives awareness, advocacy, and consensus-building around MMS, and supports implementation research to better understand and meet the needs of the families who are served by MMS programs.

Center for a Liveable Future
The Center for a Liveable Future is located in the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering and focuses on developing healthy, equitable, resilient food systems.

Welch Center
Welch Center faculty and trainees conduct epidemiologic, clinical, and translational research related to the prevention and control of chronic diseases.

Center for Humanitarian Health
The Center for Humanitarian Health is an interdisciplinary program hosted by the Bloomberg School of Public Health's Department of International Health, with focus areas spanning epidemiology, demography, emergency and disaster medicine, health systems management, nutrition/food security, environmental engineering, mental health, political science, and human rights. The Center for Humanitarian Health aims to pursue new knowledge and disseminate this learning to save lives and reduce human suffering and other consequences of humanitarian emergencies and disasters.

Bloomberg American Health Initiative (BAHI)
The Bloomberg American Health Initiative is tackling five issues that deeply challenge the nation’s health: addiction and overdose, adolescent health, environmental challenges, food systems for health, and violence. The Initiative also has set out to train a new generation of leaders committed to improving health in America.

Institute for International Programs
The Institute for International Programs (IIP) is a network of multi-disciplinary researchers, educators, and advocates in the Department of International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health who are united by a commitment to improve women’s and children’s health, nutrition, and survival by strengthening public health policies and programs in predominantly low-income countries.