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Information for MSPH Practicum Preceptors

MSPH Practicum Preceptor Responsibilities

At any point you are welcome to email or meet with Lisa Folda, the Practicum Manager who is here to facilitate this process.

If you decide you would like to host a student, follow the steps below. We are here to support you as you support our students. Thank you for your interest, and for sharing your potential practicum opportunity!

Preceptor Responsibilities

Create and submit your practicum proposal

Submit via this form or email your own template to the Practicum Manager.

Screen candidates according to your preferences

You may request a cover letter, a résumé, and/or a writing sample; these components are up to you.

An open and honest recruitment process will make it more likely that you will find a student who is a good fit for your organization’s needs.

Negotiate clear expectations
  • How long will they be working with you? 
  • What are the duties they are responsible for? 
  • It is ok for some of this to be a work in progress as your project evolves.
Work with the student to get the practicum approved

The student is required to complete a form with details on their practicum and the public health competencies they will demonstrate as a result of their participation.

Work collaboratively with them to determine the type of work and deliverables you would like from them. You will be asked to sign the form to acknowledge your review and approval. 

Provide supportive supervision for the duration of the practicum
  • Students have skills, and may be new to an organization or, in some cases, a country like yours.  Take time to get them oriented to the team, the organization, their duties, and the broader cultural context. 
  • Students are encouraged to be transparent about areas they would like to strengthen. This should contribute to a collaborative working relationship which benefits from regular check-ins, and also mean the student receives enough guidance to work independently.
Reach out to the Department if any issues arise

You will be asked to complete a very brief form early in the student’s time with you. In the vast majority of cases, feedback is resoundingly positive. The Practicum Manager and the student’s academic adviser are available to work with you and the student through any unanticipated changes or concerns.

Review student deliverables and provide feedback to the Department
  • At the end of their time with you, students should have completed agreed-upon deliverables. These will be shared with you as tangible products that can benefit your organization. 
  • As the time wraps up, the Department will send a very brief form requesting your overall feedback on the student’s work and contributions as a team member. We want you to be satisfied and hopefully host a student again!  This feedback is very important—we truly appreciate your time sharing it.