Brian D. Crawford and Family Research Scholarship

BRIAN CRAWFORD (PhD, Biochemistry and Biophysics, 1982) is the President of the Publications Division of the American Chemical Society, the world’s leading non-profit publisher in the field of chemistry and its allied sciences. Crawford holds general management responsibility for both the Society’s portfolio of 47 peer-reviewed journals, and the magazine publishing operations of the Society’s industry-leading news periodical, Chemical & Engineering News. He oversees all editorial, digital strategy, new product development, and production staff based in ACS offices located in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio, as well as marketing and sales operations located throughout the US and abroad. Experienced in subscription journal, book, and new media publishing, Brian has more than 30 years of experience in the STM information industry, with both not-for-profit professional scientific society and commercial publishers. He previously served as President of the American Medical Publishers Association (AMPA) and as both a member and Chair of the Executive Council of the Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division of the Association of American Publishers (AAP). Brian currently represents the professional publishing industry on the Board of Directors of the AAP, serving as Chair of the Board 2014-2015. He is also an elected member of the Executive Board of the International STM Association.
To recognize and celebrate excellence on the part of our PhD and postdoctoral trainees, Brian Crawford established the Brian D. Crawford and Family Research Scholarship in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. This scholarship will be awarded to PhD students in recognition of their achievements in academics, research and service. The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is grateful to Brian Crawford, his family, and to its faculty, for making this award possible through generous donations and support.
2022 recipients

Marika David, Culotta lab (left)
Jon Vose, Kavran lab (center)
Wei Wang, Matunis lab (right)
2021 recipients

Shang-Jung Cheng, Leung Lab (left)
TJ Koehler, Kavran Lab (right)
2020 recipients

Gloria Marino, Weeraratna lab (top row, left)
Xibin Tian, Wan lab (top row, second from left)
Haobo Wang, Bailey lab (top row, third from left)
Kyler Weingartner, Kavran lab (top row, right)
Steve Wellard, Jordan lab (bottom row, left)
Emily Wessel, Drummond-Barbosa lab (bottom row, center)
Asia Wildeman, Culotta lab (bottom row, right)
2019 recipients

Yue (Harry) Liu, Wan lab
Harry's research focused on cellular and molecular immunology in order to develop novel treatments and preventions strategies to combat colonic bacterial infection associated disorders.

Daniel De Angelis, Kavran lab
Daniel's research project aims to understand a potentially new mode of Lats1/2 regulation. Our lab recently discovered that Lats1/2 binds copper. While many enzymes are regulated by metal5,6, to our knowledge there is only one other kinase that is regulated by copper7, so our discovery represents an exciting new avenue in understanding how kinase activity is modulated. My project will determine if copper is required for either the stability or activity of Lats1/2 kinase.

Joseph Fischer, Leung lab
Joseph's research project involves characterizing a novel form of RNA decay.

Alisa Boyko, Jordan lab
Alisa's research project focuses on deciphering the molecular mechanisms of the Smc5/6 complex, one of the three Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes complexes, which has been characterized the least.