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A cross-divisional department spanning

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Geography and Environmental Engineering

PhD in Geography and Environmental Engineering Faculty Advisers

man wearing glasses, shirt and suit jacket, standing outdoors
Associate Professor
Environmental Health and Engineering

Peter studies the chemical composition of gas particles in the air to improve our understanding of climate, air quality, and health impacts of pollutants.


J. Hugh Ellis
Environmental Health and Engineering

An expert in environmental systems analysis, Hugh's innovative models and analysis are integral to critical, policy-shaping research studies ranging from climate issues to public health.

man smiling standing in hallway
Environmental Health and Engineering

Paul ­ is a Bloomberg Distinguished Professor with joint appointments in the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering and the Carey Business School. He is known for his research on behavioral economics and the design and estimation of impacts of environmental programs.

man wearing glasses, smiling, standing outside of building
Associate Professor
Environmental Health and Engineering

Ciaran, an associate professor of landscape hydrology and Russell Croft Faculty Scholar, studies how the structure of landscapes controls the movement of water from rainfall to streams, and how that structure evolves over time.

Environmental Health and Engineering

Ben, the Theodore M. and Kay W. Schad Professor of Environmental Management, uses systems analysis and economics to improve electric utility planning, operations, and policy, as well as management of environmental and water resources systems.

man standing outisde against wall the Johns Hopkins sign in background
Assistant Professor
Environmental Health and Engineering

Carsten's research focuses on the occurrence and fate of organic contaminants in the urban water cycle and their impact on environmental and human health.

man smiling standing in front of building
Assistant Professor
Environmental Health and Engineering

Scot Miller combines satellite data and statistics to understand greenhouse gas emissions across the globe.

close up of woman smiling standing outdoors
Assistant Professor
Environmental Health and Engineering

Sarah Preheim studies the microorganisms and environmental drivers of impairments to inland and coastal water bodies such as oxygen depletion and algal blooms.

man smiling standing in front of chalkboard with mathematical equations
Environmental Health and Engineering

Harihar uses mathematical models to shed light on complex environmental and earth systems and to predict future trends within those systems.

close up of man wearing glasses looking away from camera
Environmental Health and Engineering

Alan employs chemistry foundations to biogeochemical processes to address issues of anthropogenic chemicals in the environment and engineered systems.