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Sherburne Abbott Research Professor Whiting School of Engineering

Shere's interests lie at the interface of science and society—principally on issues related to climate change, energy and sustainability. As a senior advisor to President Barack Obama, and associate director for Environment and Energy in the Office of Science and Technology Policy, she was responsible for coordinating the research and development portfolio for environment and natural resources, and the interagency committees on earth observing systems, air and water quality, disaster reduction, ecological services, toxins, the Arctic, and ocean science and technology.

Jacqueline Agnew Professor - Emeritus Bloomberg School of Public Health

Jacqueline Agnew, PhD '92, seeks to better understand the relationship between workplace exposures, worker characteristics, and musculoskeletal disorders.

Hedy Alavi Teaching Professor Whiting School of Engineering

Hedy Alavi, PhD, is an expert in hazardous and solid waste engineering and management.

Sandra Albornoz Marin Research Associate Bloomberg School of Public Health
Tanya Alderete Associate Professor Bloomberg School of Public Health

Tanya L. Alderete, PhD, investigates the effects of environmental exposures on human health throughout the life course. Her work integrates clinical, epidemiological, and multiomics research.

Matthew Aubourg Research Associate Bloomberg School of Public Health

Matthew A. Aubourg, MSPH ‘23, partners with community-based organizations to co-create community-driven research addressing environmental health and justice issues and translating research into action. 

Ebrahim Azimi Assistant Scientist Bloomberg School of Public Health
Daniel Barnett Professor Bloomberg School of Public Health

Daniel Barnett, MD, MPH '01, studies emergency preparedness, response, and recovery to identify approaches for optimizing population health in emergencies and disasters.

Pamela Berg Research Associate Bloomberg School of Public Health

Pamela Berg, MPH ’02, directs the Center for a Livable Future’s Food Systems Education Program. Her interests are in the intersection of nutrition, food security and environmental health.

Shyam Biswal Professor Bloomberg School of Public Health

Shyam Biswal, PhD, studies the mechanisms by which environmental factors drive chronic health conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Martin Bloem Professor Bloomberg School of Public Health

Martin Bloem, MD, PhD, has devoted his career to improving the effectiveness of public health and nutrition programs through applied research, focusing particularly on low- and middle-income countries.

Joseph Bressler Associate Professor Bloomberg School of Public Health

Joseph Bressler, PhD, studies how environmental pollutants affect neurodevelopment with specific interests in autism and fetal alcohol syndrome.

Patrick Breysse Professor - Emeritus Bloomberg School of Public Health

Patrick Breysse, PhD ‘85, MHS '80, conducts research focused on the evaluation and control of chemical, biological, and physical factors that impact human health and well-being.

Richard Bruns Assistant Scientist Bloomberg School of Public Health

Richard Bruns, PhD, MS, researches economic modeling and cost-benefit analysis as it relates to public health and the prevention and mitigation of global catastrophic biological risks.

Elizabeth Campbell Assistant Scientist Bloomberg School of Public Health
Srinivasan Chandrasegaran Professor - Emeritus Bloomberg School of Public Health

Srinivasan Chandrasegaran, PhD, is part of an international team that synthesized the first functional chromosome in yeast, an important step in the field of synthetic biology.

Giehae Choi Assistant Professor Bloomberg School of Public Health

Giehae Choi, PhD, MPH, applies environmental epidemiology to characterize exposures during vulnerable life stages and their health impacts, with a focus on chemicals exposure and children’s health.

Steven Chow Research Associate Bloomberg School of Public Health

Steven Chow, PhD '19, MSE '15, investigates detection of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water, treatment technologies for PFAS, and water quality monitoring within the greater Baltimore region.

Anita Cicero Senior Scientist Bloomberg School of Public Health

Anita Cicero, JD, is Deputy Director at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security where she helps to lead strategic planning, program development, budgeting, and health security policy development.

Rebecca Critser Assistant Practice Professor Bloomberg School of Public Health