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A cross-divisional department spanning

Community Outreach and Engagement

Day At The Market

woman with mask and gloves dooing healthy food demo

Day at the Market

The Northeast Market(link is external) is where Johns Hopkins meets the community. EHE's Community Outreach and Engagement program provides access to Johns Hopkins expertise and care to communities throughout Baltimore and Maryland. Our goal is to improve the ability of everyone to have access to health education and screenings, learn disease prevention, early detection, and treatment. 

Market Day gives our faculty, staff, students, and researchers an opportunity to share their expertise, learn from community members, and deepen their connection with community partners.

What We Do

WHERE: Northeast Market, 2101 E. Monument St., Baltimore, 21205 
WHEN: Second and last Wednesday of the month, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

  • Health education programs that cover healthy eating, physical activity, cancer prevention and more 
  • Health screenings  
  • Distribution of COVID-19 prevention supplies 

Additional market days are usually centered on one topic. 

WHEN: First Tuesday of the month, 12 to 1:30 p.m., occasional Saturdays from 12 to 2 p.m. A schedule of special events is posted at the market.

Topics include:

  • Job readiness 
  • Voter registration 
  • Census questionnaires 
  • Disaster preparedness 
  • Energy savings 
  • Healthy food cooking demonstrations 
  • Expert advice: Ask a Pharmacist, Ask a Doctor 
  • Research: Study volunteers, study results
group with matching yellow t-shirts "baltimore versus covid"

Why The Markets?  

Baltimore Public Markets(link is external) have a long history in Baltimore and they remain central points for commerce and gathering. Our presence in the market allows us to engage with the community in a personal and meaningful way.  

In 2018, we expanded our Day at the Market Program to Lexington Market (link is external)in partnership with the University of Maryland Medical Center. Together, we bring health, nutrition, and exercise resources to the patrons at Lexington Market. 

Day at the Market Sponsors

Patrons at the Market Tell Us

East Baltimore Eats

We asked patrons at Northeast Market, “What is your favorite food?” and “What’s in it?” We assembled a cookbook that you can consult to cook along with our community. If you’re up for cooking at home, look at recipes for these favorites. There are suggestions as

East Baltimore Eats Cookbook

to making each dish to your taste and nutritional needs by modifying the ingredients. Sofia, our summer intern, hopes you enjoy! Many of the dishes can be purchased at this and other Baltimore City markets.

Survey of Market Goers

We asked patrons of the market for their recommendations in July 2022. Sofia has consolidated the findings in a memo. To the markets, patrons suggested more vendors offering healthy food choices, improved access to the market and expanding outreach to young adults. Both the markets and Day at the Market were urged to improve communication about offerings. And specific suggestions for Day at the Market were to increase offerings to include (more) information about HIV and pharmaceuticals.

Get Involved

We distribute COVID-19 related information and supplies, including hand soap, hand sanitizer, and masks. To support this effort, you may write a check to: Bloomberg School of Public Health External Affairs and direct its use to Day at the Market.  

Mail it to: 

Bloomberg School of Public Health 
External Affairs, E2132 
Attention: Yolanda Tillett 
615 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205 

Contact Us

Barbara Bates-Hopkins, Community Relations Coordinator 

Norma Kanarek, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor
Faculty Adviser 

two woman posing with preparedness education pamphlet