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Graduate Programs

Graduate Student Resources

Welcome to the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering

We are very pleased to welcome you as a graduate student to the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University. We hope your time here will be stimulating, challenging, and rewarding. This page provides general information, helpful links, and information on what to do when you arrive. If you have questions about our programs or the information on this page, contact our Academic Team.

Academic Team

head shot of woman

Stormi Ryan

Academic Program Manager

head shot of woman

Taylor Voelkel

Academic Program Administrator

Megan Weil Latshaw, PhD ‘05 MHS ‘01

Master’s Degree Programs Director

Profile photo of Meghan Davis

Meghan Davis, DVM, PhD '12, MPH '08,

Director, PhD Programs

Graduate Student Resources

Below are links, documents, and information to help you navigate your graduate school experience. Do not hesitate to contact a member of the department's academic team if you have questions.

Master's Student Handbook

The student handbook will be an important resource throughout your time at Johns Hopkins.  Handbooks for previous academic years are available on request from the academic team listed on this page.


PhD Student Handbook

The student handbook will be an important resource throughout your time at Johns Hopkins.  Handbooks for previous academic years are available on request from the academic team listed on this page.


NEW STUDENTS - Checklists for new Whiting and Bloomberg master's students
ORIENTATION - Online supplemental orientation material

EHE has created a virtual orientation space in CoursePlus that is a supplemental to your in-person orientation sessions.  You can self-enroll here.

The Whiting School of Engineering also hosts a virtual orientation space for WSE Master's and PhD Students on Canvas. To activate your Canvas account and log in for the first time, follow these steps:  

  1. You can access Canvas using your JHED ID and password here. If you need help logging in, please contact the IT help desk (link is external)or call (410) 516-HELP. 
  2. We recommend setting up your JHU email account prior to accessing Canvas so that you can receive notifications. Canvas notifications are sent from You can also reference the Getting Started for Students guide if you need additional assistance. 
  3. When you log in to Canvas for the first time, accept the terms and conditions that appear in the pop-up window to complete the process. 
  4. A few days after you establish your Canvas account, check your JHU email for correspondence with the subject “Course Invitation.” In that email, select “Get Started” to enter/open the course.  
    • CO.EN.MSO is the course name (if you are a master’s student)
    • CO.EN.PHD is the course name (if you are a doctoral student) 
IDs - What are all these ID numbers? How do I find mine?

This is your login ID to most Hopkins Web sites, including the “myJH” portal, home of the Johns Hopkins Enterprise Directory. It typically includes the first letter of your first name, your last name or part of your last name, and one or more digits. Your JHED ID is a maximum of 8 characters.

  • JHED: This is your login ID to most Hopkins Web sites, including the “myJH” portal, home of the Johns Hopkins Enterprise Directory. It typically includes the first letter of your first name, your last name or part of your last name, and one or more digits. Your JHED ID is a maximum of 8 characters. JHED IDs are typically issued in mid-March for students arriving in the Fall semester and mid-October for students arriving in the Spring semester, and if admission is accepted after those times, within two business days after admission is accepted in the Slate graduate application system. Look up your name in the “myJH” portal and your JHED ID should appear. if it does not appear by May 1 (for Summer arrival), June 5 (for Fall arrival) or January 10 (for Spring arrival), please contact the Registrar at the contact info on the Registrar’s Getting Started page.
  • Hopkins IDs: This is the six-digit-and-letter ID that SIS (the Student Information System) uses to identify students. Sign in to SIS using your JHED ID and password that you establish, per the Registrar’s Getting Started page. Hopkins IDs are typically issued in mid-March for students arriving in the Fall semester and mid-October for students arriving in the Spring semester, and if admission is accepted after those times, within two business days after admission is accepted in the Slate graduate application system.
  • Government ID: For American students, this is the Social Security Number. For international students, this is a temporary Hopkins-assigned (988-xx-xxxx) number to use at JHU in place of a social security number, which will be sent to you by the University. For those receiving a stipend, this number is used in the process to set up your pay. International students receiving a stipend will apply for a Social Security Number after arrival.
  • J-Card ID: This is the 16-digit number located above the barcode on one’s J-Card, which you will receive upon arrival. This number is read automatically when you swipe your J-Card at a reader. The 14-digit number below the J-Card barcode is your library number and can be used on the library page.
HOUSING - Living in Baltimore

There is no on-campus housing for graduate students.  Only undergraduate freshmen and some sophomores will live on campus.

The University’s Off-Campus Housing office can help you find a home, give advice on securing a lease, and connect with potential roommates. Note that while there is no housing on campus for graduate students, there are many homes and apartments available within 3 km / 2 miles of campus.

This Off-Campus Housing Resources page will be helpful in seeking a home. Until you receive your JHED ID, you can use the guest registration password 18BlueJay20.

View these documents from the Off-Campus Housing Office for useful information

Our department does not endorse any specific living space, but we encourage you to explore all options within your price range.

HEALTH - Pre-entrance health requirements and insurance information

All new graduate students must meet the University’s pre-entrance health requirements by providing proof of immunity to certain communicable diseases prior to registration.

Johns Hopkins Alumni

Hopkins Alumni returning for graduate school are exempt from this requirement as Student Health and Wellness will use your undergraduate pre-entrance records.

All Other New Graduate Students

Before arriving at Johns Hopkins you must meet the Pre-Entrance health requirements.  Various actions are needed so please read the instructions carefully.

If you require any vaccines or screening tests to determine immune status, they can be administered at the Student Health and Wellness Center, at a cost of a US $100 Health Form Completion Fee plus the cost of each vaccine or screening test.

Those who have the University insurance plan can receive the vaccines at reduced rates, but antibody testing is not covered by the plan. Please direct your questions regarding these requirements to the Student Health and Wellness Center on their Staff Page.

TECH - E-mail, computers and software for Whiting students

Get a jump on getting connected at Hopkins!

In early June (Fall students) or early January (Spring students), the Registrar will send all enrolled new graduate students an e-mail that includes your JHED ID. The “Johns Hopkins Enterprise Directory” (JHED) is an online directory of all students, faculty, staff, and other associates with Johns Hopkins University, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, and all related entities.

This e-mail will also provide you a JHU e-mail address and set-up instructions. Note that until your JHED ID is activated, you will not have access to these services.

ACADEMICS - Helpful links
INTERNATIONAL - Information for international students

The Office of International Services provides immigration, visa, and travel guidance to the Johns Hopkins University international community in every school. In addition to our website, individuals may access an array of e-requests around the clock via our iHopkins self-service portal.  We also offer individualized advising by email as well as by phone.

Office of International Services

OIS for new students